Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1560: Spiritual Attack

After being given a second by one glance, the old man Jiujue suddenly had the urge to scold his mother, and wanted to cry without tears. He is now in the late stage of the Earth Immortal, and the elders of the Taishang are not among the top ten in Kunxu. Ye Tian has not broken through the Earth Immortal yet, but he has been compared. No one can reason. Ye Tian's spirit is too powerful, it can be made into steel with a hundred, which can completely shake the magic weapon in reality. The old man Jiujue was only swept away by Ye Tian's divine mind just now. The divine soul was like a heavy artillery blow. His body became stiff and instantly lost his combat effectiveness, as if he had been hit by dimensionality reduction, which was very unreal. Everyone saw an extremely horrifying scene, the golden villain opened his mouth to swallow the essence of the sun, his mouth is like a bottomless pit, each mouthful can not only swallow a huge amount of the essence of the sun, even the surrounding world is dimmed. In just three or two mouthfuls, the essence of the sun that had previously taken at least half a day to be refined into the body was swallowed, as if he became a big fat man in one mouthful. The Sun Fire Essence didn't have time to refining, the golden villain seemed to have a volcano in his belly, full of flames, and the seven orifices spewed out a pillar of fire. Everyone was worried that it would explode. Each one was dumbfounded, his nerves were tense, and his heart was chilling. In the end, the sea of ​​fire in his stomach was completely suppressed, and the golden villain was not in the slightest, but looked more brave, like an immortal **** of gold. Real gold is not afraid of fire, and Ye Tian's divine consciousness is tempered over and over again by the sun fire essence, but it is not like real gold, eternal, immortal, flawless. At this moment, he casually released a thought, and it could cover the entire small world of Jian Palace in an instant. Every spirit beast, every spirit bird, and every breath of life can be clearly perceived by him and locked in position. If the divine consciousness increases, even the golden core array cannot be blocked, and the outside world can be perceived. Such a powerful mental power, Condensation Pill cannot be compared, and it is enough to fight against Jin Dan. Today, Ye Tian is still in the realm of gods, but his physical body and mental power have reached the level of golden core, which is rare in the entire cultivation world, and it is a miracle. "Next, I should break through the innate!" Ye Tian said to himself floating on the top of the mountain, with clear consciousness and flawless flesh, like a **** sitting cross-legged and opening his eyes, like two torches burning up Two golden beams came out. The Golden Core Formation covering the old site of the Sword Palace was immediately penetrated, and the outside world was clearly presented in Ye Tian's eyes, the blue sky, white clouds, flying birds, and the monks coming and going. Fire Eye Golden Eye, this world-famous secret technique has also been transformed, and it is stronger than before! The vision is bigger, the heart is bigger. Ye Tian even had an impulse to let the soul separate, break through the nine heavens, embrace the world, and look down on the nine heavens and ten earth. "Strange, why are so many people flying around?" Ye Tian was puzzled and frowned suddenly. This area of ​​the Sun Moon Sword Palace is a forbidden area, and there is no owner on the face. It is actually controlled by the Jiuli Sect, and no one can get involved. Now, there are many people flying around the forbidden area, and even above them, all wearing the Jiuli Sect’s Taoist clothes. It is clear that the Jiuli Sect’s disciples are patrolling the mountains. This makes Ye Tian feel bad. Hunch. "Huh, that's it?" Ye Tian thought about it outside, and suddenly felt a familiar breath. Li Chundao! Ye Tian was the first to think of this person, because everyone's aura is different. It was him, that's right, next Ye Tianhuo's eyes and Jin Tong looked straight away, and through the golden core array, he was very eye-catching. Outside the forbidden area, in a thick fog, Li Chundao hid in a withered grass, trembling all over, his face was very pale, and his cyan clothes were completely red with blood. This place is not far from the entrance of the passage opened by Old Man Jiujue and Ye Tian. However, there were people walking around, all masters of the Jiuli Theological Church, Li Chundao did not dare to leave and hid in the grass motionless. Ye Tian doesn't need to guess what's going on. Li Chundao was discovered by the people of Jiuli Divine Sect when he went out this time, and he chased him all the way to here. "There is blood here, people are hiding here!" It was a coincidence that when Ye Tiangang found Li Chundao, the people of Jiuli Sect followed the blood and found Li Chundao. Li Chundao was willing to grab it, flew out and rushed into the depths of the dense fog. There is a golden core killer formation there, and Li Chundao's move is tantamount to seeking his own death. "Quickly, catch him, the **** Lord asked to be caught alive." The Jiuli Cult of God was anxious and shouted. However, there was a golden core killer formation in the depth of the thick fog, and there was no way for the earth immortals to survive. The people of Jiuli Divine Sect did not dare to rush inside. A middle-aged man in a cold-iron battle suit slammed out a big hand, but he couldn't show his palm, only a faint light beating in his palm. Although this is the periphery of the forbidden land, the mana on the monks will also be suppressed. When Ye Tian and Old Man Jiujue fought in the thick fog, UU Reading was like this. The magical powers cannot be used, and they can only fight hard with their fists. Clang, Clang! Puff, puff! Two sharp arrows were fired, and almost at the same time, the sound of sharp weapons entering the flesh was heard in the thick fog. Then there was the sound of someone falling to the ground. Li Chun was hit by the knife, and was quickly caught by the people of Jiuli God Cult, but after all, he couldn't escape. "Go and report to the Lord, they have been caught." A leader-like man said, grabbing Li Chundao in his hand and choking his neck tightly. Li Chundao couldn't bite his tongue and kill himself. He took the order and left, but turned around and walked a few steps, suddenly fell down, silently, only a slight blood mark on the forehead. "Ah!" Then, all the people's eyebrows were stabbed, and they were invaded by a force, invisibly as if a war hammer hit on the frontal bone. Across the golden core formation, Ye Tian launched a mental attack on a group of Jiuli Divine Sect. This was impossible before him. Puff, puff! Someone kept falling, the eyebrows were hit hard, the soul was torn, and blood spurted from the mouth. "Damn! Who is it? Someone came out and fight with me!" The middle-aged man in a cold iron suit yelled, let go of Li Chundao, and clasped his head with both hands. He is a divine realm and has strong mental power. Although he can't make effective resistance, he can persist for a while. After all, there is a golden core array isolated, and Ye Tian's ten percent of the power of divine consciousness will be consumed by more than half, and the true output is less than 50%. The middle-aged man quickly took out the signal flare, ready to sound, to notify others. Suddenly, a golden villain appeared in front of him, holding a golden sword in his arms, pierced his eyebrows with one blow, and lightly twisted it, and his soul was broken. "Elder Li, are you okay?" Luo Feng appeared soon, picked up a Li Chundao whose life was only half of his life, and quickly returned to the small world of Jian Gong.

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