Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1541: Slaughter

King Danta, as high as one hundred meters, is like a pillar supporting the heavens, towering between heaven and earth, magnificent.

   At the door of King Danta, a group of people guarded here, all of them are gods and earth immortals.

Ye Tian turned into a flesh chariot, rushing in at several times the speed of sound, and rushed here in one breath. His clothes were blood-red, and a long sword in his hand was dripping blood. Even from a long distance, he could smell the strong smell. taste.

   On the way, he has harvested at least hundreds of lives, and there is no lack of divine power, just like the Yama of the earth, which is shocking.

   At this moment, standing in front of King Danta, he was surprisingly calm and calm, only endless killing intent, which did not match his slightly immature face.

   "Let's do it together and kill him!"

   Eight people shot at the same time, eight kinds of magic weapons were sacrificed, there were war swords, flying swords, big seals, ancient lights,..., the brilliance flashed, a splendid, tragic atmosphere overwhelmed the world, and the horror was extreme.

   Ye Tian's body was within a radius of one foot, and it immediately turned into a dead Jedi, full of terrifying divine power, even if the earth immortal stood here, he might explode and die, turning into **** mud and broken bones.


   Ye Tian let out a loud roar, and the chaotic thunder sound shook so that the king of Dan Pago was shaking. A heavy sound wave is more like a big wave, surging in all directions, making many people's hearts throbbing, the eardrums are bulging, almost about to be penetrated, and even the body can't help but throw it out.

   Ye Tian's body is full of golden light, stimulating the golden eucharist, the whole person is like a god-gold glaze cast, revealing an eternal and immortal breath, surpassing the immortal body, enough to fight against the golden eucharist, and it is astonishingly strong.

   He roared like a thunder roar, roaring the world, the whole person is like a super volcano, the blood is very strong, scrolling for nine days.

  Although Ye Tian has not deliberately practiced a certain sound wave technique, he has practiced the five-element chaos divine thunder secret technique, combined with the power of the golden eucharist, mixed with thunder sound in sound waves, but also has a terrifying sound wave attack effect.


   The two cultivators of the early stage of the Divine Realm broke directly, and were shaken into two masses of blood mist.

   There are also three cultivators in the late stage of the Divine Realm that were shaken by the sound wave and flew upside down, embedded in the wall of the Danta like a mural, vomiting blood, and their faces pale.


   Ye Tian waved the long sword in his hand, turned into a golden light, and rushed up, fast enough to make people tremble.

   The Sun and Moon Divine Sword is invincible and unstoppable. All the magic weapons in front of him were shattered by a sword.

   bang bang bang!

   A series of explosive sounds came out, the Sun and Moon Divine Sword has the power to destroy it, nothing can stop it, whether it is a big seal, an ancient lamp, or a sword, it breaks in two.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   The stigmata is revived, the sword rises from the sun and the moon moves, and countless stars surround it. Everyone can see how extraordinary this sword is. Many people even recognized this as the Sun Moon Sword, once the treasure of the Sun Moon Sword Palace, the first holy soldier in the Kunxu Weapons Spectrum.

   Had it not been for thousands of years in the secular world, the Sun Moon God Sword would have long been transformed into a magic weapon.

   Now, there are seven stigmas in the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, and two more stigmas can be transformed, and the nine stigmas are condensed into one.

   The sage soldiers with six stigmata can be called legendary sage soldiers, which are rare in Kunxu today.


   A big land immortal was stabbed by Ye Tian with a sword, and all the magic weapons on his body were shattered. Amid the roar of anger, his body was split in half, and he was killed by the sword.


   The remaining two earth immortals at the gate of King Danta were taken aback, and could hardly believe their eyes. They were not only surprised at the sword in Ye Tian's hand, but also at Ye Tian's invincible physique.


   The two of them are very self-aware, one left and the other right, dashing and fleeing, not daring to get close to Ye Tian and start the front.


   Ye Tian kicked the door of King Danta to pieces, even if there were **** patterns on the door, it was not acceptable. The runes flickered, and the sawdust flew horizontally, and the whole door was kicked to pieces by Ye Tian.

