Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1634: Perform their duties

Eight elders of Jiuli were slapped to death with one palm, Ye Tian's expression remained as usual, as if eight ants were slapped to death, without the slightest psychological burden.

He patted his palms symbolically, dusted his body again, and swept his eyes to the other Jiuli elders under the throne again.

Da da!

Under his gaze, all the remaining Jiuli elders did not dare to gasp, swallowed wildly, and their teeth trembled, lest Ye Tian would kill them too.

They knelt here because they were afraid of death.

"Don't be nervous, although you are not clean, but you are not worthy of death." Ye Tian and Yan Yue's tone are very kind, and they have completely changed from the time when they shot. You can still get salvation if you have gone through the utter conscience. This suzerain will also open up his mind and be generous."

"Thank you Sect Master for your kindness, I will definitely change the evil and return to the right in the future, accumulate good deeds, and atone for the bad things that I have done before." An old widow thanked and said with fear.

The other elders followed one another, showing heartfelt gratitude. .

"If this is the case, then I will not blame it. If any of you want to leave, make a living on your own, you can leave, whatever you want. However, if I heard about it, and if you dare to do evil, you will escape to the end of the world. , I will still be a strong shock. And if you want to stay and assist this seat, this seat will also accept it, use it according to your materials, and even delegate important tasks to give you more training resources, and even give you more tips on cultivation. two."

Hearing what Ye Tian said, a group of elders suddenly looked at each other.

"You go out first, discuss it for yourself, and then come in and tell me when you have the result." Ye Tian waved his hand.

These elders are usually timid and fearful, greedy for life and fear of death, or are mad and obsessed with cultivation, so they can live to this day, and their true management skills are hard to say.

Ye Tian hoped that they would all leave, saving the Zongmen a sum of money.

However, after all, it is the elder of the former clan, and he cannot simply and rudely blast away, but he must be treated kindly to make a good impression on the world.

After these elders went out, the rest in the lobby were their own people, and it could be said that they were all "heritors".

"Um, Master, when shall we go to the treasure house? Or, just leave it to me, and I will help you count the treasures inside. The treasure house is the foundation of the sect, so you can't be sloppy." The old man Jiu Jue couldn't wait to say.

As soon as he said this, Mengyao and others immediately cast contempt at him.

"The treasure house is not in a hurry. The treasure doesn't have long legs and can't run." Ye Tian said, frowning slightly, "I have a task right now and I need your help."

"What's the matter?" the old man Jiujue asked.

"Although the upper strata of the Jiuli Divine Sect has been cleaned up, among the large number of disciples in the middle and lower strata, it is inevitable that there are some pickled generations who are not educated, unskilled, and even rapists. I now order you as Beiming The great elder of Xianzong’s law protector, leading the Jiuli widows who are willing to stay, cleans up these disciples. Those who are capable will stay behind, those who are incompetent will be dismissed, those who commit crimes and commit crimes will be sentenced."

Happiness came so quickly that the old man Jiujue couldn't react for a while, and the whole person was stunned.

"Congratulations, Senior Jiujue. All your hard work has been rewarded. From now on, I will call you the Great Elder." Mengyao chuckled lightly, sending a heartfelt message for the elderly Jiujue to be happy.

"Elder Faculty Protector, Senior Jiujue is worthy of an important task, and he will definitely fulfill his mission." Li Chundao said immediately, trusting the abilities of the old man.




"That..., hahaha!" The old man Jiujue reacted and laughed for a while, and said: "I've been sloppy in my life and have never cared about people. Master, are you exalting me too much? Old slave Sincerely fearful."

"Stop calling the master, just call me the suzerain. I see your abilities in my eyes, and don't underestimate yourself. I appoint you as the great elder of the guardian, naturally there is my reason. I will give you one month now, One month later, I hope to see a brand new Northern Underworld Immortal Sect."

"Since the suzerain can trust me, then I won't refuse." The old man Jiujue laughed, then bowed his hand, and said solemnly: "I will follow the suzerain's decree, and I will not humiliate my mission!"

Then, Ye Tian looked at Li Chundao, Luo Feng and Zhao Qingyi.

"Whether to go or stay, I believe you have made a decision in your heart. If you insist on leaving, and then establish the Qingshan sect, I will help you. If you are willing to stay, I will not treat you badly." Ye Tian said straightforwardly.

Now that the Sect Master was first established, it was time to hire people. Ye Tian originally hoped that the three of them could stay and help him.

"I want to establish the Qingshan sect again, it's not easy!" Elder Li Chundao sighed, suddenly a little more vicissitudes in his torch-like eyes.

Luo Feng and Zhao Qingyi also clenched their fists, their expressions very solemn.

Thinking about this question, they thought about it day and night, not knowing that they considered it hundreds of times.

Establishing a sect requires not only a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources, but also a strong appeal.

The three cultivators of the gods are just three polished commanders.

Even if Ye Tian helped them, it would be difficult for them in their lifetime.

Moreover, a lot of complicated things will waste their cultivation.

If you leave to help Ye Tian, ​​there will be endless benefits, abundant training resources, expert guidance, prestige status,...

"Thanks to Ye Xiaoyou not disgusting, we must be grateful to Dade and serve the left and right." Li Chundao said, giving an answer.

"Okay, you are willing to stay, I am very happy. The great enmity of the Qingshanmen has been reported, and you can also be relieved. The road ahead is still very long, look forward to everything. Since Elder Li has the experience of performing duties in the Zongmen, Then I'll leave it to you a character to help Beiming Immortal Sect draw up new door rules and various new systems. Luo Feng, Zhao Qingyi, your juniors and sisters will work with Elder Li for now. "

"Okay, I will live up to the trust of the sovereign. UU reading" Li Chundao said solemnly.

Luo Feng and Zhao Qingyi did not have any opinions.

Next, Ye Tian also assigned responsibilities to the tyrannical bear and the fire cloud lion. The guardian beast was one of the left beast and the other was the right beast.

"Teacher, what about me?" Mengyao asked eagerly.

"And me." Bai Ling'er also raised her little hand.

"You guys, just follow me." Ye Tian laughed.

Next there is a woman, Shuiyue Saint Lanmeng.

Ye Tian directly let her return to the Shuiyue Sect.

It was really embarrassing to stay, it was completely unnecessary, Lan Meng nodded and agreed.

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