Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1589: Attacked


The tiger soul sword fell.

At that moment, the sun, the moon, the mountains and the river were shaking, and the world changed colors.

A bright red sword light that penetrated the sky became the only one in the world.

Although it is also motivating a divine mark, compared with the knife that Jiuli Divine Master cut just now, the power of Jiuli Patriarch's knife is a bit more powerful. The void has been split, and a striking black crack appears. There is even space chaos surging out.

Da da!

Countless people's eyes widened suddenly, their teeth trembling:

"God, magic soldier!"

Every piece of magic weapon is enough to suppress one case, and even a region of Qi Luck, looking at the entire Kunxu Outer Hidden Gate, there have only been three for thousands of years.

"This sword is named Tiger Soul, and it is the sabre of our ancestor, a generation of golden immortals, and the **** of war, Chi You. With this sword, my ancestor once swept the sky and the earth invincible, and slaughtered endless lives. Today, let’s look at me with this sword and make a big break. Golden Core Killing Array!" The ancestor Jiuli whispered softly, holding a knife in both hands, almost rushing into his whole body.

The legend of the God of War by Chi You is not only familiar to people in the secular world, but also a famous figure in the hidden gate. It is rare in ancient history to be able to determine the true existence of the Yuan Ying Jinxian.

Inspired by the great qi machine, the Golden Core Killing Array ran violently, and when the dense runes gleamed, a thick killer light rose up.

But because there were more than one hundred earth immortals at the same time, the power of the big formation was shared, all the attacks could not be gathered at one point, and only one big house was vacated.


In the horrified gaze of countless people, this great array of killer mansions was smashed into pieces by the tiger soul sword, like a dream bubble, turned into powder.

In the next second, the Heavenly Sword Light smashed a solid on the Golden Core Great Enchantment.

The earth cracked, and a big bottomless crack spread from the feet of the old ancestor Jiuli to the Great Golden Core barrier, like an abyss.

"Break it for me!" The ancestor Jiuli roared, his mana surging out like a mountain like a sea, all poured into the sword.

The essence pill in his body is generous and bright, and the violent true essence inside is only extracted for a short while, and it has not been used excessively, and it will not hurt the slightest.

Only after the last sky thunder catastrophe, he can be promoted to the golden core and become a generation of gods. It's a pity that this last half step was like a moat, he couldn't make it anyway. There is no way to ask, it is a kind of sadness.


As if a piece of heaven and earth were divided into two, the golden core Great Enchantment was really split under this knife.

One, two, three...

The Golden Core Great Enchantment consists of a total of 20 layers of large formations, which were forcibly split 18 layers by the old ancestor Jiuli, leaving only the last few layers.

At this moment, everyone in the Golden Core Great Enchantment looked up to the sky and saw a striking trace of the sky, which was thousands of feet long.

A sky-reaching sword light slashed down, splitting the barrier layer after layer, as if cutting an onion.

"Wow, I'm so risky, I almost got split!" Bai Ling'er opened her mouth into an O shape, her small heart thumped and thumped, making Hua Rong pale in surprise.

But as soon as her voice fell, she heard the voice of Jiuli Patriarch:

"Old Holy Master of Wanfa, if you don't take action at this time, when will you wait?"


An ancient chariot ran across the sky, making a deafening noise, and the momentum was as great as a tsunami.

Although the few people in the barrier couldn't see the situation outside, they were all shivered when they heard the momentum. The Jin Dan barrier shook violently, as if a piece of sky was crushed, terrifying.

"Broken!" The voice of the Holy Lord of Pharaoh resounded through the world, and the ancient Nine Fire Flame Dragon chariot at his feet was like a day in the sky, directly hitting the Golden Core Great Enchantment, following the big sword cut by the Tiger Soul. crack.

The ancient chariot is extremely powerful, a ray of divine scars on the avenue is revived, thousands of runes are shining, and the sacred brilliance is rolling in and covering the sky.

"No, a bunch of grandsons are about to rush in and get ready for the war." The old man Jiu Jue was the first to feel bad and shouted.



Almost as soon as his voice fell, the sky above his head, where the big rift was cut by the old ancestor Jiuli, was completely torn open inside and out.

It is as if the dam has broken its embankment and cannot be dealt with at once.


The dragons roared in bursts. First, nine fire dragons appeared, traversing the sky, each of which was more than ten feet long, with stiff limbs, not very flexible, but full of shocking power.

An ancient chariot followed closely, rumbling over it, solid and majestic, as if rushing out of a historical picture, sweeping the world.

Above the chariot, the Holy Lord of Ten Thousand Pharaoh stood proudly, his back was like a gun, and he was holding a golden sword. He was full of blood and murderous aura like a dragon.

He opened his mouth, supposedly he wanted to roar and declare war to Ye Tian, ​​but when he saw the scene in front of him, the nine floating mountains and the nine large waterfalls that fell, he suddenly felt a little lost.

This is a miracle, but also a conspiracy of the inner hidden gate to steal the heaven and earth vitality and the great inspiration of the outer hidden gate to provide for the inner hidden gate.

"You old man, really dare to come in, the first one to take you!" The old man Jiu Jue cursed, and he raised a small bronze cauldron between his hands and slammed into the ancient chariot of the Pharaoh Lord.

This bronze small tripod was snatched by Jiujue old man from the Medicine God Sect. Although it was just an ordinary spirit weapon, it could also burst out the terrifying power of the Great Dao in the hands of a pinnacle immortal.


At the same time as the bronze small tripod blasted out, the runes shone and suddenly became bigger.

In the end, when it hit the ancient chariot, it swelled to the size of a house, and coupled with the speed of lightning, the powerful impact was enough to knock down a mountain.


There was a loud noise like a Hongzhong and a big Lu, and the brilliant bronze small cauldron slammed on the ancient chariot sturdily, but in an instant it was knocked back into the air, making a crackling sound, densely covered with cracks.

To smash a divine weapon with that spiritual tool is like smashing a stone with an egg.

There was nothing serious about the bronze chariot, only a slight sway.

The Holy Lord of Pharaoh first glanced over with a glance, then reached out a big hand, and slapped it down at the old man Jiujue.


The old man Jiujue only felt that his head sank, as if a big mountain had been crushed down, and the void around him was condensing into an iron plate.

But after all, he is an old land immortal at the pinnacle, how could it be easily captured, with an angry roar, his whole body exploded, repelling the invisible pressure, and fleeing like lightning.


Where he stood just now, the earth sank and a huge palm print appeared.

At the edge of the palm print, a large amount of earth and rocks rose into the sky, and a large wave of earth and rocks a few meters high was swept away in all directions.

The power of the palm of the Holy Lord of the Pharaoh ~ overbearing!

"Damn, fuck!"

The old man Jiu Jue couldn't help being a little bit frightened, he couldn't fight this battle at all, the opponent was too strong.

"Hold the crack, and no one of them can come in!" Mengyao Jiao Jiao, holding a purple lightning thunder knife, slashed across the sky.

But it was useless at all. The big crack was like dumplings, and powerful earth immortals broke in one after another. The offensive power of the gods is almost negligible to them.

The cracks healed quickly, but they were also strangling.

However, when the cracks were fully healed, dozens of immortals successfully broke in, and it was a huge area.

This is a force that can destroy the world!

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