Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1635: Open the treasure house

To Ye Tian's surprise, the remaining elders of Jiuli, after some consideration, all agreed to stay and serve him, and none of them wanted to leave.

Think about it carefully, and understand their choices well.

These Jiuli elders are all very old, but their cultivation is only in the **** realm, and they have ordinary aptitudes. Even if they are outside, they are hard to eat. And because of what he did in the past, he may still suffer the anger of the rivers and lakes and be retaliated against.

Staying in the sect, even if he is a cultivating house with peace of mind, Ye Tian will not treat them badly, take care of them in life, provide resources and give guidance on cultivation.

After some weighing, they made the choice that was most beneficial to them and stayed.

Elder Jiujue selected a few from the bereaved elders and left together, and went to follow Ye Tian's instructions to screen the original Jiuli disciples. This is a top priority and cannot be delayed.

He is now the Great Elder of Jiuli, and he does things with vigor and enthusiasm.

Li Chundao also selected two Jiuli elders who were familiar with internal affairs to formulate the rules of the sect together.

After these people left, Ye Tian sat on the throne of the lord for a while, looked at the luxurious decorations in the hall, smiled suddenly, and muttered to himself: "Jiu Li Sect is worthy of being the largest sect of the outer gate of Kunxu. Any decorative treasure bottle is a magic weapon, and any lamp is the wick of the Ye Mingzhu.... Then how many treasures must there be in its treasure house?"

With everything arranged properly, Ye Tian should go to the treasure house to have a look, with high expectations in his heart.

Although the size of the Waiyin Gate in Kunxu is small, the natural environment is blessed with abundance of aura, and the treasures bred for millions of years are far beyond the reach of the secular world.

Since the fall of the Sun and Moon Sword Palace, the Jiuli Sect has ruled the Outer Hidden Gate of Kunxu for thousands of years, and the total amount of wealth it has collected must be astronomical.

Hearing that Ye Tian said that he was going to the treasure house, Bai Ling'er cheered for joy, as calm as Mengyao, and there was a little excitement and excitement between her eyebrows.

An old elder from Jiuli Li, who recommended himself to help Ye Tian lead the way.

"But..." the old widow turned his head and said: "I can take you to the treasure house, but I can't help you open the door of the treasure house. The key to the treasure house is only in the hands of the previous gods."

"Ah, what if you can't open it?" Bai Ling'er was suddenly startled.

"Just take us there. How to open it, my teacher has his own way." Mengyao said, trusting Ye Tian incomparably.

The old widow chuckled, as if I didn't believe you, but hurried away with a group of people facing the treasure house.

Halfway through, Old Man Jiujue didn't know where to get the news, so he came over and joined the group.

When they arrived at the treasure house, even the three of Qingshanmen came to join in the fun.

In other words, everyone is looking forward to the rewards.

The treasure house of Jiuli was built in a mountain, with only one stone gate in and out.

The stone gate and the mountain are almost one body, and the thickness is unknown. There are dense runes imprinted on it, indicating that this is not an ordinary stone gate, but has the characteristics of a magic weapon, far better than a steel gate of the same thickness.

Ye Tian released his divine consciousness, but was unable to penetrate this stone gate, which had a strong shielding effect on divine consciousness.

However, Ye Tian was not angry and rejoiced. The more expensive the treasure house, the stronger it was, the more he would have an expectation for the treasures inside.

"It's just a stone gate, just break it, let me come!" The old man Jiu Jue was eager to try, standing out of the crowd, and slapped the stone gate outright.


How powerful is a palm shot by Dianfeng Dixian, a heavy main battle tank in the secular world can be shot into iron mud.

But in the next second, the old man Jiu Jue flew out, flew a full ten feet away, and almost fell a dog to eat shit.

The originally ordinary stone gate suddenly lit up with dense runes, divine light lingering, and extraordinary.

"It's useless, this Shimen can counter-shock all the external forces back. The greater the force you hit, the more damage you will suffer." said the old elder Jiuli who led the way.

"Made, you old man, why didn't you tell me?" Old man Jiujue got up from the ground, cursing and walking back.

"You shot so fast, you didn't give me a chance to say it." Jiuli's elder said innocently.


At this time, the ground shook violently, and a behemoth came.

It is the violent earth bear, although the height has shrunk to more than one foot, it still gives a beast-like visual impact, and is too strong.

"No matter how powerful the counter-shock rune, there is always a limit to the strength of the counter-shock," said the violent earth bear, eager to try.

It is right, as long as the power is large enough to surpass the limit, there is no stone gate that cannot be broken.

In the stunned eyes of everyone, the violent earth bear took root on its feet, and a large paw was lifted high and suddenly blasted out.


Giant claws about the size of a millstone burst out of the air, making a deafening boom and explosion, seeming to have cracked the space.

On the five tungsten steel-like claws, a dazzling glare appeared, like five peerless heavenly swords, capable of shredding everything.


There was a loud sound like a meteor hitting the earth, and the shocking scene happened again. Although the terrestrial bear was still standing on the spot, the ground under its feet was cracked, densely packed with cracks everywhere, and half of its body was even submerged underground. , Until the waist. And the arm that shot the giant palm was unexpectedly bent ninety degrees, like a broken matchstick.


A group of people looked at each other, full of shock, full of incomprehension, and full of helplessness.

If Shimen really cannot be opened, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is simply the most tragic thing in the world.

"Try banging on this stone mountain, maybe you can make a channel from other places." Mengyao said, giving an idea.

"It's useless. The entire stone gate, and the secret room inside, are all in one. They are all imprinted with rune spells. They are as solid as gold. If you enter from anywhere, you will encounter a stone gate." Ye Tian shook his head and said.

His divine consciousness penetrated into the mountain, and could not penetrate into the core treasure house from any direction. Countless **** patterns are painted on the stone walls of the entire treasure house, which are connected as a whole, without any omissions, and become a complete large-scale sealed body.

Moreover, this seal is very unusual and has the ability to self-destruct.

Once the destructive power exceeds the limit, the entire treasure house will be destroyed when the stone gate is broken.

When Ye Tian told this discovery, everyone was shocked and even more desperate. The Grim Bear took out the Tiger Soul Warriors, and silently took them back.

"Bring the knife." Ye Tian put out a hand and said to the bear.

"Teacher, are you going to split the stone gate? Will it...?" Mengyao asked worriedly.

The others also looked puzzled. He clearly said just now that if you break the door with brute force, the treasure house will destroy itself.

Ye Tian didn't reply. After receiving the Tiger Soul Sabre from the Grim Bear, facing the edge of the stone gate, he pierced in a tiny gap with a single knife. It didn't even reach the hilt, but it was tightly closed.

"Hey, isn't this knife the key to the treasure house?" The old man Jiu Jue was surprised.


The stone gate cracked violently, and when the gorgeous runes were shining, there was a sudden crackling sound, which actually opened.

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