Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1520: The Gift of King Dan

"Return to Sect Master, it is Ye Xiaozi, oh no, it is Ye Dansheng who is here."

   A disciple of Shen Yaozong came to report.

  The people of the Medicine Shenzong have no good feelings about Ye Tian, ​​and they can even say that they hate it. Because of Ye Tian, ​​the Medicine God Sect was pulled down from the altar. This was a great shame and hatred.

   The disciple who reported to the sect spoke with a three-point anger, but when he thought of other great figures in the sect, he changed his words quickly so as not to lose his tongue.

   "Is the little pill saint coming?"

   A group of big guys were immediately shocked.

   They talked about Xiao Dansheng just now, but they didn't expect to say Cao Cao, Cao Cao would be there.

  Qiu Xuanhe frowned even more, his expression became serious, his buttocks moved, like sitting on pins and needles.

   Ye Tian's arrival caused him a big problem!

   Is it treated as the Kunxu Dan King?

   Still treated as ordinary people?

   If you are the king of pill, you must greet you with a grand gift, and even the seat under his buttocks must be let out, letting Ye Tian sit in his seat.

   But if this is the case, how does his face save Qiu Xuanhe?

  How can the face of Shenzong of Medicine Save?

   And if you treat it as an ordinary person, it will inevitably give outsiders your tongue. Yao Shenzong, as the alchemy sect, does not respect the alchemy king and does not respect the alchemy.

   In this case, why would others respect you?

"so hard!"

   Qiu Xuanhe was sad for a while, his brow furrowed, and his brain cells were not enough.


   Accompanied by the sound of an angry wave hitting the sky, a ladder quickly reached the top of the sky.

   Brush Brush!

   On the sky platform, all eyes looked over, and everyone was silent, with a solemn expression, as if waiting for a big man to come.

   Soon, two figures, one big and one small, appeared, walked down the ladder, and landed on the platform.

   Ye Tian waved his big hand, the ladder dispersed, turned into vitality, and returned to heaven and earth.

   "Wow!" Luo Li was so surprised that she opened her mouth into an O-shape, and at the same time there was a trace of stage fright, pulling at the corner of Ye Tian's clothes and reluctant to let go.

   Ye Tian touched her little head and chuckled softly: "Don't be afraid, there is a big brother."

   Frankly speaking, he was very uncomfortable being stared at by so many people.

  He just wanted to see the Tianjiao fighting in Kunxu, to see what level these so-called Tianjiao's strength values ​​are. Anyway, idle is also idle.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Little Dansheng, it's really him! So young, can he be twenty years old?" There was an exclamation from the crowd.

   And those arrogant people, their faces are all hard to see the extreme, eyes full of disbelief.

   Ye Tian seems to be younger than all of them, but their achievements are so high that they are beyond the reach of their lives.

   In fact, there are more than these arrogances, it's a group of big earth immortals, their expressions have also changed slightly.

   This is a pill king, but he can stand shoulder to shoulder with the condensed pill. How to treat it, not only Qiu Xuanhe must consider, all of them must consider.

   "Little Pill Saint is a good method, not only is the alchemy first-class, but also has the ability to reach the sky. This hand of heaven and earth's vitality is condensed into the cloud ladder technique, and it takes a lot of effort to let the old do it.

   From the observation platform of the Great Dixian, a loud voice came out, and then a white-haired old man stood up and walked over to Ye Tian with a big smile.

   is the lord of Tianji Temple, Wu Wentian.

   This person is very grateful, and since Ye Tian gave him a pill, he has always admired Ye Tian.

  As soon as he left the table, the whole gangster watching platform was in a commotion.

   Tianji Temple ranks among the top ten sects in Kunxu. What a character Wu Wentian is, even he respects Xiaodan Saint, and others have to weigh their own weight.

   "A trivial trick is not enough. Wu Dianzhu praised it." Ye Tianqian said modestly.

   The second big man who got up was a beautiful woman, dressed in a moon-white gauze, tall in shape, walking in the lotus style, like a lotus flower, exuding a charming charm.

   Seeing this woman, Luo Li quickly hid behind Ye Tian, ​​panicking.

   "It's okay, just say that I brought you up." Ye Tian smiled and touched the little girl's head again.

   This beautiful woman is the head of Shuiyuezong, Sect Master Yueyue.

   "Yue Hao has seen Ye Dansheng." Walking to Ye Tian, ​​Sect Master Yue Hao put down his body and saluted.

   "Master, I..." Luo Li said timidly. Under the fierce eyes of Master, he slowly walked out from behind Ye Tian.

   "Ye Dansheng, I'm causing you trouble." Sect Master Yueyue first said to Ye Tian, ​​then took the apprentice and left.

   Although she saluted Ye Tian, ​​there was obviously a trace of fear in her eyes, as if she didn't want to involve too much relationship with Ye Tian.

   "Unexpectedly, the last time I met you were still an alchemy master, this time I met you became a pill sage, Kunxu pill king. It is really interesting." Li Chen was full of emotion.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   was thinking, he suddenly stepped out to meet Ye Tian.

   "Jianzi went to salute Xiao Dan Sheng?"

   A group of Tianjiao was surprised.

   Many more people are stunned and emotional.

   They knew that Jianzi respected not the monk Ye Tian, ​​but the king of pill Ye Tian, ​​or it was the pill!

  Any monk, as long as he has taken a pill, he must have respect for the elixir.

  As for the young Pill Saint, I am afraid that it is difficult to find a second one since the ages.

   The future achievements of the young man are limitless, and they may even become the **** of pill. They may not be able to ask for pill and medicine in the future.

   Next Whether it's the Great Lord Observing Platform or Tianjiao sitting on the platform, people constantly get up and salute Ye Tian.

   This is the etiquette of the world of immortality, which expresses respect for alchemy.

   Although the world of cultivating immortals respects the use of force, they are not barbarians. They only know how to eat the weak and eat the strong. They also have their own etiquette, and regard it as a standard, and will never be overstepped easily.

  Qiu Xuanhe's **** was like sitting on pins and needles, and finally couldn't sit still anymore, he also got up to bow to Ye Tian.

"Sect Master Qiu, is this uncontrollable? It's just a fight with pill, why take it seriously? His pill technique may not be better than you." said Wang Xinghai, the great elder of Jiuli God Sect, wishing to reach out both hands , Press Qiu Xuanhe down.

   "Some people, don't know the etiquette, don't know the etiquette. Sovereign Qiu, don't be familiar with him, let's go." Elder Sun Kaishan of Wan Fazong said, and got up with Qiu Xuanhe.


   When the two of them moved, the disciples of the two schools also moved, causing a lot of people.

   Seeing this, the other big guys didn't hesitate anymore and got up to bow to King Dan.

   "Master, big brother is so amazing, so many big people salute him. If Luo Li can be like him one day, it will be fine." Luo Li was very excited, seeing small stars appearing in both eyes.

Sect Master Yueyue shook his head, and said, "It's nothing more than superficial skills. You are an unrooted and unsophisticated cultivator without a strong backstage. The higher you fly, the heavier you will fall."

   "Master, what do you mean?"

   "You will understand later. Listen to what your teacher says, don't get too close to him, so as not to bring harm to yourself and even the sect."


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