Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1519: Dan Sheng's name

"Look, the ladder!"

   "There are people on it, so familiar!"

   "My God, it's Little Pill Saint. The fire is all over the city of Medicine God, can you not be familiar with it?"

   "It's him, I recognize it too, it's so cool, even cooler than God Child Jiuli!"


   A cloud ladder rises from the foot of the mountain, like a wave of tens of thousands of angry waves slamming against the sky, shaking the sky, leading to three thousand feet to the roof.

   These scenes, like miracles, immediately attracted the attention of everyone at the foot of the mountain.

   During this period of time, the name that can make a sensation in Quankun Ruins, in addition to the eight-armed Gorefiend, must be Xiao Dan Sheng Yetian. One is notorious, and the other is well-known in the world.

  Complete the formula of the Heaven-Mending Pill, refining the Heaven-Mending Pill, and refining a hundred pill in one furnace. The pill first surpassed Wu Baopu, the Great Master of the Eight-Rank Alchemy Dao, and then surpassed the Pill Saint Qiu Xuanhe...

   Every record is enough to be recorded in the annals of history, and will be admired by future generations.

   In the city of Medicine God, young people are even more aware of them. They are well-known figures. They have even become the talk of many people after dinner, and they are even more boasted.

   But he said that he is not only the little pill saint, but also the pill king and the first alchemist of the entire Kunxu.

   The same Dan Sheng, Qiu Xuanhe is not as good as him.

  Yu Li, Qiu Xuanhe would bow to him when he saw him.

   This is the rule of the alchemy, and it is also the rule of the immortal world.

   Since ancient times, alchemists have held an extraordinary position.

   At this moment, only from a back view, many people also recognize him.

   There was an uproar in the audience!

   The **** child Jiuli seemed to have become a floating cloud, and no one paid attention anymore. All eyes were fixed on the ladder and the two figures on the ladder.

  Of course, the main thing is Xiao Dansheng's body, the young man with a green shirt, black hair, a thin body, a beautiful appearance, and a three-point bookish air.

   "Strange, where did this ladder come from? I haven't seen it before!"

   "Did Xiao Dan set it up? Then he is too great, not only the Dan Dao connects to the sky, but the spells are also first-class. With these methods, the cultivation base must be at least the gods."

"Nonsense, control the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and condense into a three-thousand-zhang cloud ladder. This is the ability that the earth immortal can only have, and it may not be so beautiful. The little pill saint is just an alchemist, and the real martial arts cultivation should not be very good. It’s impossible to do this."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "That's right, alchemists are fascinated by the elixir, and their cultivation tends to lag behind their peers. Even if they have the same realm, their combat effectiveness will also be inferior. So what is going on?"

   "In my opinion, this may be a welcoming ceremony prepared by the Medicine God Sect for the Little Pill Saint."

   "What? A three-thousand-zhang ladder to greet Xiao Dansheng, is this etiquette too grand?"

"What do you know, Xiao Pill Saint is my number one alchemist in Kunxu, the real pill king, surpassing the earth immortal, comparable to condensing pill, no matter how great the etiquette is. This way, the prescription shows that the medicine Shenzong respects the alchemy. ."


   There was a lot of noise at the foot of the mountain, and soon the news was also heard on the platform.

   At this time, the **** child Jiuli had just fallen from the sky, and was greatly admired by a group of bigwigs.

   The thousand-year-old dragon, after sending him to the place, rose to the sky again and returned to Jiuli Sect.

   Thousand-year-old Jiao is one of the foundations of Jiuli Sect. Thousands of years are old. If you don't become a golden pill, you will eventually get old. Usually, you live in Jiuli Sect and rarely go out.

The **** child Jiuli wears a nine dragon purple gold robe and a nine dragon purple gold crown on his head. His appearance is handsome and his breath is elegant. The whole body is enveloped by a layer of purple light, making him look sacred and peaceful, like an immortal king, descending in the red dust. , So many monks with weak cultivation base could not help but want to worship.

   The **** son Jiuli first met a group of big earth immortals on the viewing platform. He was generous, elegant and courteous, and made people feel good about it.

   "Sect Master Qiu, can you start?" After seeing the ceremony, God Child Jiuli asked Qiu Xuanhe.

   "Everything that should have arrived, right?" Qiu Xuanhe looked around Tianjiao sitting on the stage, dozens of Tianjiao sitting on the platform, all of them are stubborn generations, and there are tyrannical auras permeating the calmness.

   "The little peacock prince of Xuanqingzong has not arrived yet." Someone said.

   In the last Tianjiao contest, the little peacock prince won the ninth place, and it is hard not to be noticed. But Tianjiao did not appear on the stage.

   But he said that the little peacock prince had arrived at Medicine God City a long time ago, and suddenly disappeared a few days ago, and even his master, Elder Zhao Ji, has disappeared.

   However, there are too many people in Medicine God City, and Xuan Qingzong is not looking for it in the future, so no one cares. Like this kind of Tianjiao, he has almost the ability to go into the earth, and he doesn't go where he wants to go.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "You can't delay the fight because of him. I announce that the Tianjiao fight is starting now." Qiu Xuanhe said loudly.

"The top three can get a Nine Rank Wan Ling Great Pill refined by our Medicine God Sect. This time the Nine Rank Wan Ling Great Pill becomes a sacred product, so I won’t need to introduce it more. The road of immortality has been shortened by at least half."

"I hope that the competition will be based on the principle of friendship first and competition second. When you click, don’t make heavy hands, try not to bleed and You are all the mainstays of my Kunxu future. If one person had an accident, it was my loss to Kunxu."


  Qiu Xuanhe's mobilization is over, and the game officially begins.

   Jiuli Shenzi stands proudly with his hand. As the first in the Tianjiao list, he doesn't need to challenge anyone, just accept the challenge of others.

   If no one dares to challenge him, he will still sit on the first place.

   Jiuli Shenzi stands proudly with his hands in his hands, straight nose and mouth, face like a knife, a pair of eyes like an abyss, people can't see to the bottom, the stalwart body has a tendency to swallow the mountains and rivers, so that the sky is so full that the arrogant can't even breathe.

   According to the legend, the goddess of Jiuli is only half a step away from the earth fairy.

   Brush Brush!

   All the eyes of the audience converged on the **** son Jiuli and Zhao Zixu, the second year old.

   If you start with No. 1 and No. 2 on the Tianjiao ranking, it will be exciting.

   The deep eyes of the God Child Jiuli also looked at Zhao Zixu, a sense of war came into being, and he was eager to try.

   Among the many arrogances in the field, Zhao Zixu cooperated with him in the battle, and he was too lazy to handle the others.

"You don't need to be so serious. I'll do the first game." Li Chen Jianzi stepped forward, volunteered, and then bowed his hand to Zhao Zixu, the son of Wanfa, and said, "Brother Zixu, please give me your advice. "

   "Good!" Zhao Zixu nodded to challenge.

   But at this moment, there was a tsunami-like sound from the foot of the mountain, including the shouts of the crowd, and the sound of wind rolling clouds and angry waves hitting the sky, rumbling and shaking the sky.

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