Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1542: Rescue Mengyao

"Teacher, why are you here?" The white-clothed girl was surprised, struggling to stand up, but her body was really weak and eventually fell down.

   Ye Tian walked step by step, his steps were very heavy, and the feelings in his heart were mixed. He never thought that Mengyao would be like this after seeing him for a while. If he comes a step late, the girl may really die tragically, and become a major regret in his life.

   "Teacher, it's too dangerous here, you go quickly, leave me alone." Mengyao said, her expression was very anxious, she was pretending to be strong, but there were crystal tears dripping from the corners of her eyes.

   During this period of time, she was imprisoned by Shenzong Medicine, as a Dan slave, day and night, urging her body to use the five elements to get rid of the fire, burn the pill furnace, and let the nine-turn Wanling Great Pill perform the ninth revolution refining.

   The true essence in her body has been exhausted a long time ago. It is the elders of the God of Medicine Sect, one by one, forcibly infusing her true essence, spurring the fire, and keeping the five elements away from the source of fire.

   High-intensity overdraft of the body, so that Mengyao looks like this at the moment, the body is almost squeezed clean, life is better than death.

   "Stop!" A sharp shout suddenly came from behind.


Ye Tian didn't even look at it. He pinched a sword tactic with his right hand and swiped it lightly in the void. A line of blood suddenly appeared, and there was a bang, and a head rolled down to his feet, his eyes opened angrily, as if he couldn't squint. .

   "Boy, no matter who you are, you are dead today! All elders and disciples, join me in order to slay this officer!"

The two elders who fled from the Earth Immortal appeared again, with a group of masters, there are a total of more than 20 people, most of them are disciples of the Gods of Medicine Sect, the weakest cultivation base also has the gods, blocking the only exit, yes Ye Tian pressed forward.

   "You all deserve to die!" Ye Tian gritted his teeth, still did not look back.


A strong murderous intent erupted from his body, invisible and invisible, but it made everyone feel it. The huge hall was cold like winter for a moment, and the nine-colored flames in the earth lung fire pool were almost completely frozen. Go out.

   "Teacher..." Mengyao struggled, her eyes panicked.

   "Stop talking, I will save you out now."

   Ye Tian's palm condensed a chaotic essence, shining like a small sun, not hitting the besieged person, but poured into Mengyao's body, so that she would not be so weak.

   "Run, refine this true essence." Ye Tian said.

   "En." Mengyao nodded, no longer said anything, and did what Ye Tian said.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Although the disciples of the Medicine God Sect are not good at fighting, they are very accomplished in formation.

   At this moment, with a number of earth immortals as the array of eyes, an earth immortal killing array was quickly set up. Everyone raised their swords at the same time, and the tip of the sword pointed at Ye Tian in the killing array, connecting each other with Qi.


   An earth fairy opened his mouth, sounding like thunder, and reciting a series of mantras.

   Everyone started a wonderful move, following a certain pace.


   The Celestial Killing Array started to circulate, and the sword glow rushed out, piercing the void, and assassinated Xiang Ye Tian.

   Boom boom boom!

  Rolling murderous intent was raging like a tide, and the clank sword rang through the sky, terrifying and frightening.

"Give me to die!" Ye Tian yelled, dancing wildly with his head, the top of his head turned over the sky, the body of Chaos Qi was hanging down, his feet stepped on the floating light and shadowy steps, he ran across the killing formation, holding a sword in one hand, a fist in the other, and the sword out The sun, the moon and the stars follow each other, and the fists move in all directions.


   There was a dazzling light from the whole world, Ye Tian's golden blood rushed into the sky, flooded the place, and massive divine power surged.

   He was almost unaffected in the Earth Immortal Killing Array, coming and going freely, not only because of the powerful body protection effect of the Heaven-shaking Seal, but also because of his superb power in the light and shadow steps. Whenever a large killer strikes, he can always escape.


   He blasted out with a punch, like a drum beat, erupting with a deafening noise, stomping the void.

   Under the terrifying force of the fist, one figure after another exploded, turning into a cloud of blood mist, all shattered.

   In the end, Ye Tian slashed out with a single sword, breaking the entire killing formation. Except for a few Dixian Gou, the disciples of the gods were almost dead.

   "Damn, you can't let him go!"

   "You must skin him if you catch him."


   Several elders gritted their teeth.

   "I imprisoned my disciple as Dannu, you all deserve to die!" Ye Tianli was angry, and he also shot out real fire, his expression terrifying and terrifying.

   However, he didn't lose his mind, and he couldn't compete with the entire Medicine God Sect and so many foreign immortals with his own power. Now it is most important to rescue Mengyao.


   Accompanied by an earth-shaking tiger roar, a white tiger rushed out of Ye Tian's body, culled to an earth fairy, opened his mouth and vomited, Gengjin murderous intent accompanied by the gods of thunder, rushing out.

   Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a clang of birds, another firebird rushed out of Ye Tian's body, and opened its mouth to spout a monstrous fire, accompanied by the chaotic fire **** thunder, and blasted away at another earth fairy.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   is Ye Tian’s White Tiger Dharma Body and Suzaku Dharma Body.

   is not only the Dharmakaya, but also has a certain sense of autonomy. For Ye Tian's thoughts, there is no need to control it.

   Taking advantage of this moment, Ye Tian quickly took out the Profound Light Stage, poured his mana into it, and a gate of time and space appeared quickly.

   At this time, Mengyao had already refined a part of the Chaos True Essence that Ye Tian had poured into her. The aura on her body rose rapidly, and her physique became much stronger. When she could bear the pressure of shattering the void.

   "Wait for me over there," Ye Tian said, and directly pushed Mengyao into the gate of time and space, and the dreamy bubbles disappeared.


   On the Xuanguang stage, there were a few more cracks, and it was about to break when I saw it, and it would not take a few times.


   At this moment, there was a roar in the sky, UU reading was violently shaken like a rag. The space inside the Dan Tower was also affected, as if a major earthquake occurred, and the Dan Tower shook violently.

  At this moment, everyone in the Medicine God City was shocked. Looking from a distance, I saw the Medicine God Sect Chixia rising into the sky, like a super volcanic eruption.

   An unparalleled coercion engulfed the entire back mountain of the God of Medicine Sect in an instant, and even the immortals could not contend, and the whole body trembled like chaff, and the people below the gods collapsed to the ground for the first time.

   The void was imprisoned and condensed into a single piece of iron, making it hard to move.

   Inside King Danta, a gate of time and space rising from the Xuanguangtai smashed into pieces.

  Many monks outside the scope of the back mountain just noticed a breath of energy, and they couldn't help but worship one after another, as if they feared the gods.

   "What is that? Why is there a sun suddenly?"

   "It's not the sun, it's a stove, the fire is blazing, it just looks like the sun."

   "I see, it is the God of Medicine Sect's Zhenzong artifact, the Sun God Furnace, one of the only three ancient artifacts in Kunxu."

   "The Sun God Furnace was used? Not so?"


   The crowd in the distance looked around and talked.

   Until the necessary moment of life and death, the Sun God Furnace will never be used, because every time it takes a huge consumption, the God Furnace will also be damaged.

  Because there is a shortage of the **** furnace, it was passed down in ancient times. If it weren't for the warmth and nourishment of the medicine gods, it would have been wiped out in the years.

   Now that the Sun God Furnace is turned on, something earth-shattering must have happened to the God of Medicine Sect, and he is out of control.

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