Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1615: Who is stronger

"What, he actually..."

Everyone at the scene looked stupid. The Prince Golden Crow killed the Grim Bear in a second, but was killed by Ye Tian in the next second. It was so dramatic.

Even Furukawa Jianxian's pupils shrank suddenly, astonished.

That is the prince of the dignified Jinwu tribe, the outstanding young man of the immortal sect, one of the youngest golden cores, and can be compared with the golden core elders of many religious sects.

Although the blood of the contemporary Jinwu tribe is impure and no longer flourishes in the past, it is also a semi-immortal existence in the immortal gate, and the power of God cannot be violated.

Now the Golden Crow Prince, such a world-shaking big figure, was beaten and flew by Ye Tian. This was a provocation to the Golden Crow. If you were in the immortal gate, you would surely be copied and cut by the whole family, and the nine tribes would be destroyed.

"Wow, it's too fierce!" Bai Ling'er was surprised and opened her mouth into an o shape again.

"Okay, beautiful fight! This kind of birdman, I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, but he owes it." Zhao Qingyi clenched his fists with both hands, also excited.

"Sneak attack, what kind of skill?"

However, some people were disgusted, thinking that Ye Tian's sneak attack was demeanor.

"Yeah, if you don't sneak attack and fight in a fair manner, Devil Ye Xiao is definitely not an opponent and will be killed in seconds."

"Hehe, it's a skill to succeed in a sneak attack! Replace with you, try a sneak attack?"

"Devil Ye's body is very strange, he can penetrate the void and shrink to an inch, not to be underestimated."


Inside and outside the enchantment, various voices kept ringing, with shock, sarcasm, and doubt.

Among them, the most shocking ones are Furukawa Sword Immortal and Lei Xiao Zhenjun.

They didn't expect Ye Tian to have the ability to shrink to an inch. If they attacked them just now, they might have been flying out.

After smelting the Void Avenue, Ye Tian’s flashing supernatural powers, far better than before, not only can flash more times in a day, longer distances, but also more unexpected, without knowing the ghost, can really shrink into Inch, through your heart.

Moreover, the strength of Ye Tian's fist surpassed their imagination.

You must know that as the prince of the Golden Crow Clan, he has a high position and respected status. The magic weapon on his body is by no means idle. Any one of them can resist the quasi-jindan strike, and even the Jindan strike, but Ye Tian fisted them all. It broke.

This shows that even if he didn't attack, he might not have the capital to fight the Golden Crow Prince.

The two of them who hadn't put Ye Tian in their eyes, all tightened their nerves in an instant and stared at them.

True Monarch Lei Xiao held his hands on his back, standing still, after a big breath, suddenly a wisp of gold filled his body, and the skin of his whole body turned into bronze in an instant. Even the pair of eyes, the thick long hair, and the stubble on the chin shone with a cold metal light.

Zi Zi Zi!

Countless small electric glows also rose up on him, spraying out from every pore, flickering and jumping, gathering into thick electric glows, wrapping him up and down like silver snakes dancing wildly.

The long sword hanging from the waist of Furukawa Sword Immortal buzzed and trembled, and a light curtain of sword domain protection was formed between the fingers of the body.

"How courageous! You dare to attack the Prince of the Golden Crow. It's really a doggie. Do you know who he is? Do you know how much crime you have committed? He is the prince of the dignified Golden Crow family. Dare to neglect!" True Monarch Lei Xiao said in anger.

His whole body is thunderous and exquisite, blazing and dazzling, making it impossible to look directly at him. His bronze male body is like a copper wall and iron wall, which gives people terrible pressure.

"In your eyes, he is the crown prince aloof, but in my eyes, he is just a wild bird that has not evolved completely. If you dare to insult me, you must bear my anger." Ye Tian said in a low voice, standing tall, golden. The blood and energy were extremely vigorous, evaporating from his body, almost drowning his whole person.

His golden body was fully unfolded, like divine golden colored glaze, flowing golden clouds, overflowing with colorful light, shining brilliantly, without any flaws.

"Your physique is extraordinary. It seems to be the legendary immortal golden body. It is rare in my immortal gates. No wonder you can squeeze the outer hidden gate invincible. But, based on these capabilities, you despise my inner hidden Is the confidence of the immortal door? You are not a golden core, and you never know the horror of the golden core. Even if my cultivation base temporarily retreats to the condensed core, it can kill you like a chicken." Furukawa Jianxian said lightly, with a rickety body. Gradually it stopped, piercing the sky like a sharp sword.


