Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1568: Baoque Zhenfeng

The Palace of Heavenly Secrets broke their promise and invited Ye Tian and the old man Jiu Jue into the sect, but did not provide a teleportation formation, but instead used tricks to suppress them.

   "People can't stand without credibility. If my Heavenly Secret Hall does this, will it be a bit..., excessive?"

   "What do you know, this is called a big event and it's not trivial. To say too much, he killed my suzerain is too much. Facing his vicious murderer, no more despicable means."

   "That's right, there is no need to talk about honesty with people like him. For the crimes he committed, killing him a hundred times is not a shame."


   The disciples of the Temple of Heaven’s Secrets were discussing in private, looking for various reasons to justify their sect’s dishonesty. They thought they had eaten Ye Tian, ​​so they relaxed and uttered a lot of words.

   But I saw some of the elders of the earth immortals with a worried expression, because they knew that Baoque was not omnipotent, and Ye Tian had a magic weapon on him, and he might rush out at any time.

   And once Ye Tian came out, the Temple of Heavenly Mystery might be robbed, and follow the footsteps of the Medicine God Sect.

  Tianji Baoque is the treasure of the Zhenzong of the Tianji Temple. It is a holy artifact and the origin of the name of the sect of the Tianji Temple. It is said that it came from the hand of the old man who founded the Patriarch, the Tianji.

   On the surface, this is a treasure. If you go in, you will find a cave inside.

   Ye Tian and the old man Jiujue weren't really suppressed under Baoque's tower base. After being imprisoned by an invisible space force, they were instantly teleported to a strange world.

   This is an ancient battlefield, devastated, everywhere with broken walls, rusty ancient soldiers, petrified bones, blood-stained earth, ... even the air is filled with a decadent atmosphere.

   The sky is gray, shrouded in smoke all year round, and you can't see anything.

   "Mad, we were calculated by the old ghost of the Palace of Heavenly Mystery. What kind of bird is this place?" The old man Jiujue was shocked and couldn't help but shiver.


   There was a terrifying coercion in the void, and the old man Jiujue only felt like he was carrying a mountain on his shoulders, his feet staggering, his muscles shaking, and his bones being squeezed violently.

   His majestic and stalwart body was actually squeezed a little smaller.

   Ye Tian fell next to him, and his condition was not much better than him. He felt a burst of pressure, and the surrounding air seemed to be condensed into iron plates.

   "An ancient battlefield was sealed in Baoque. This is a space secret treasure. We are in Baoque now." Ye Tian looked around and said coldly.

   Of course, this is not only a simple space secret treasure, but also has the characteristics of a domain. It can suppress the people in it in space, and the combat power of those who control the magic weapon can be increased.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   boom!

   Ye Tian opened up the Chaos God Realm, with golden light and turbulent chaos, guarding him and the Jiujue old man, the coercion of the mountains and the tsunami was weakening.

   However, the space is still there, and it has not been burst by Ye Tian's Chaos God Realm.

   This is a small world of space, not a human domain. There is no suppression between domains.

"Damn it! The old ghost trapped us here because he wanted to delay time and wait for the reinforcements to arrive. They can't be allowed to succeed, they must get out of trouble in the shortest time. Watch me bomb this bird space!" The old man Jiujue suddenly violent. The tiger's body shuddered and rose from the ground like a rocket.

   However, when his figure broke through Ye Tian's Chaos God Realm, his speed suddenly slowed down, as if he had rushed into a quagmire.

   In the end, he soared to the sky more than ten feet high, turned his body upside down, head down, waving the unicorn arm, and patted out with a palm.


   The space shook, and the earth sank suddenly, and a large palm-print pit with a diameter of more than one foot appeared. The hot palm melted the rocks and turned into magma surging at the bottom of the pit.

   But, this little damage is too inconspicuous to the ancient battlefield of the small world, just like an adult who was bitten by a mosquito, not hurting his muscles or moving his bones.

   Boom, boom!

   Then he came down, Jiujue old man continued to violently, or slapped iron palms, or blasted iron fists, expanding the results of the battle.

   After a while, the palm-print crater with a diameter of more than one foot just now turned into a rift, and magma flowed down from both sides, forming two red waterfalls.

   This is a shocking rift, but the ancient battlefield of the small world shows no sign of destruction.

   "Master, don't look, you are doing it!" The old man Jiu Jue shouted to Ye Tian, ​​already doing everything he could, a little gray.

Ye Tian is confident to use Shushan Broken Sword to split this small world with a single sword, but the price of urging Broken Sword Divine Mark is too great. It will consume almost all of his true essence, and once the sword is successful, he has become too. Soft persimmons. This is not worth the loss.

   Therefore, the Shushan Broken Army cannot be used, at least it is not time to use it.

   Tianji Temple did not know this, only knew that Ye Tian played the magic weapon in the Medicine God Sect, just like playing with an ordinary weapon. What they worry most is this magic weapon.

"Junior, can you dare to fight me? Don't use the broken sword." Accompanied by an old voice, a rickety figure walked out of the misty smoke, holding a handful of bronze war fighters, with piercing eyes. Looking straight at Ye Tian.

   who is not the Taoist washing the dust?

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Behind Taoist Washing Dust, four more figures appeared. They were the four elders of the Celestial Ji Temple, each holding a soldier. good.

   All of the five people have a little bit of brilliance, and when they are blessed by the small world, their divine power does not decrease but increases.

   In the outside world, the rest of the elders of the Heavenly Secret Hall led a group of disciples, sitting cross-legged around Baoque, playing magic powers, and blessing them above Baoque.

"Mad, you old ghost, you have lived for a long time, can you live on a dog? Can you still have a face? If you know it, you can quickly get the teleportation formation and let us out. Otherwise, Lao Tzu You are determined to step on the gate of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets." Old man Jiujue cursed.

   His face is thick enough, and he didn't expect to encounter someone with a thicker face now, and he was also much older than him.

   "My ancestor is talking to your master, UU reading, what are you talking about? Shut me up!" Behind the washing dust, an earth immortal elder scolded Jiujie.

And the Taoist Washing Chen didn’t even look at the old man Jiujue. He continued to look at Ye Tian and said, “Without the help of the magic weapon, if you can defeat me, I will let you go. Also, if you teleport the formation, you will also be handed over. Into your hands."

   "Master, don't listen to the old devil's words, he was killed with a sword, and he was a hundred. And the gate of the Palace of Heavenly Mystery, and it was also flattened. This is the price of failing to believe in words!" Jiu Jue said indignantly.

   "You are a servant, no big or small, do you have a place for you to interrupt? If you dare to talk more, believe it or not, I will kill you first with a single knife?" Or the old elder who was just now, scolded Jiujue.

   I saw that he was tall and big, with a broad waist, like an executioner in front of a guillotine, holding a shining big knife, and a murderous look.

   Jiujue old man was so angry that his nose was about to smoke, he couldn't help but rushed forward to go shopping with this elder of the earth immortal.

   At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly disappeared beside him, broke through the defense of the Taoist Washing Dust, and almost instantly rushed in front of the big fat elder, and then slapped it fiercely.

   "My servant, when is your turn to scold me?" Ye Tian shouted angrily.


The golden light in the palms flowed, and there was a crisp sound like thunder, half of the face of the elder of the big fat earth was taken away, bloody, and the chin was gone. The whole person flew out and fell to the magma that the old man Jiujue just hit. In the rift valley, there was a loud noise, and the magma splashed Lao Gao like a big wave.

   There was a dead silence in the audience!

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