Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1513: Dan Sheng's strength

Remember in one second【】

This time the pill fight was also used to refine the marrow pill, but the time limit was shortened, only one hour.

Everyone in the audience was shocked. One hour was really too short. It was a treasure pill that was able to become a pill and was also a very poor quality pill. It was almost impossible to refine a spirit pill.

Just an hour after Wu Baopu Xiushui Pill was released from the oven, it was a middle-to-lower grade Bao Pill, and its selling was extremely poor.


A treasure tripod flew out from Qiu Xuanhe's hand, swelled like an inflatable, and finally became one foot high. It fell on the ground with a bang, shaking the entire Yaoshen Pavilion.

Baoding has three legs and two ears, a round belly, and the surface is decorated with nine dragons. It is vividly portrayed and lifelike, exuding oppressive coercion.

"this is"

"The legendary Nine Dragons Holy Bronze Tripod"

After recognizing the treasure tripod, the audience exclaimed.

The Nine Dragon Sacred Bronze Ding, but the supreme treasure Ding of the God of Medicine Sect, can refine the holy pill.

This tripod is not only a pill tripod, but also a magic weapon for combat. It can be used to kill enemies in battle. The trip can turn into a height of tens of meters.

"I heard that the God of Medicine Sect also has an ancient furnace called the Sun God Furnace, one of my rare artifacts in Kunxu. I don't know if it is true or not."

"I have also heard that it is mostly true."

"If there is, it is also the treasure of the Zhenzong. It is not easy to take it out. Moreover, the ancient artifacts, which have been passed down to the present, are mostly flawed. They must be kept warm and repaired to maintain their spirituality."

Regardless of other people's comments, as soon as the Jiulong Sacred Bronze Ding was sacrificed, Qiu Xuanhe began to urge, and the majestic true essence gushed from his palms, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, and the momentum was huge and endless.

Bang bang bang

The Dan Ding was trembling, like a big drum being beaten, the pattern on it became clearer and brighter.

"As the saying goes, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, but if there are no pots and pans, it is difficult to cook with rice. The same is true for alchemy. First of all, there must be utensils, a good cauldron. Different cauldrons carry different loads. The refined medicine grade is also different."

"The way of alchemy is not so much the way of heaven as the way of man. In all aspects, man is always the first. Open the furnace and control the flame."

"Turning on the cauldron is the first and the most basic step. If it is not activated properly, it will affect the special effects of the cauldron and ultimately affect the cohesive effect of the pill."

Qiu Xuanhe opened the pill furnace while slowly speaking.

At this moment, he didn't seem to be fighting a pill, but more like an elder preaching. He had a demeanor of everyone, which was impressive.

Boom boom boom

With the infusion of surging true essence, the Nine Dragons Holy Bronze Cauldron has become more and more brilliant, flaming and dazzling. The nine big dragons glow all over, as if they have been resurrected, giving people a sense of dynamics, feeling that they may rush out of the cauldron at any time and travel this world between.

His techniques are as natural as natural, like a master of splashing ink, freehand, easy to write every stroke, and his skills are close to Taoism.

In the end, the Nine-Dragon Sacred Bronze Ding was completely urged, blooming tens of thousands of times, shining the Medicine God Pavilion into a bright light, the nine-striped dragon really got out of the trip, flying around, spinning around the Ding, sending out There was a sound of dragon chanting.

"It is worthy of the Nine Dragons Holy Bronze Tripod, Nine Dragons flying, better than the Kylin treasure furnace of the Lord Wu."

"The cauldron of the sacred product has the stigmata imprinted on it, so that's not enough. Ordinary alchemy masters can't even move them."

"Yes, Sect Master Qiu seems relaxed and freehand, but the amount of True Yuan spent to turn on the Pill Furnace is massive."

"Move the Sacred Furnace Stigma, Sect Master Qiu is going to use his full strength, and is determined to win this round."

There were bursts of exclamation from the crowd, and everyone was convinced by the Nine Dragon Saint Bronze Ding, or by Qiu Xuanhe's magical techniques.

"That kid"

Many people looked at Ye Tian again, but saw the young man squinting his eyes slightly and staring at Qiu Xuanhe as if he had forgotten that he was fighting pill.

"Master Ye, you can start now." Zhou Mingshan reminded beside him, very anxious.

"It's okay, I always respect the old and love the young, let him practice for a while first." Ye Tian said lightly, holding his hands on his back, indifferent.

Zhou Mingshan's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

Suddenly laughter came from the crowd

"This kid, he still doesn't know when he is about to die, he dare to say that he respects the old and loves the young, let Sect Master Qiu practice for a while."

"Wait to see how his face was beaten and swollen."


Amid the crowd's discussion, Qiu Xuanhe stomped his foot suddenly, and the ground shook violently.

Suddenly an orange flame burst out of the earth, and a dragon-shaped phantom was ignited and burned raging.

"Pill Dao is also the Dao of Fire. Playing with flames and controlling flames is a science and the most important thing. To refine different medicines, you need to use different flames or different combinations of flames,"

Bang, bang

In the voice, Qiu Xuanhe stomped his feet continuously, and a flamboyant flame burst out of the earth, with different colors, igniting a dragon-shaped phantom.

