Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1559: Each gains

The first sun fire essence Ye Tianzu has been refined for five days and five nights.

   Deep in the sea of ​​knowledge, a small golden lake has undergone great changes. It is as bright as a divine sun, and the golden divine consciousness is like a golden lava surging, flowing out an endless glow, scorching hot, flawless.

   Ye Tian obviously felt that the power of his divine consciousness was much stronger, and the sea of ​​consciousness was like a super volcano. It would be nothing if it did not erupt. Once it erupts, it will be earth-shattering, with the might of sweeping nine heavens and ten earth.


   At the center of the eyebrows, a beam of divine consciousness still shot out, connecting with the second sun fire spirit.

   A thick line of fire with a little finger was drawn, and flowed into the sea of ​​consciousness following the beam of divine consciousness.

   And when he instigated the first fire spirit, the fire line was only the thickness of the hair, and now it was thick with the little finger, which formed a sharp contrast.

   In the knowledge of the sea, the Yuanshen Dao Sword no longer fears the sun fire spirit, first approached a little bit, and took a trace of fire spirit to temper. Three days later, when the second sun fire essence was almost exhausted, the golden little man was bathed in the fire essence, as if taking a shower, which was shocking.


After the second sun fire was refined, a metal tremor sounded, Ye Tian's body seemed to be whispering with a divine sword, and at the center of his eyebrows, a golden little figure hugged the sword out, like a golden little sun, The whole floating mountain was shining golden, and scorching air waves surged out in all directions.

   Use the sun fire to refine the divine consciousness, just like sharpening the blade of a war knife, refine the true sun, wash away the mortal energy, and finally rebel the good fortune, let the divine consciousness sublimate and transform, and surging out more terrifying divine energy.

   If you look closely, you will find that the scars on the soul and the sword are gone, and the wounds have completely healed.

   The golden villain, the facial features become more and more concrete, the face is like a knife, and it is exactly the same as Ye Tian, ​​clearly a reduced version of Ye Tian.

   Next, Ye Tian took out the third Sun Fire Spirit and suspended it in mid-air.

   Then, Ye Tian made a bolder move. He asked the golden villain to swallow the sun fire spirit, instead of letting the sun fire spirit flow into the sea of ​​knowledge as before.

   It is definitely more dangerous to do this, but Ye Tian has enough confidence and confidence.


   The golden villain was fearless, flew up into the sky, approaching the sun fire spirit, opened a small mouth, and sucked in the sun fire spirit.

   I saw that above the fire spirit, a line of fire was stretched, went straight into the mouth of the golden villain, and was finally swallowed into the abdomen.

   The taste must be uncomfortable. Ye Tian only felt that his soul was being tortured by purgatory, but he resisted it.

"Wow even!"

   Above the ground, Bai Ling'er exclaimed again, as if he had seen a miracle, which was incredible.

   She practiced half-heartedly, unable to enter concentration, any wind and grass can wake her up, she does not look like a cultivator.


   Suddenly, a vast breath came from a mountain forest not far away, and a light golden beam of light rushed up into the sky, penetrating into a cyclone cloud cover with a radius of one hundred feet.

   In the cyclone cloud cover, the pale golden light beam burst and radiated out in all directions, finally dyeing the entire cyclone cloud cover into pale gold.

   Looking from a distance, it looks like a pale golden canopy, covering the sky, magnificent.

   However, the cloud cover did not last long, and after only a few minutes, it disappeared.

   "The blood rushes into the sky, and the clouds are condensed. This is a sign of the cultivation of the gods! It seems that the little girl from the Qingshan Gate has broken through." Bai Linger's eyes straightened and said eagerly, not without envy and hatred.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Although she is not a serious cultivator, she was born in Kunxu. She still knows these common sense.

  In other words, she is extremely eager for the great ability of the cultivator to fly into the earth, catch the stars and take the moon.

   It's just that she is no longer young, and now she consciously embarks on the road of cultivating immortals a bit late, and she can't catch up with her peers even if she tries her best, she can't help being discouraged.

   "There is nothing to envy, as long as you practice hard, you can definitely do it." Mengyao's voice came from behind, like, crisp, tactfully, and pleasant.

   "Is it really possible?" Bai Ling'er didn't look back, looking at the dispersing Baizhang cloud cover, his eyes were hot.

   "Why not? Didn't I just start practicing two years ago? As long as you have the heart, it will never be too late." Mengyao said, cheering Bai Ling'er.

   "Well, I also think I can. One day, I will also become a god-level celestial being, going to heaven and earth, omnipotent." Bai Ling'er suddenly clenched her small fist, her eyes firmer than ever.

   She was born in a wealthy family. She had no worries about food and clothing all her life. Everything was arranged at home. It is rare to do one thing according to her own will. Now, she finally made up her mind to become a cultivator.

   "Come on, I will teach you to enter Ding." Mengyao stood up, icy muscles and bones, graceful figure, dancing in white clothes, like a fairy Ling Chen.

   The aura on the girl's body is particularly powerful, her hair is shiny, her body blooms with a pale blue radiance, and her eyes are also ice blue, which is particularly attractive.

   A nine-turn Wan Ling Great Pill has been completely refined by her, and the cultivation base has advanced to the late stage of the gods.

   Like her, there is another person who has advanced to the late stage of the **** realm, Luo Feng.

