Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1614: Face Slap Golden Crow

"Boy, who do you think you are? My inner hidden gate is the residence of the Shangxian. Is it that you can go if you want to? The ancients leave a way for you to survive. If you don't go, then you should die!" Jinwu Prince Leng Drink, the eyes open and close, there is flame jumping, extremely sharp, the eagle looks at the wolf, unruly.

The wounds on his body are healing rapidly, and his aura is rising steadily, surpassing the condensed pill, and straight up towards the golden pill, his head is dancing frantically, his skin is flowing golden light, like a god.

As he spoke, he rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​and for a moment he didn't know how many times the speed of sound had been broken, he pulled up a surging air wave behind him, and burst into a series of thunderous sounds.

"The golden holy blood on your body is good, with divine nature, which can be used by me to temper my flesh." Prince Golden Crow smiled again, slammed out a palm and pointed it into a knife, directly facing Ye Tian Poke his heart out, as if to dig out his heart.

"It's not ashamed, it's just an underdeveloped miscellaneous bird, and I dare to insult my master. Let me meet you and teach you how to behave!" The terrestrial bear was furious and sarcastically said, degrading the Golden Crow Prince to just one. The miscellaneous little bird can no longer insult people.


Its huge body also rushed out in an instant, and in an instant it exceeded the speed of sound several times, lifted the big bear claws on the door, and slapped it down at the rushing Prince Golden Crow.

The giant claw broke through the sky, and a booming sound burst broke out, and the infinite coercion fell from the sky, as if torn off a piece of sky invisibly, and the void trembled violently.

Qiang Qiang!

When the palm fell, the terrestrial violent bear's palm shot out infinite sword energy, and in an instant it gathered into a surging river of sword energy, invincible, piercing the void with many holes.

At the same time, every pore of the violent earth bear's body is also spraying sword aura, and when the hair is shaking, there is a dense sound of swords and swords, as if every hair is a sword.

"Indestructible sword body, broken body and invisible sword energy!" Furukawa Jianxian's pupils shrank, only to discover that the earth raging bear was extraordinary, and he even built an indestructible sword body.

This physique is the strongest physique of sword repair, and it is very rare.

The Invisible Sword Qi is a magical killer move unique to the indestructible sword body. It is similar to the return of ten thousand swords to the sect.

This kind of supernatural power is cultivated to the highest level, and it is claimed to be able to destroy the world, crush the stars, and even the space.

The Grim Bear is far from reaching the highest level of cultivation, but when the sword aura hits, it also makes the space tremble slightly, and the sound of the collision of the swords is harsh and terrible.

"This violent bear is very good. Its flesh is filled with sword energy, like a sword like a sword. It is refined into a war puppet. It can be used to see the gate guardian. It must be a fierce fighter." Zhenjun Lei Xiao's eyes flickered. He is very interested in the bear.

"Since True Monarch Lei Xiao is right, then I will leave you alive." Prince Jinwu said.

"Okay, then I would like to thank Prince Jinwu." Zhenjun Lei Xiao laughed.

One of the two wants to temper himself with Ye Tian's golden holy blood, and the other wants to refine the violent earth bear into a battle puppet, not too much.

Ye Tian didn't change his expression, as if it was the wind in his ears, and he didn't care about it.

But the violent earth bear was furious, full of anger, and yelled like a thunder from the sky, deaf and deaf.

Its giant claws with big doors became more powerful, crushing the void almost to collapse, and it was necessary to slap the Golden Crow Prince with a single palm.

A heavy pressure like a mountain instantly enveloped Prince Golden Crow.

However, Prince Golden Crow didn't change his face, his blood spurted, and his blood was surging. The heavy pressure of a mountain was like nothing to him, and his body still crashed like lightning.

The sword energy that rushed down like a torrent was also repelled by the blood qi erupting from his body, and he could not get close.

His palms, which were originally stretched into swords, slammed into fists, and burst into flames, like a falling star, blasting towards the giant claws of the bear.

Although the Golden Crow Prince is two meters tall, he is considered to be an out-and-out giant among humans, but compared with the ten-foot-tall violent bear, he is as small as a dog beside an elephant.

Compared with the big bear claws on the door, his big fists are also small enough to be ignored.

In this situation, there is a bit of a trembling meaning of shaking the tree.


In the shocking gazes of countless people, the big claws of the big earth bear and the big fists of the Golden Crow Prince Douding violently collided, and there was an earth-shattering sound.

The sky and the earth shook, and the dazzling light rushed in all directions, accompanied by shock waves that could destroy everything. The earth with a radius of hundreds of meters cracked, sank, and violently covered the sky and covered the sky with smoke and dust, turning into a mushroom cloud and steaming. And up.

The golden core array clashed, and the cracks that were about to heal were torn apart again and almost washed away.

In the dense smoke and dust, only a golden figure stood proudly, like a small sun, blazing flames.

The ten-foot-length body of the violent earth bear has disappeared in place. A hill a hundred meters away collapsed, and the violent earth bear lay horizontally in the rubble. In the center of the big claw of the door panel, there is a blood hole that is transparent. The arm of a towering tree also bends in the opposite direction by ninety degrees.

"How is this possible?" Mengyao was so shocked that Huarong was pale.

"Wow! Am I right?" Bai Ling'er's mouth also opened into an o-shape.

Not only the people on Ye Tian's side, but everyone else, including a group of big earth immortals, were also stunned in shock.

The violent earth bear just tore off the guardian beast of the Jiuli Divine Sect, the old condensed pill, so powerful that everyone saw it, but now it was punched by the Golden Crow Prince. It was too unreal.

This shows that Prince Jinwu can almost sweep the entire Kunxu Outer Hidden Gate alone.

"The Golden Crow tribe’s natural body, blood, and veins are powerful and powerful, and King Kong is not bad. Isn’t it like you waiting for the ants?" Zhenjun Lei Xiao smirked, "However, this violent bear is also very good, only hurting one arm. , If it is an ordinary creature, it will be in the condensed pill state, and it will probably be wiped out by the fist of the Golden Crow Prince."

"Congratulations to Zhenjun Lei Xiao, for winning a warlike pet." Furukawa Sword Immortal smiled.

However, he said that the battle pet of the violent earth bear was extremely rare for his old man, but the real monarch Lei Xiao first fancy, he will not be loved by others.

"Really? Then I will try!"

The moment Furukawa Sword Fairy's voice just fell, Ye Tian disappeared from the place, and escaped into the void, with only one voice floating in the air.


"Prince, UU read be careful!" Zhenjun Lei Xiao reminded loudly.

After an instant, Ye Tian crossed a distance of several tens of meters and appeared in front of Prince Golden Crow. He raised a fist and blasted out.

"Looking for death, dare to attack me!"

The prince Jinwu was shocked and hurriedly retreated, but he was still slow.


Ye Tian broke through the air with a fist like a star, and his fist was like a dragon. He exploded all the stressful protective magic weapons on Prince Golden Crow, and finally blasted his face. As the entire head deformed, People also flew out, flying thousands of meters away, crashing into several mountains.

Suddenly, the audience was silent!

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