In the end, all nine dragon-shaped phantoms were ignited and turned into nine different flames, red, yellow, green, or bright white, burning the cauldron together.

The emptiness is bright, turning into a world of flames, and the hot temperature almost ignites the air. Several big earth immortals in the field consciously took action and jointly propped up a shield of gas to prevent the spread of flame heat.

"Oh my God, nine types of earth fires, Sect Master Qiu actually triggered nine types of earth fires."

^0^Remember in one second【】

There was another exclamation in the crowd, and every eyeball was about to come out.

There is only one kind of earth fire in many people's impressions, that is, the fire of the earth lung, but the fire of the earth lung can also be subdivided into different types, according to the five elements of yin and yang, with different attributes.


Qiu Xuanhe grabbed it with a big hand, and dozens of medicinal materials prepared in advance flew in, first tempered with different flames, and then flew into the cauldron one by one.


With a loud bang, the lid closed and began to refine.

"The third step, the refining process, seems to be the most common, but it is the link that best reflects the level of an alchemy master's alchemy. Different alchemy techniques will lead to different alchemy times and different levels of final alchemy. "

While talking, Qiu Xuanhe made a seal with both hands and typed a rune, like stars, lit up in the cauldron.

After a while, the inside of the cauldron was "starry", as if it had turned into a starry sky.

A group of seven star runes are formed into a large array of seven stars, which rotates like a ritual, wrapping plants of elixir in it, extracting the power of the medicine, and condensing it into an amber-like juice.

Before long, the dozens of elixir in the cauldron all turned into concoction.

When all the elixir has turned into juice, dozens of seven-star arrays are united into a star-doubling array, like a spherical sky, gathering the medicine and condensing into a pill.

"This is the seven-star alchemy technique"

Some alchemists were shocked when they recognized this alchemy.

The seven-star alchemy technique is an alchemy technique handed down by the founder of the Medicine God Sect, and it is still passed down in the Medicine God Sect after endless years.

However, this alchemy technique is extremely difficult, it is a holy pill technique, and it is very difficult for the elders to master it completely.

In Qiu Xuanhe's hands, the seven-star alchemy technique is clearly perfect and has reached its peak.

"Master Ye, can we start?" Zhou Mingshan urged.

"Don't worry, don't worry, the old man makes alchemy, let him be a while."

Zhou Mingshan wants to cry without tears, your sister, let’s let it go, okay?

"Is this going to admit defeat?"

The crowd laughed.

Qiu Xuanhe couldn't help but wonder if he had read it wrong. Ye Tian was not as powerful as he imagined. At this moment, he was indifferent because he was afraid and didn't dare to compete with him.

If you look at it wrongly, it's really a horrible story.

However, looking at Ye Tian's expression, he was calm and plain, as if he was respecting the old and loving the young, with confidence.

"No matter so much, I will refine the pill first before talking." Qiu Xuanhe must be mindful, regardless of Ye Tian.


Two hours before the last quarter of an hour, the cauldron suddenly heard a crisp sound, but the lid of the cauldron was lifted, and a dragon-shaped glow flew out, making waves of slight dragons.


Qiu Xuanhe grabbed it with his big hand, and the dragon-shaped shadow fell into his palm, turning into a bright yellow, crystal clear pill.

Brush up

Looking through a pair of eyes, I saw that this pill was a bit brighter and fuller than the one made by Wu Baopu just now.

Several alchemists from other sects stepped forward to taste them together.

"Washing the marrow pill, the pill becomes the spiritual product"


The final result was announced, and the audience was in an uproar.

It is not a miracle to refine a middle-spirit cleansing pill in one hour, it is clearly a miracle, like a fairy tale, it is very unreal.

Zhou Laodixian's face was ashes

If you lose, you will definitely lose.

Only if Ye Tian can refine the upper spirit grade cleansing pill can he win, and this is simply impossible.

Ye Tian’s alchemy became superb again, but there was only a quarter of an hour left.

Brush up

At the next moment, all eyes looked at Ye Tian, ​​wanting to see the boy's reaction.

"Boy, what else do you have to say"

"Now it's time to give up"

"It's interesting, knowing that I will lose, so I just won't make a move."

"But this kid obviously lost, why do I think he won"

"Yes, if you lose, you can join the God of Medicine Sect and become the elder of Ke Qing. This kid, the thief, deliberately"

Multi-source novel a: Mimi reading iiread

There was an uproar in the crowd. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Even Zhou Mingshan's two old eyes are bright.

Is this a loss?

Even if you lose, you still lose

"Congratulations, join my God of Medicine Sect." Qiu Xuanhe came to Ye Tian with a smile on his face, like a loving old man, and said, "If you take back what you just said and are willing to join me and become a true disciple, I can forget the blame. From now on, you, my master and apprentice, will join the road together."

In the crowd, all kinds of voices of envy, jealousy and hatred rose again, and some people's eyes were red.

"Is that the time hasn't arrived yet, how do you think I will lose" Ye Tian chuckled.

As soon as he said this, the discussion in the crowd stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at him like a fool.

It's all in this situation, and I still don't admit defeat

Is it possible to come back?

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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