   "Who is this guy? He is so strong at a young age?" The land fairy asked.

   "The Sun and Moon Divine Sword is in his hand. I know, he is the young man who swept the Southern Territory. He beat the Profound Sword Sect to throw away his helmet and abandon his armor." Another big immortal said.

   "In that case, he killed Xiao Wenlong when I taught the immortal Miao?" said Wang Xinghai, the great elder of the Jiuli Sect. Xiao Wenlong is the younger brother of Jiuli Shenzi.

  He is holding a spear and is fighting with the old man Jiujue.

   Jiujue old man only had one hand left after all, and he was beaten steadily.

   The purple gold gourd lost his master's control, swayed in the sky, and still couldn't take away the nine-turn panacea.

   While Qiu Xuanhe controls the Dragon Mark Lihuo Treasure Ding, he is already collecting the Nine-turn Wan Ling Great Pill.

   Jiujie old man was extremely anxious, but helpless.

   "When I kill you, I will kill that kid." Wang Xinghai said coldly.

   "It's not ashamed. If I hadn't broken an arm, I would have slapped you to death with a **** slap." The old man Jiu Jue shouted.

   "Three tricks will kill you!" Wang Xinghai was murderous.

   At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and a sensational news came out:

   "He is the King Xiaodan, who used the disguise technique and changed his appearance. Just now in the Tongtiantai, he killed the **** son Jiuli, the son of Wanfa, the white fairy, the sword of Lichen,..."


   As soon as the news came out, a large number of elders at the scene were not calm.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   These top arrogances are all disciples cultivated by the Yijiao, and they will inherit the position of teaching in the future. Now that he was killed by someone, this is an unshakable enemy.

   "Should this be true?" Wang Xinghai was taken aback in shock.


   At this moment, the old man Jiu Jue slapped out a palm, blasting Wang Xinghai backwards.

   Then, the old man Jiujue quickly sacrificed a mana, controlled the purple gold gourd, and went to collect the Nine-turn Wan Ling Great Pill.

At this time, within the six-pointed star killing array controlled by the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, a heart-piercing scream suddenly came out. After all, the trapped Pinnacle Land Immortal could not escape, and was joined by several earth celestials in the Hall of Heavenly Secrets. . The stolen Nine Ranks Great Pill was robbed back again.

   This is a killing and robbery. People continue to die tragically. There are guardians and looters. The blood stains the earth red, and the blood mist fills the sky, a **** and tragic.

   Ye Tian rushed into the king of Dan Pagoda in the earth-shaking shouting and killing. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

When    enters the eye, there is a glorious, refreshing fragrance of medicine, which makes people mesmerized.

   At the very center of the lobby on the first floor, there is an earth lung fire pool. Nine-colored flames sprayed out of the ground and burned, which is nine kinds of earth lung fire.

   Beside the Earth Lung Fire Pond, a girl in white clothes was lying on the ground, her hair full of messy hair, and her anger was like gossip.

"Who the **** are you? Where did you come from the fire? Don't tell me?" a blue-clothed woman yelled, stepping one foot on the white-clothed girl's belly and violently stepping on it, and the white-clothed girl's bones broke , The body twitched.

   "Senior sister, take a moment and don't kill her. Otherwise, the fire in her body will also go out. Master will punish us." Another woman in purple said.

   "Needless to say, I have a sense of measure." The blue-clothed woman was arrogant, still using her feet, and said: "Little girl, her mouth is quite hard. Waiting to search for your soul, see if you dare to be hard."

"who are you?"

   Suddenly, the purple-clothed woman spotted Ye Tian and immediately asked, becoming vigilant.


   As soon as her voice fell, she was shaken into a **** mist by a finger from Ye Tian.


   The blue-clothed woman just raised her eyes and suddenly fell out of her body involuntarily, and fell into the ground lung fire pool behind her.

   "Ahhhhh..." The blue-clothed woman screamed, trying to rush out of the earth lung fire pool, but was pressed down by a big golden hand.

   The big golden hand is also full of flames.

   Finally, in the heart-piercing screams, the woman in blue was burned alive to ashes.

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