Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1578: Soon to break

Innately known as immortality, it is a kind of sublimation and evolution of the level of life. It is born by reliably devouring the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and it can survive for a short time even in the universe.

If you want to travel across the starry sky of the universe, and make interstellar travel, you must at least be innate.

To some extent, the innate is no longer human, but an alternative life form. The body, soul and blood are turned into semi-vital energy, so it is difficult to kill, even if the heart is blown, it may still be alive, no matter how big it is. The injury will soon heal.

Therefore, Gu Huaxia called the congenital immortals, and believed that they were immortals living on the earth. Their lives were extended, omnipotent, and very appropriate. Because innate can only be called immortals on the ground, but it won't work in the universe.

Crossing the universe congenitally, you won't be able to live for long, you will die.

Only Jin Dan can cross the universe, so it is called Tianxian.

In the realm of cultivating immortals, innate cultivators are only the entry point for cultivating immortals, and only innate cultivators can be counted as true cultivators.

Because the people there are generally strong, and there are many big clans, and their descendants are born with innate cultivation bases. Even if they don't cultivate in adulthood, their awakening many supernatural powers can be comparable to human golden cores and Yuan Ying. Therefore, the standards for cultivating immortals are relatively high.

Cultivators on the earth only know that earth immortals need to survive thunder tribulation to break through celestial celestial celestial beings, and celestial celestial celestial beings must be classified into ranks, but they do not know that earth immortals also need to be classified into ranks.

Heavenly immortals are divided into nine grades, one grade and one heavy heaven. Earth immortals are not so meticulous. They are only divided into three grades, low grade, medium grade, and high grade.

Only high-grade earth immortals have to survive thunder tribulation and are qualified to survive thunder tribulation.

As long as you have achieved a high-grade earth immortal, you can break through the golden core immortal. There is no hope for the lower grade earth immortal. However, Zhongpin Dixian has only half the possibility of being promoted to Jindan Tianxian.

On the earth, there are not many people who save the thunder tribulation of the earth, and the same is true in the realm of cultivating immortals, because this realm is too low, it is difficult to cause interaction between heaven and earth, being noticed by the gods, and thundering tribulation.

As a result, whether to break through the earth immortal to survive the thunder tribulation has become a criterion for the cultivating celestial arrogance. If you don't even have the Tribulation of Earth Immortal Thunder, you don't even have the qualifications to select Tianjiao.

In the previous life, Ye Tian became a high-grade earth immortal, and this life is no exception.


Ye Tian sat cross-legged on the stone platform in the Tiankeng, breathing deeply, initially like a leaf of duckweed, shaken by the rain and wind.

Later, he gradually gained control of the Void Turbulence.

With his breath and inhalation, the chest cavity pulsed, and the turbulent flow in the tiankeng was induced, swelling and contracting like a tide, tumbling back and forth, beating the wall of the pit, making a rhythmic sound like a rolling thunder.

This trend is getting bigger and bigger. At first, it was limited to the turbulent flow in the tiankeng. Later, the nine divine waterfalls that fell on the nine floating islands seemed to have been influenced by him.

Suzaku, blue dragon, white tiger, basalt, two dharmakayas and two deity forms, separated around, the whole body bloomed with the divine light, has adapted to the turbulent flow of the void, and will not be rushed by the wind and the waves.

The two law bodies of Zhuque and Baihu are the same as Ye Tian's real body, snorting the turbulence of the void, stripping the void fragments inside, and smelting them into their own bodies.

Suzaku is born with the magical power of devouring. After smelting the Void Avenue, this magical power of devouring will be more terrifying and even higher.

In front of Ye Tian's eyebrows, a golden figure was moving his body, or punching, or palm, or dancing sword..., deducing Ye Tian's method and Tao.


The golden villain punched out, and the flames were soaring to the sky, and a Suzaku screamed, flying out of the flames of the fist, burning half of the void.

Bang, bang!

Next, the golden villain shook his fists together, one hand still rushed out of the Suzaku, and the other hand was filled with gold like a mountain like a sea, and rushed out a white tiger, tearing through the sky, roaring for nine days.

"So powerful!"

Everyone was shocked.

Unknowingly, above the tiankeng, clouds from all directions converged, forming a cloud cover, raging gusts, and occasionally electric lights shining.

This is a thundercloud storm formed by the vitality of the heavens and the earth. It was initially small, but continued to expand outward, becoming bigger and bigger.

A radius of one hundred feet, five hundred feet, one thousand feet, three thousand feet, ten thousand feet,...

Soon, the nine floating mountains were shrouded in storms, and there were uncountable lightning bolts.

"The teacher is about to break through." Mengyao raised her head and muttered to herself as she watched the thundercloud storm almost falling to the ground, shocked and delighted.

She once saw Qinghan drop thunder robbery when he broke through the earth.

But it was only a small thunder disaster.

Ye Tian's thunder robbery at the moment, although it hasn't been lowered yet, the scale has far exceeded Qinghan's thunder robbery.

"Master, do you want to break through the earth immortal, or do you want to break through the earth immortal?" The old man Jiu Jue was also shocked, looking at the thundercloud storm on the sky, he was terrified and terrible.

When Ye Tian was still in the Divine Realm, he could abuse the immortals like slaughtering a dog. If this breaks through the innate, how powerful it is, it is unimaginable, I am afraid that when the condensed pill comes, he can slap to death, and it is not a good idea for one person to crush Kunxu. may.

"Earth immortal, this is the top-grade earth immortal! God felt that he had brought down the thunder. In fact, Ye Xiaoyou could break through the earth immortal a long time ago. He just suppressed and did not seek breakthroughs. UU reading kept accumulating, I have repeatedly consolidated my foundation. When I have accumulated enough, the foundation will be solid enough, and everything will be in order." Li Chundao's eyes widened, with mixed feelings, and then looked at the pair of young brothers and sisters next to him. Tao: "Cultivation is one way, and don't just seek progress. Sometimes growing too fast may not be a good thing."

Luo Feng and Zhao Qingyi nodded and agreed.

It is impossible for people outside the barrier to discover such an amazing vision.

In fact, a thundercloud storm also gathered outside the enchantment, and the vitality of the world with a radius of thousands of miles was being drawn, covering the entire old sword palace.

"Never let him break through and disrupt his realm of enlightenment!" said Old Ancestor Jiuli, his voice dull, but his own majesty and penetrating power.

Then, a beautiful woman was brought into the court, with bright eyes and white teeth, a slender figure, white skin like a beautiful woman, wearing a white dress, floating in the dust.

"Sister, don't! You let me go." A little girl cried loudly.

"Luo Li, come back." Sect Master Yue Yun was expressionless, his brows were very cold.

Kunxu's claws reached out to her disciples after all, but she could do nothing.

"I hope you can be useful."

Next to the divine lord Jiuli, a young man wearing a purple and gold treasure walked out, his clothes stretched out, his figure was slender and tall, his figure was outstanding, he had phoenix eyes, and his temperament was extremely extraordinary.

This person is the new **** son of the Jiuli Divine Sect, a few years younger than Xiao Yifei, but his cultivation has reached the late stage of the **** realm, and he can be called a generation of talents.

"Children of the secular world, if you see it, your woman is in my hand. If you want her to live, get out!" The new **** Jiuli shouted, his eyes flashing cold, staring at the direction of the barrier.

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