Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1567: Throwing mountain

Ye Tianyi punched through the eight major formations, and even the ninth major formation had torn open a small hole. This class of fist skills was amazing, and looking at the huge Kunxu, it was rare to rival. The nine great formations looked like nine pieces of cloth were shaking and rustling, and there were layers of ripples in the air, and then the void ripples turned into violent winds, blowing sand and rocks in the formation barrier, and many disciples were unstable. Was blown to the ground, very embarrassed. Even the ground involved in the formation shook. too terrifying! All the people in the audience were horrified! Looking at his "unicorn arm", the old man Jiujue shook his head and gave another wry smile. Compared with his "unicorn arm", Ye Tian's arm is as small as a sausage, and his fist is as small as a peas, which makes people unbelievable that he can achieve such amazing power. He thought he could compete with Ye Tian in boxing skills, but reality gave him a resounding slap. This gap is not too big. "This kid really has extraordinary talents, far surpassing his peers, no wonder he can kill the Quartet in the God of Medicine Sect." In the formation enchantment, Xichen Taishang also whispered softly, his eyes flickering. The disciples and elders of the Temple of Heavenly Secrets were also stunned. Although Ye Tian's fist failed to make a contribution, it shocked them enough, and only felt that the youth in front of them was like a god, incredibly powerful. If they had the idea of ​​fighting Ye Tian before and avenging Xuehen for Sect Master Wu Wentian, now this idea has all vanished. With the strength of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, trying to kill Ye Tian is as difficult as reaching the sky. You know, the young man has magic weapons in his hands! The Temple of Heavenly Secrets has no magical soldiers, only a few holy soldiers. At this moment, the bronze war battle held by Taoist Xichen was a legendary holy soldier. It looked very old at a height of one person. Buzzing! The great formation ran wildly, the radiance of the rift was blazing, and the dense runes were intertwined, and the rift soon healed. Every minute and every second of the operation of the large array requires massive energy consumption. Fortunately, there are two dragon veins passing through the underground of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets. The remaining half of the energy is provided by the spirit stones stored in the Tianji Temple. If you want to destroy the big formation, unless you pull out the two underground dragon veins, it is difficult to shake the entire city with one person. After failing a single blow, Ye Tian clapped his hands, then stood with his hands held down, staring at the large array, his expression was a bit solemn, and he didn't mean to punch again. Because he knew that another punch would have the same result, and he couldn't really destroy the nine major formations. "It's said that you can't use the magic weapon, but you are not allowed to break your word. Otherwise, you will be spurned by the entire Kunxu." The Taoist Cleaner said hastily, lest Ye Tian would regret it. At this moment, he saw Ye Tian chuckle and said, "Get me ready. I'm in a hurry." After speaking, he saw Ye Tian stretch out his hand and grabbed it at a mountain not far away. boom! Ye Tian’s palm glows, chaotic air is raging, and on a mountain that is a hundred meters high, a huge golden light god’s palm is shaped, each finger is terribly thick, like five Optimus pillars, a whole one. The big hand is more like the palm of the Buddha, and the hundred-zhang-high mountains are all grasped by one palm. Boom! Then, in the shocking and horrified eyes of countless people, Ye Tian's five fingers suddenly closed, and then pulled up, the hundred-foot-high mountain was uprooted by the golden palm, and then followed Ye Tian's gesture to guide , Flying over the sky above the Palace of Heavenly Secrets. What a massive mountain that is hundreds of feet high, like a dark cloud, covering the sky above the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, with endless coercion, squeezing the nine-layer enchantment formation into deformation. At this moment, the boy is like a **** in myths and legends, raising his hand to move the mountain. "Stop it, no!" Shouting Taoist yelled, the bronze warge in his hand was raised high, and several stigmata were mobilized in one breath, to prevent it, lest the formation really broke open and the mountain fell. "You stop and stop, why listen to you? Just give us the battle, and we will turn around and leave." Jiujue retorted. Ye Tian ignored the Taoist Washing Dust, the golden light palm suddenly pressed down, and the hundreds of feet of mountains fell like a meteor. Rumble! This was an extremely tragic blow, as if a meteor hit the earth, and the world shook loudly. The nine-layer large array ran crazily, the black mist rolled, the sword energy rushed into the sky, the fire dragon danced in the sky...All kinds of defense methods came out, and finally the Baizhang Mountain was intercepted at the eighth level, and suddenly fell apart and broke into countless pieces. On the surface, Baizhang Dashan was not as strong as Ye Tian's punch just now, but the damage it caused to the formation was far beyond what Ye Tian's punch could compare. The formation collapsed in a large area, and even the base of the formation was affected. Although it was repaired very quickly, it would be difficult to repair it completely. When Ye Tian moved on to the second mountain, there were three eye-catching holes in the three outermost formations. Only the two innermost formations were completely repaired, and the two central formations were only half repaired. Boom! The second mountain fell, and the nine major formations almost completely collapsed. The mountain was about to be crushed to the ground, and was smashed by the Daoist Washing Dust, almost causing casualties. When Ye Tian was about to throw the third mountain, Tianji Temple surrendered, very decisive and very wise. This mountain did not finally fall. Daoist Washing Chen's complexion was black, white, blue and purple, but he had to lower his noble head and brought a group of elders and disciples to invite Ye Tian and Jiu Jue into the sect respectfully. "One person, one case!" The crowd eating melons on the road was shocked, but they were so addicted that their eyes were about to come out. Although they live in the city under the jurisdiction of Tianji Temple, UU Reading www. uukānshu. Com is not like the disciples of Tianji Temple at this moment, but is gloating. Because as a citizen of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, you have to pay harsh taxes and taxes, and it is too late to hate the Palace of Heavenly Secrets. Of course, other sects are similar, equivalent to a country, and the citizens of the city under their command must pay taxes. "Where is the teleportation formation? Don't play tricks." Ye Tian held the broken soldier in his hand and looked around vigilantly. "If you dare to play tricks, destroy your sect!" The old man Jiu Jue also clenched his fists and threatened. Xichen was too leading the way and said: "My Heavenly Mystery Palace is always the same, please follow me." A magnificent treasure stands in front, majestic, majestic and majestic, with nine floors above and below, the whole body is made of divine jade. Inscribed the three gilded characters of "Temple of Heaven". "The two of you, please follow me to the hall, and the teleportation formation is inside." Daoist Washing Chen said, opening the door and entering Baoque. The elders and disciples of the Tianji Temple stayed outside. Just when Ye Tian was about to lift his foot, the old man Jiujue stopped him suddenly, and then scolded the old man Xichen, saying: "Good old man, you dare to play with us. This Tianji Baoque belongs to your Tianji Temple. A magic weapon came from the hand of the old man Tianji, the ancestor of your Tianji Temple. Do you think I don't know it?" As soon as he said this, all the people in the Tianji Temple changed wildly and their strategy was discovered. Within Baoque, Daoist Washing Dust laughed, not caring, and said: "I can't hide from you. But do you know how my Zong Baoque uses it?" In the voice, the nine-story Baoque suddenly tilted and faced On the side of Ye Tian and the old man Jiu Jue, the base cracked, as if a big mouth was opened. In the big mouth, the flaming light shone, bursting out infinite absorption power, and all of a sudden, Ye Tian and the old man Jiu Jue were sucked in. Then with a bang, the Nine-layer Baoque straightened and pressed the two under it, just as Fahai used Leifeng Tower to seal the White Lady.

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