   "Junior sister, congratulations, you have finally broken through the realm of heaven and man. From now on, you can't help but let your fate!" Luo Feng said to Zhao Qingyi.

   "How can it be so exaggerated. Brother is called amazing, there is only one step away from the immortal." Zhao Qingyi smiled, skin white as jade, smooth and delicate, graceful and graceful.

   "Lang, talented and female, such a beautiful couple, really enviable!" Bai Ling'er drove up again.

Suddenly, she looked at Mengyao, and then at Ye Tian on Fukong Mountain. Her big eyes turned round, and said: "If you want me to say, you and your master are also very good, perfect match, a natural pair. "

   "If you talk nonsense, I won't care about you." Mengyao was angry, and Caixia flew up on Qiao's face.

   "Okay, OK, just pretend I didn't say it." Bai Linger smiled hippiely.


   As Ye Tian's body revolved in refining God's Heart Technique, the golden little figure in the clouds grew stronger and better, as if there was a bottomless pit in his belly, he could swallow a lot of the essence of the sun every minute and every second.

   Ye Tian's body, the corresponding positions of the acupuncture points, one by one light spots light up, if you connect all the light spots together, you will find the shape of a Suzaku.

   is Ye Tian’s Suzaku Dharma body, which is recovering.

   The third sun and fire spirit, the golden villain took a day and was swallowed up.

   The fourth Sun Fire Essence took only half a day.

At this time, the Suzaku's Dharma body was fully restored, and it was stronger than before. It spread its wings in the void, and the flames surpassed the sky, like a cloud of fire, covering the sky, and a sonorous sound of birds, making all the spirit beasts throbbing and even frightening. Collapsed to the ground.

   Although it is the Suzaku Dharma Body, it is cultivated to the extreme, melting the avenues, and constantly changing, and eventually it can become true, growing blood and veins, and become a real Suzaku divine bird.

   Therefore, Ye Tian's Vermillion Bird Dharma Body now possesses a trace of divine power, which makes the creatures instinctively startled.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   boom!

   Ye Tian took out the fifth Sun Fire Spirit, which was the last one.

   The three-legged golden crow flapped its wings and flew up into the air, like a flame elf. It was so cute that people couldn't help holding it in the palm of his hand. But I don't know, the more cute, the more perfect, and the more dangerous. A small three-legged golden crow can steam a large lake and melt a large mountain.

   Ye Tian continuously refined four three-legged golden crows, one can imagine how abundant the accumulated gods are.

   The fifth three-legged golden crow, Ye Tian is even more exaggerated, no longer "small mouthfuls", let the golden villain go directly to swallow it.


   At this time, accompanied by an exaggerated laughter, in the distant mountains and forests, a terrifying aura erupted first, shaking the mountains, and then a figure rose from the ground like a rocket, piercing the sky.

   "Is the old man Jiu Jue mad?" Bai Ling'er looked at it, and opened her mouth into an O shape, feeling nervous.

   Mengyao, as well as Luo Feng Zhao Qingyi's brother and sister, also looked over, her heartbeat accelerated, and she was shocked.

   She saw a figure flying into the sky and slammed a punch.


   Void Riot, a huge iron fist, like a big mill, has unparalleled strength, majestic, and it can tear the sky and rumble across the sky.

   The void is shaken like a picture scroll, clashed, and ripples like a tsunami.

   "Look at Lao Tzu's unicorn arm! Dare to ask, who else?" When shaking his fists, nine veterans spoke wildly.

  As expected, after refining a Nine-turned All-Spirit Great Pill, one of his broken arms grew out again. At this moment, he was waving this arm.

   This newly grown arm is shocking. It is much stronger than the other arm, with knotted muscles, spurting blood, and shining like a layer of scale armor. UU reading www.uukANASHU. No wonder he calls himself a unicorn arm.

   A fist was thrown out, the sky trembled, the void collapsed, and the power of shaking the sky and the earth was shocking.

   "So strong!" Luo Feng smacked his tongue and got goose bumps. I boasted that if I stood in front of the old Jiujue, I would be bombarded with a punch, and there was no way to fight back.

   One is the late stage of the earth fairy, the other is the late stage of the gods, the other is the sky, and the other is the earth.

   When the Jiujue old man's face was clearly seen, the four young people were even more shocked, and some of them couldn't recognize it.

   Jiujue old man is rejuvenated, his silver hair turned black, the wrinkles on his face have disappeared, and he has been younger for several decades.

   This is not surprising at all, the sacred nine-turn panacea, has the effect of prolonging life. It can prolong life for 20 to 30 years by taking Jindan. In the case of earth immortals, life extension is more, not less than 50 years.

   At this moment, the golden villain swallowed the fifth fire spirit, quack quack quack, swallowed it up in three or two mouthfuls, and there was no time to refine it.

   As you can imagine, the golden little man's seven orifices are breathing fire, and his body is full of flames, becoming a real little sun.

   The old man Jiujue didn't vacate early or later. He chose to vacate at this time, and then he was unlucky.

Just when he shouted and showed off his unicorn arm, the golden villain instinctively glanced at him, his eyes opened and closed, and the fire was overwhelming, shooting out two golden beams of light, thousands of feet long, sweeping Over the sky, it happened to pass by him.

   Then, the old man of Jiujue was like a bird shot by a gun, his body stiffened, and he fell from the void with a bang, and fell on the ground to eat shit.

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