Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1618: Void Exile


The sword shook the sky, murderous!

Obviously only a sword was cut, but there was a mighty purple sky hanging down.

This is the sword domain, the boundless murderous aura gushing out, terrifying, and falling with the sword's strength, suddenly covering a radius of tens of meters of the world, and blocking Ye Tian in it.

Ren Yetian took precautions and was careful, but he was also caught off guard.

As for everyone in the audience, no one thought that Furukawa Sword Immortal would suddenly attack Ye Tian, ​​and he would strike a lore as soon as he did it.

Sword Immortal's blow, how terrifying is that?

When the sword domain enveloped his body, Ye Tian's flashing supernatural powers temporarily failed, and the sword domain not only blocked him, but also blocked the void.

The rhythm of his floating light and shadow steps was also disrupted, and his body turned from half real to real, as if being repelled from the void, and the speed suddenly dropped a lot. The fastest update

The speed of the purple long sword was too fast, fierce and cruel, and vomiting peerless sword light.

There are seven stigmata resurrected. This is a legendary sacred soldier, and it has nurtured the spirit of the weapon, coupled with the superb sword control skill of Shushan, so this sword of Furukawa Sword Fairy will be extremely terrifying, such as The antelope hanging horns is wonderful, and its skills are close to Dao, and it is impossible to avoid it.


Almost in an instant, the Peerless Sword Light approached Ye Tian's head, cut off a lock of hair, and fell with the wind. A cold cutting sensation surged across his body instantly.

It was the first time that he had his hair cut off after so many wars when he came to the outer hidden gate of Kunxu.

It was also the first time that death was so close to him.

"Ye Xiaoyou, be careful!" Li Chundao shouted, with a heart in his throat instantly.

"No!" Bai Ling'er covered his eyes with both hands.

"Stop, don't kill my teacher!" Su Mengyao desperately rushed out.

"No, it's useless." Lan Meng grabbed Mengyao.

"Big Brother..." Outside the barrier, little girl Luo Li also cried out.


Zheng Zheng Zheng!

Peerless swordsman, like a purple electric sky descending, swallowing sword light, spraying murderous aura, pointing directly at Ye Tian's head, unavoidable, almost killing.

If the head is slashed, even the big hero will have to hate.

Between the electric light and flint, Ye Tian opened up the Chaos God Realm, the golden light was immense, and the chaotic energy was surging. He wanted to repel the sword realm first, control the void, and then use the flashing magical power to escape.

However, time was obviously not enough, the purple long sword was too fast, and he still couldn't avoid it. The blade had touched his skull and cut off his hair.


Golden blood began to drip, like golden diamonds, extremely crystal clear and dazzling.

This is the golden holy blood, containing the brilliance of divinity, comparable to the great medicine.

Through a small cut in the skull, he can even see that his skull is also golden, as if it were made of **** gold.

Golden body, golden blood, golden bone!

Sword Immortal Furukawa is even more convinced that Ye Tian is the legendary indestructible golden body, one of the strongest physiques in the world.

Although he cherishes his material, since he can't win, he can only kill Ye Tian, ​​otherwise he will be a big enemy in the future, and the inner hidden door may have to follow the footsteps of the outer hidden door.

"Don't blame me, you really can't keep you!" Furukawa Jianxian sighed softly, raised his right hand, and the palm fingers shook slightly. The purple long sword's offensive was a little better.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze, everyone in the audience held their breath, not even daring to kick a breath of air.


Earthstorm Kumamoto could kill Prince Golden Crow with a single sword, but he was also distracted. He roared in the direction of Ye Tian, ​​like a savage dragon roaring, shaking the mountains and trembling endless earth and rocks, but let him It is useless to roar through the throat.

On the contrary, it lost consciousness for a moment, putting itself in a dangerous situation.

The golden crow prince avoided the peerless sword edge of the violent earth bear with a slight difference, and turned into a golden rainbow with lightning speed, and drew a half arc in the void. Lightning generally appeared behind it, A pair of claws larger than the door panel came out, holding the horror power that tore everything to the back of its head.

The Big Earth Bear was ten feet tall, he was huge and fat, and his steering was very inflexible. He was in an extremely dangerous situation all at once. Like Ye Tian, ​​life and death were at stake.

"It's over." The old man Jiu Jue sank.

All the hard work and all the results will be in vain, and he lost all the games. His old man feels very uneasy.

But at this moment, Ye Tian's heart was like water still, and countless "dao" trajectories flashed in his mind for an instant, and every trajectory was a way of escape.

It's a pity that all the trails are gray and black, which is invalid for him.


Suddenly, his heart brightened, and the trails seemed like meteors passing by, illuminating his heart in an instant.


Ye Tian suddenly reached out a hand, made a knife with his palm fingers, and swiped it in the void.

Suddenly, a void was distorted, and with a light stroke of his palm, a gap in time and space appeared.

A purple light flashed out of thin air and disappeared in an instant.


Everyone in the audience was shocked, and the purple long sword that fell above Ye Tian's head disappeared out of thin air. It was really a ghost.

"Void exile!" Ye Tianzhuo stood in the center, and his voice came out, telling everyone an answer.

The Purple Longsword was exiled by him using Void Secret Art, it was incredible.

This is a combination of Void Avenue and flashing magical powers, an alternative application.

He didn't have time to flash himself, so he flashed the purple long sword away, thus resolving the trouble.

Even Furukawa Sword Immortal had a black line, and he didn't expect this result at all.

His spiritual thoughts surged wildly, and his mental power exploded, but he could perceive the breath of the Ziying Sword, not a deep void exile.

However, this is also enough to shock the world, the exile involves the Void Avenue, and ordinary Jin Dan can't control it. But Ye Tian, ​​a small earth fairy, was able to perform, it was incredible.


True Monarch Lei Xiao licked his tongue, his fighting spirit flourished, and finally regarded Ye Tian as a competent opponent, and attacked with all his strength.

His arms shook, and two silver thunder dragons flew out. Initially they were only a foot long, but they turned into ten feet long, thicker than a water tank, and shot Ye Tian away. That dazzling thunder light, UU reading is almost as solid as a real dragon.


At the same time, the Divine Lord Jiuli also shot, holding a tiger soul soldier, and attacking Ye Tian.

"Isn't you waiting?"

At the same time as the shot, Divine Lord Jiuli yelled to a group of big earth immortals, summoning everyone to shot together.

"Okay, let's take action together and kill the secular children in one fell swoop."


Almost fifty earth immortals also followed their shots, each hitting their own peaks and killing Xiang Ye Tian.

Suddenly, the whole world changed drastically, as if the world had turned over, with huge explosions one after another. <>showbyjs('Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Less');<><>downbyjsleft;<><>downbyjs;<>(Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Lesser)

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