Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1577: Hold still

"Children of the secular world, dare to come out for a battle. I don't need you to take action. I can crush you with one finger." A disciple of the Jiuli God Sect shouted, his chest slapped and blew. There are no drafts in cowhide.

"Boy, no matter how great you are in the secular world, when you arrive at my Kunxu, it is the dragon who will hold it for me and the tiger who will lie down for me, otherwise it will only die. Get out now, you can give you a decent, let you Choose the method of death yourself." A disciple of Wan Fazong continued to shout, holding a zhangba spear, pointing remotely in the direction of the enchantment, and condemning Ye Tian to death.

"It's just a trivial bug. It must have been scared to pee. If it shows up, it will be trampled to death."

"I suggest that all sects work together to open a channel to connect with the secular world, and we go to kill."

"Agree, kill him upside down, **** him personally. For a long time, I have lived in Kunxu and dormant for too long, so that the secular world has forgotten the abilities of my generation of immortal cultivators and thought we were deceived."


All the young disciples of the major sects were clamoring, unscrupulous, and doing their utmost to sarcasm, in order to make Ye Tian unable to calm down and rush out by himself.

This is a huge hatred that cannot be resolved. Either you die or I live.

It was originally the hatred between the top ten sects and Ye Tian, ​​but due to the lustful prestige of the top ten sects, the second- and third-rate sects had to come forward to express their views, and those who had the money paid for it, and those who had the money paid for it.

So much so that in the current big scene, there are too many people to count.

"It's useless to break the throat. That kid will **** if he dares to come out. Almost all the power of my Kunxu has gathered here. It is the legendary heavenly immortal who is here. You may not dare to smash the front. It's." There was a sneer from the rivers and lakes who watched the battle in the distance.

Everyone nodded.

It's not that everyone doesn't believe in Ye Tian's strength, but the true appearance from the siege is too luxurious, the old ancestor of Jiuli, the divine lord of Jiuli, the old saint of Wanfazong, the sword lord of Jiuli, the abbot of Nanwu Temple,... , Condensed a few pills, over a hundred immortals, nearly a thousand gods, and two of the three great artifacts of Kunxu, the Tiger Soul Warrior from Jiuli and the Nine Fire Flame Dragon Chariot from Wanfazong.

This lineup has never been seen in the history of Kunxu.

Even when besieging the Eight-armed Gorefiend, he wouldn't use so many hole cards.

No matter how powerful Ye Tian is, several old Ningdan antiques will definitely be able to pinch him to death.

He has a magic weapon on his body, two magic weapons in Kunxu come out together, can't suppress one of his magic weapons?

The ending is doomed, as long as he dares to show up, he will definitely die.

"Counsel, but shameless. Unless he can attack, it is impossible to expect him to come out." Someone else said, shaking his head and sighing slightly.

"This is the place where the hidden fairy gate is sealed. Who dares to attack? Besides, this heavenly immortal formation is not something you can attack if you want to attack."

"That's right, is it so wasteful? If the kid doesn't come out in ten years, we can't wait ten years?"

"Unless he can find his weakness and use this to threaten him to let him out by himself. Otherwise, there is really no way to take him."

"Weakness? What weakness?"

"I don't know, but no one is perfect, there will always be weaknesses."


One day, two days, three days,...

Ye Tian retreats in the old place of the Sun Moon Sword Palace, and ignores the rumors from the outside world, and ignores anyone shouting his throat.

Mengyao and others were initially worried that the other party would come hard and broke the formation with brute force. Later, seeing that they had nothing to do except yelling, they gradually let go of their hearts and continued to practice.

For the future, it is not what they need to consider. The sky is falling, and there is a big man to help them with it. Now cultivation is the most important.

On the fourth day, a group of people were brought to the field, all in tattered clothes and disheveled hair, but they could vaguely see that they were wearing Taoist robes from Qingshanmen.

These are some of the female family members and several important figures who were taken abducted by the Jiuli Sect when the Qingshan Gate was destroyed that day, and they were imprisoned in the dark prison.

"Children of the secular world, don't you always make friends with Qingshanmen? Look at who these are. I will give you a quarter of an hour to get out, otherwise these people will all have to die." Jiuli Divine Lord shouted with a voice like Like a rolling thunder, it spread to every corner of the old sword palace.

With the help of several other elders, the old ancestor Jiuli used his powerful mental power to project a picture into the enchantment.

Suddenly, Li Chundao, Luo Feng and Zhao Qingyi were all not calm, and started with hatred.

These are all their relatives, even Li Chundao's wife and daughter are among them.

"Li Chundao, I know you must also be in the barrier. You and the children of the world are embarrassed. There is only one dead end. Qingshanmen will die because of you. If you bring out his head, it will be my Kunxu. The first-class hero. I promise to help you rebuild the Qingshan Gate and teach you the supreme immortal method. Otherwise, I will be the first to take your wife and daughter with the knife." Jiuli Divine Lord followed the temptation and threatened.

"Damn, they are too mean." Mengyao scolded angrily.

"I always thought that the Jiuli Divine Religion was the most sacred sect in Kunxu. It helped justice, punished the evil and promoted the good. I didn't expect to do such nasty things. It was really utterly desolate." Bai Linger also bitten angrily. tooth.

"No one is allowed to go out." The old man Jiu Jue moved quickly and blocked the exit of the passage. UU reading www. uukā

At this moment Mengyao and Bai Ling'er also set off, guarding in front of the Tiankeng, watching the three of Qingshanmen vigilantly. Of course, they trust these three people in their hearts, but they are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

In the tiankeng, Ye Tian sits on the platform, bathing in the turbulent flow of the void, motionless, surrounded by ancient scriptures, and the sound of Taoism roars, resembling Buddha's scriptures, and like the incantation of Tianzun, coming across thousands of generations to explain A kind of heaven and earth.

Soon a quarter of an hour passed, and Ye Tian remained motionless.


Outside, two rays of blood burst, and two human heads rolled down.

Li Chundao cried bitterly and knelt on the ground weakly.

This is his wife and daughter, who died in front of him, watching them helplessly, but powerless. There is nothing more painful in this world

Then, every quarter of an hour, someone will die.

From dawn, until dark, until all the captives of Qingshanmen were killed.

From beginning to end, Ye Tian did not come forward, nor did he hear any voice.


"Cultivation hard, gentleman revenge, it is not too late for ten years. You are still too weak and small now." Li Chundao persuaded, keeping his sense.

"Ten years, I can't wait for ten years, now I want to kill them all." Luo Feng's voice was sad, crying blood all the time in his heart.

"I can't wait, I have to wait. You are my only hope at the Qingshan Gate. If you do something good or bad, my Qingshan Gate will be completely over." Li Chundao said, his voice was cold, but tears flickered in the corners of his eyes.

"Senior brother, wait a minute, I'll take revenge with you and kill the Jiuli God Sect." Zhao Qingyi also persuaded.


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