Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1588: Break through

"I'm going to forcefully break through the golden core array, which will hurt the innocent. Everyone waits back!" The old ancestor Jiuli roared on the sky, and the sound waves swept away like a tsunami, causing the sky to tremble. , With unparalleled coercion.

   The supreme artifact of the Jiuli Divine Religion, the Tiger Soul Warrior, appeared in his hand, a divine mark revived, bursting out a thousand-foot divine light, manifesting a purple-golden avenue chain, dancing in the sky, clashed.

He condensed a pill with great power, the spirit of spirit condensed a pill, and his divine power far surpassed the ordinary immortal, it was to mobilize a great soldier, and his spirit was still like a dragon, not like a nine. Lord Li's face will be pale.

   At the beginning, Ye Tian was in the Medicine Shenzong, and with the help of the Yuandan of the Thousand-legged Centipede, he urged Shushan to cut off the troops, but dozens of consecutive shots were no problem.

   Of course, the ancestor of Jiuli's Yuan Dan cannot be compared with that of the centipede, there is a big gap, but there should be no problem in controlling the great soldiers for a while.

   It's just that, before the golden core, the power of the original core can't be used indiscriminately. Once it consumes a lot and hits the root, it will leave a permanent wound.

   Generally speaking, once the yuan pill is broken, it will not be able to condense again!

   I believe that the ancestors of Jiuli have their own choices.

   Beside him, a big purple cloud was surging and stretched for thousands of feet. A huge flood dragon rolled up and down in it, making a long roar like a dragon from time to time, shaking the sky in a radius of hundreds of miles.

   is one of the foundations of the Jiuli Divine Sect, a thousand-year-old dragon, a condensed pill beast.

   "Children of the secular world, the blood debt must be paid by blood, give the leader!"

   Not far away, an ancient chariot rumbling, nine fire dragons pulling the cart, each one hundred feet long, although it was transformed into a soldier's talisman, it was lifelike.

The chariot is broken, rusty, and densely covered with knife marks and arrow holes. At a glance, you know that it has experienced endless baptisms of war, but the moment the divine marks are restored, the divine light shines through the world, and when you look at it, it is like a lun The day turned out to give people an extremely shocking feeling.

  The Holy Lord of the Ten Thousand Pharaohs wore a golden robe with a golden sword hanging from his waist. Standing on a chariot, like a reincarnation of the emperor, people could not help but want to kneel down and worship.

  In the vicinity of the Holy Lord of Ten Thousand Pharaohs, a big cloud was suddenly shaken away, and a huge golden warship flew over, hundreds of meters long, dense runes shining, golden light shining, incomparably dazzling.

   This is a saint-class warship of Ten Thousand Fazong, attacking with all strength, can burst out the power of condensed pill, slaughter the land like a dog, and is now sent to fight.

"For many years, my Kunxu has never been in such a consistent pace. Everything that happened today is destined to be recorded in the annals of cultivation." The sword master of Qingyun Sword Gate held the Tianyun Great Sword, with cold electricity in his eyes, looking down at the ground beneath his feet. , The fighting spirit is surging, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger.

   Qingyun Sword Gate also brought a great sword killer, a jade plate with a large grinding plate, and twelve pearls on it, sealing the endless sword intent.

   "Then do it!" said the old host of Nanwu Temple.

   The number of outstanding powers spoke one after another, their voices connected in a line, breathtaking, like thunder in the sky, rumbling. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   At this moment, all the onlookers were chilly, swishing in their spine.

   Thousands of people scattered like birds and beasts, Sayazi ran wildly, all ran away for miles away.


   The old ancestor of Jiuli suddenly brightened his eyes, shooting out two dazzling divine lights, which suddenly penetrated the Baizhang Void, and then shouted: "Hands!"

   Following his order, more than a hundred land immortals who were already ready to take the shot together, or jointly shot, or shot by one person, all played their peak combat power.

   The old host of the Nanwu Temple moved the three-time Ming Wang Dharma image, which was more than ten meters high, like a giant spirit, uprooted a hundred meters high mountain in one fell swoop, and smashed away against the golden core array.

   After the mountain was let go, he quickly sacrificed another magic pestle.

   In an instant, the infinite Buddha's light shone, and the mana overwhelmed the world.

   This is the sacred artifact of Nanwu Temple, and it is also famous in the hidden gate of Kunxu.

   The Azure Cloud Sword Master holds the Sky Cloud Sword, and a sword stands up and down.

   The sky cloud sword is blazing with light, and there are three stigmata resurrected, and the golden stigma dances and turns into three sword lights that pierce the sky and shatter the void.

   With just one blow, a mountain of hundreds of feet high can be completely shattered from the top to the foot of the mountain.

   The two earth immortals of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect work together to urge a jade plate at the same time.

   The jade plate is in the sky, quickly zooming in, like a sky, with twelve strange pearls inlaid on it, like the sun, moon and stars shining.

   In an instant, the sword aura is a thousand illusions, and the endless nebula is scattered across the world! The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   Twelve sword auras blazing like a galaxy burst out of the jade plate, and every sword light cut out by the master of the Azure Cloud Sword is not inferior in power, with the power to destroy the world.


The golden holy ship of Ten Thousand Fazong moved, and when the dense runes were shining, the mark of the Dao was intertwined with mana, bursting out a large road like a house, the divine light, wherever it passed, the void shattered, hitting the golden pill knot. World.


   For a time, the whole world boiled.


   A loud and earth-shaking noise rang above the old ground of the Sun Moon Sword Palace, making people tremble.

   A dazzling divine light rushes through the sky and underground.

   Like a volcano erupting, there are mushroom clouds rising into the sky.

   This is a terrifying scene, as if the end of the world is coming.

The onlookers fled a few miles away, and still can really feel a terrifying wave, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, rushing in all directions Many plants and trees have been destroyed, uncountable rocks rolled, and a piece of shattered .


   A scream came out. The attack power of an earth fairy was not as powerful as the counterattack power of the Golden Core Killing Array. His body was suddenly exploded by the Golden Core Killing Array, and his body was broken into bones and blood stained the sky.

   There are several similar pictures.

   However, at least half of the Earth Immortal's attacks suppressed the counterattack of the Golden Core Array, or annihilated each other.

   There are also some earth celestial beings who have been countered by the big formation, but when they shot, they thought of a way out and used the magic weapon to defend themselves.

   Therefore, more than a hundred earth immortals were attacked in a wave, only five earth immortals died and a dozen were injured.

   What is shocking is that the Golden Core Formation has not been breached.

   Thousands of years have passed, and the Golden Core Array still has such a power of destruction. From the side, you can also see the inner secrets of the inner gate, above the outer gate, I don't know how many levels.

   "It's my turn!" The old ancestor Jiuli drank softly, watching the timing, and then he shot.


   The moment the knife was lifted, a wave of crushing heaven and earth instantly enveloped the sky in a radius of tens of miles.

   The power is so powerful, as if an invincible **** is resurrected, and can destroy the world with every gesture.

   As the old ancestor Jiuli had guessed before, the attack power of the entire Golden Core Array was shared.

   When the Tiger Soul Battle Sword volleyed down, the divine energy was like a tide, and the air was spurred by the aura. The slaying mang rushed out of the big formation was only one house thick, far less than the slaying mang spurred by the jiuli divine lord before.

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