Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1619: Invincible Bear

When Ye Tian was beaten by a gang, the violent earth bear also reached a critical moment.

Two huge golden claws were grabbing at the back of its head, carrying the terrible power of tearing apart the sky.

If it is really caught, it will be crushed even if it is an iron head, because the golden claws are peerless and sharp, and each claw is comparable to a peerless war spear, thick as a bucket, and more than one foot long. .

The Grim Bear was distracted by Ye Tian. When he came back to his senses, it was too late, he couldn't avoid it, and he couldn't fight back because he was too cumbersome.

"Is it really going to die?"

Just when everyone thought the blizzard bear was about to end, a terrifying scene suddenly broke out in the field, and the sky was turned back.


The terrestrial violent bear first let out a loud roar, and then bent its head slightly, leaving its back to Prince Golden Crow and let him grab it.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

The spine in its body heard the sound of steel collision, and it was even more visible that a straight divine light spread from bottom to top along the spine line, like an electric light, at an extremely fast speed.


In the next second, the sword light bursting into the sky burst out from the spine of the violent bear on the earth, like a thousand swords, very strange, but it was destroyed, penetrated everything, and terrible.

The intimidating sword light, every path is like a real big sword, even the mountain peak can be cut off.

Countless sword lights gathered together, what a terrifying power, it was like a super volcanic eruption, destroying everything, suppressing people to suffocation.

Prince Golden Crow just flew directly above the head of the violent earth bear, and couldn't dodge at all. None of the sword lights fell into the air, and they all fell on Prince Golden Crow.

The huge figure with a wingspan of 100 meters was like a sky, shaking violently, and immediately lost control, and then began to collapse, being ripped apart by the endless sword light.

This sudden change obviously stunned everyone in the audience, except for the group of powerful people who attacked Ye Tian, ​​everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

"Ah, no!" Prince Golden Crow let out a screaming scream, never dreaming that he would fail again, and was once again caught off guard. The Golden Crow's body was collapsing, his golden feathers flying like rain.

The violent earth bear uses its spine as its scabbard, and its sword aura as its blade, like a rocket launcher, sending out this shocking blow, powerful and invincible.

Although this attack lasted only a short ten seconds, it caused the Golden Crow Prince's Golden Crow Fa body to be severely damaged, and when it was full of holes, he involuntarily threw it upward.

Prince Golden Crow thought he would be able to breathe, but found that the tyrannical bear suddenly raised his head, opened his blood basin, and suddenly roared, and a terrible shock wave surged out.

Grumpy bear breathes!

Boom boom boom!

The sky riots, like tens of thousands of huge waves rolling up to the sky, impacting the bears on the earth

"Damn it!"

Prince Golden Crow also opened his mouth, spitting out a pillar of fire that pierced the sky, but his aura decayed. The pillar of fire first broke apart under the violent breath, and finally turned back and burned to himself.

Bang, bang, bang!

In the stunned eyes of countless people, the Golden Crow Dharma body, which was already riddled with holes, was blown away like a big cloud, collapsed thousands of miles, and turned to ashes.

In the end, only a dazzling ball of light remained, and a golden crow phantom concealed in it, let out a vicious roar, flew away towards the distance.

This is the golden core of the Golden Crow Prince, with a dim luster, with scars cut by void fragments on it, and the thunder pattern left by the tribulation. There are three, which is not bad. Although, the third grade golden core is hopeless for life.

How could the tyrannical bear allow the Golden Crow Prince's Golden Core and Divine Soul to escape, pick up the Sun and Moon Divine General, which was more than ten feet long, and slashed out in the air.


The cold light of a sword illuminates the sky, as if a starry river is falling, thousands of stars smashed the golden core of the Golden Crow Prince, each containing a terrible sword energy. It is recommended to read sm..s..

Prince Golden Crow's breath was instantly locked, and he couldn't make various maneuvering positions, and the sword light of the sky chased him.

"Old, save me!" Prince Jinwu shouted, asking for help from Furukawa Sword Immortal.

It was also a coincidence that at this time the purple sword that Furukawa Sword Fairy had been exiled by Ye Tian began to come out.

In a mountain forest thousands of meters away, a sword beam rushed up into the sky, splitting a mountain hundreds of meters high, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, in half. On the smooth wall, crimson magma is still dripping.

As soon as the purple long sword was summoned from the void, it encountered the mountain, and it was still at the foot of the mountain, so that it was so.

Hundreds of feet of mountains, like thin paper, were split in half by a sword, and the sharpness of the purple long sword can be seen.

"Stop it! He is the Prince of the Golden Crow, do you dare to kill him?" Furukawa Sword Immortal shouted loudly, while controlling the purple long sword to slash the terrestrial bear, forcing it to stop.

But wherever the violent earth bear paid attention to him, he cut it off with a sword, and the Golden Crow Jin Dan was chopped in half. Amid the unwilling wailing, the spirit of the Golden Crow Prince was also smashed with a sword.

This unrivaled Tianjiao of the hidden gate came to an end so dramatic.

After slaying the prince Golden Crow with a sword, the raging bear ran away. He didn't dare to fight with the sword fairy of Furukawa, even if he held a legendary holy soldier.

However, it flees too fast, and flying sword is fast, it will soon be chased, and it will be in a dangerous situation again.

At this time, Ye Tian was also in danger.

A golden pill, a condensed pill, and nearly fifty earth immortals, all together, what a terrible attack power is that?

It is no exaggeration to say that if it is in the secular world, the millions of armies of the current empire, the torrent of steel, can also be destroyed in one fell swoop.


The huge explosion sounded like thunder, the sky trembled and the earth turned over.

The place where Ye Tian stood just now suddenly turned into a chaos, filled with endless destruction energy, as if returning to the state of chaos before the opening of the world, everything ceased to exist.

"do you died?"

Everyone looked in stunned, expecting in their hearts.

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, there was a voice from UU reading www.uukā

A golden figure stood proudly in the sky, looking down.

It was Ye Tian, ​​who had left the place under everyone's eyelids by virtue of the Void Shuttle Secret Technique, and came to the sky.


There was no time for the group of people below to react at all. As soon as the voice fell, Ye Tian shot his hand, and a big golden handprint fell from the air, holding a skyshaking big seal in his palm.

Boom boom boom!

The big golden hand, majestic and majestic, like a golden cloud, rolled down, covering True Monarch Lei Xiao, Divine Lord Jiuli, and a group of other big immortals underneath. <>showbyjs('Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Less');<><>downbyjsleft;<><>downbyjs;<>(Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Lesser)

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