A great mountain in the distance suddenly erupted with a earth-shaking sound, and there was a sky fire raging, blazing flames, like a volcanic eruption.

"Damn ants, how dare you slap me in the face! I want you to die!"

Amidst the raging fire, there was the roar of Prince Golden Crow, and a tall figure emerged in it, with a disheveled hair.

If you look carefully, you will find that his entire face is deformed, his mouth is still spurting blood, his cheekbones seem to be broken, and his head is swollen into a pig's head.

However, it is also considered that Prince Jinwu has a tyrannical physique, and if he was replaced by someone else, he was already headshot by Ye Tian.

At this moment, Prince Golden Crow was furious, and his body was full of raging golden blood, turning into a billowing golden flame.

Behind him, a three-legged golden crow appeared, bathing in the sea of ​​flames, expanding and becoming more and more real. In the end, the wings were plump and expanded to a span of ten feet.

Boom boom boom!

As soon as the three-legged golden crow came out, the void with a radius of several hundred feet rioted and roared. Shizhang's wings lightly flapped, and there was a hurricane whistling, the flames smelt the sky, and the world was burned.

The physical body was extremely sublimated, and in an instant, the aura on Prince Jin Wu passed the condensed pill and climbed to the golden pill.

At this moment, a group of big earth immortals in the audience were all moved, suppressed to breathe, with a faint urge to kneel down, and pay homage to Prince Jinwu.

"I don't care what physique you are, if you don't become a golden core, you will always be an ant. Under my fist, everything is vain!"

After speaking, Prince Golden Crow rushed out, with a sea of ​​fire, accompanied by a three-legged Golden Crow, breaking through seven or eight times the speed of sound in an instant, so fast that human eyes could barely catch it.


Facing Ye Tian's face, he simply slammed a punch.

As soon as this punch was shot, it was like a round of scorching sun, suddenly the world changed color, and the sun and moon overturned!

The entire void seemed to burst, turning into a vast ocean of chaos, hurricanes and raging waves, and even space debris rushed out, even more so than nuclear shock waves.

Facing the earth-shattering punch of the Golden Crow Prince, Ye Tian still stood upright, not dodge or avoid, his right hand clenched with five fingers, and also clenched into a fist.

"Be careful, get out of the way, don't hold on!" Elder Li Chundao exclaimed and reminded loudly.

"Ye Tian, ​​get away quickly, suicide can't be like that!" Zhao Qingyi also shouted loudly.



With the flash of magical powers just now, Ye Tian was suspected of sneak attack.

Now that there is a positive shock, many people are not optimistic about Ye Tian.

After all, Prince Golden Crow had just punched through the big palm of the bear, which was too frightening.

Even True Monarch Lei Xiao and Furukawa Sword Fairy were surprised, and they didn't expect Ye Tian to have the courage to fight head-to-head with Prince Golden Crow.

You know, the Golden Crow has an unparalleled physique and claims that King Kong is not bad.

Although the Golden Crow Prince looked very young, he was only in his 20s and 30s, but he was actually as old as a Jiazi.

"Drive me!"

Ye Tian shouted, and the golden body shook violently, rushing out of the divine light.

In an instant, the two dharma bodies of Suzaku and White Tiger, and the two gods of Qinglong and Xuanwu appeared behind him, all condensed and real. Especially the two Dharmakayas, as if two real beasts came to the world.

There are four power blessings, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com gave everyone in the audience an illusion that Ye Tian seemed to have turned into a giant who opened up the world, and could destroy the world with every gesture.

Wu Ji Shenquan!

Ye Tian looked solemnly, using the golden body to urge this world-class fist with all his strength. With the blessing of the two dharma bodies and the two gods, he slammed out with a punch, like a hammer that shook the sky and blasted the golden prince blazingly. Above the fighting fist.


Suddenly, there was a strange sound.

Then came the broken bones and rotten meat flying out, blood staining the sky.

All this happened so quickly. Everyone thought that Ye Tian was killed. After the dust settled, they discovered that only Ye Tian stood intact, dripping blood from a war fist, and still bursting out with brilliant light. , Four spirit beasts all over the body accompany, like a god.

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