"The Qingshan Gate was flattened, leaving only a piece of rubble and countless bones." Li Chundao returned and told everyone a **** news. The culprit is the Jiuli Divine Sect, which is an open secret, which has long been spread in the Southern Territory and even throughout Kunxu. "Ahhh! I should have thought of this!" Li Chundao cried bitterly. Like these monks, the sect is home to them. If the sect is flattened, it is equivalent to the loss of the home, and the whole family is copied and cut. There is nothing more hated than this. Luo Feng and Zhao Qingyi also reddened their eyes, clenched their hands into fists, their bodies trembling. "We are hiding here. Jiuli Sect cannot find anyone. Sooner or later, we will find my Qingshanmen again. But I didn't expect that they were so cruel and destroyed my entire Qingshanmen." Li Chundao wept blood, his heart filled with blood. Endless hatred. He also inquired some news when he was out this time. The top ten sects initially suspected that Ye Tian came from the inner gate of the immortal gate, so he was afraid and did not dare to fight. But from the Qingshan Gate, they got the news that Ye Tian came from the secular world, and their attitude completely changed, digging three feet in the ground, they also wanted to find people and punish the nine clans. There are even radicals who threaten to slaughter the secular world. In fact, not many people at Qingshanmen knew that Ye Tian came from the secular world, only advocating Qingxu and a few powerful elders. After a lot of coercion and temptation, various means came out. When they heard the news that Ye Tian came from the secular world, the top ten sects initially couldn't believe it. Because, in their impression, the secular world is a dilapidated place, with exhaustion of spiritual energy, no inspiration from the great avenue, and it is difficult to reach the heavens to cultivate the gods, and it is impossible to give birth to such peerless Tianjiao as Ye Tian. In any case, facts are facts and are not subject to human will. Ye Tian committed a heinous crime in Kunxu, and Qingshanmen was also responsible for unforgivable sins. After all, they invited people from the secular world, and then Jiuli Sect destroyed the entire Qingshanmen. The other nine Da Shangzong also contributed. Now the entire upper sect is looking for Ye Tian's whereabouts. The youth's limelight is in Kunxu, there is no difference for a time! The top ten sects waved their arms, which sect and family dare not follow? All must cooperate, at least on the surface to be positive. However, there are also some sects and aristocratic families who are not afraid of death, secretly trying to win Ye Tian. Because his combat power was too strong, he slammed dozens of earth immortals and smashed an artifact. It can be said that it is the top existence of the Kunxu combat power list. Even the top ten sect masters cannot compete with It's on par. This kind of person has unlimited future, and it is not a legend to dominate Kunxu. If you can have a relationship with him, when the young man dominates Kunxu, he will get endless benefits and reach the sky in one fell swoop. I saw in the dark that some sects wanted to marry the best female disciples under the sect, and some aristocratic families wanted to marry their sweet girls to Ye Tian. Unknowingly, Ye Tian had a group of father-in-laws in Kunxu. If he knew about it, he would definitely be shocked. "The Nine Li Divine Sect, the top ten sects, all deserve to die! I want to kill them all!" Luo Feng yelled, his eyes widened, his body shook, and endless murderous aura burst out, as if he was going to run away. . "Brother, those are the top ten sects, what do you take to avenge? There is only one dead end." Zhao Qingyi tightly grasped Luo Feng's arm and told him not to be impulsive. "Let him go, the Jiuli Cult of God is outside, and he hasn't gone far. If he has the courage to kill." Ye Tian didn't comfort him, but gave a sarcasm, and then walked away. For him, getting stronger now is the most important thing. It is absolutely impossible for him to go out at this time, to stand out for Qingshanmen. Although Li Chundao led people here, for a while, the people of Jiuli should not have thought that he was hiding here. After all, there is a golden core array covering up here, which is almost incomprehensible. In other words, it doesn't matter if they know it. If they want to break it, it takes a lot of effort and time. Ye Tian's only worry is whether these people will actually go to the secular world to trouble him, trouble his family, or endanger the secular world. Although the secular world is very big, his reputation in the secular world is no worse than in Kunxu. If you just inquire, you can find out everything about him. "No, it's too dangerous. Although I have three immortals in Penglai, Qinghan, Xiao Qingtian, and Taro Miyamoto, but the capital is only in the early stage of Wonderland, the top ten sects of Kunxu randomly send a suzerain or great elder, All can be destroyed by one person." Ye Tian suddenly became worried, unable to remain calm. Even if there is a slight possibility, he can't let this happen. Immediately, he made a decision to go out and destroy the teleportation platform from Kunxu to the secular world, or move it away and bring it to the old place of Sun Moon Sword Palace. There is more than one transmission channel from Kunxu to the secular world. When he entered Kunxu for the first time, Li Chundao told him that there were four in total, distributed in four different locations in Kunxu. UU看书www.uukanshu. com also has four corresponding exits in the Kunlun Mountains of the secular world. After knowing Ye Tian's plan to go out, the old man Jiujue volunteered and said, "I will accompany you. I know where these four teleportation formations are. However, if you want to destroy them all, I am afraid it will not be easy, because Except for the teleportation formation in the Southern Region, which is located outside the wilderness, the other three teleportation formations are all located in the sects of the top ten Shangzongs, and are far apart from each other. The teleportation formation in the Central Region is located in the Jiuli Sect. It was transported from the Sun Moon Sword Palace. The teleportation formation of the Eastern Territory is in the Palace of Heavenly Secrets. The teleportation formation of the Northern Territory is in the Tianwang Pavilion." "Then let's start with the Jiuli Divine Sect!" Ye Tianque There is no fear, very decisive. He took out the Xuanguangtai and began to engrave the coordinates. Xuanguangtai was originally a magnificent divine jade, but now it is full of cracks, and its luster has dimmed. Ye Tian wondered if he could persist until the end of this mission. Maybe in the middle of the transmission, it will fall apart. Among them, the Southern Territory's teleportation formation was known to Ye Tian, ​​and the teleportation formation had already been marked. The Jiuli Sacred Cult is right by, no need to cross over, just run over with your feet, which is also a saving for Xuanguangtai. Ye Tian finally only engraved the coordinates of Tianji Temple and Tianwang Pavilion, one in the Eastern Region and the other in the Northern Region, far away. Like the top ten sects, there are 100,000 people in the gate, but the area of ​​the gate is huge, comparable to a city. The coordinates can't be accurate to the front of the teleportation platform. It is already very good to be able to locate the Zongmen, so it is necessary to bring the old horse of Jiujue old man to guide the way. Because of chasing Li Chundao, many soldiers and horses of Jiuli Sect were gathered outside the old place of Jian Palace. And Ye Tian just killed several disciples of Jiuli God Sect with his spiritual thoughts, the gods knew it, and even more shocked the Jiuli God Lord. In this way, there is inevitably emptiness inside the Jiuli Divine Sect, which just brings convenience to Ye Tian's actions.

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