Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1636: Many treasures

In the shocking eyes of everyone.

Using the Tiger Soul Sabre as the key, Ye Tian pierced into a gap at the edge of the stone gate and actually opened the stone gate.

Suddenly, there is a splendid splendor rushing out of the cave, colorful and dazzling.

There is even more rich aura, surging like a torrent, so rich that it can't be dissipated, and it hits the face, making people feel the vigorous vitality, and can't help but breathe wildly with his mouth wide open.

For a moment, everyone was stunned and dumbfounded.

"Let's go, go in and take a look."

Ye Tian withdrew the Tiger Soul Sabre and returned it to the Grim Bear, and walked into the cave first.

The others reacted and quickly followed.

Elder Jiuli, who led the way, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He really didn't expect Ye Tian to open the treasure house so easily. He has a low status, he didn't know that the Tiger Soul Sabre was the key to the treasure house, and he had never entered the treasure house.

After entering Shimen is a passage, all the way down the steps, leading to the underground.

The passage is more than one foot high and more than one foot wide. It is spacious and bright, and the blizzard does not need to bow its head and swagger when walking in it.

The walls of the passage are as smooth as a mirror, engraved with dense runes, giving the walls an extraordinary characteristic, just to prevent the strong from invading, dig passages from other places.

"Jiu Li is cautious and considers all aspects. If it weren't for discovering that the Tiger Soul Sabre is the key, it would take me at least a day to crack the rune on the stone gate." Ye Tian chuckled.

Soon, the passage came to the end. It was about 100 meters underground. A huge space appeared in front of everyone. It was as big as a dozen houses. There were many shelving shelves neatly arranged, and the array was full of various strange things. The precious treasures are dazzling and shining.


Seeing the scene in the treasure house, everyone took a breath and couldn't help themselves.

Even Ye Tian frowned slightly, his eyes gleaming a bit.

On a row of shelves, Ye Tian rubbed tons of sun fine gold, big Luo silver fine, Shen Tiezhen, Chi Lian Shen Bronze,...

These precious treasures are real treasures of genius. They are non-renewable resources and hard to find. They are specially used to refine various magic weapons, swords, guns and swords.

Looking at so many geniuses and treasures, Ye Tian suddenly had a bold idea, to cast a magic weapon, on the basis of Shushan Broken Sword, to make the Ziying God Sword truly reappear.

Because Shushan's broken soldiers were severely damaged, they had reached a dead end and would not be used for long. If he doesn't save it, Shushan's Broken Soldier will truly disappear from the world.

In his previous life, Ye Tian was a master craftsman. I don't know how many god-level and holy-level magic weapons were shot. Many of them are still circulating in the world of immortality.

On another row of shelves, Ye Tian saw a dazzling array of panacea and elixir.

The spiritual herbs are all above the medium grade. Among them, there are dozens of top-grade spiritual medicines that interest Ye Tian the most, each of which is extremely rare and of infinite value.

"Thousand-year mirage, 800-year-old lightning strikes wood, thousand-year-old rehmannia glutinosa, all-spirit medicinal liquid, Xuanhuang Linglong fruit,..." Ye Tian muttered in his heart.

And the refined elixir and elixir are also above the middle spirit grade, and taking the earth immortal can increase the cultivation.

The spirit stones are piled into mountains, I don't know that there are millions of pieces, each of which is the size of a brick, with a crystal clear color, smooth and translucent, and it is obviously an extremely rare high-grade spirit stone.

Only the elders of the sect and the most outstanding disciples are eligible to enjoy the spirit stones of this grade. Ordinary disciples and low-status elders can only enjoy the low-grade spirit stones.

And the spirit stones of the middle and lower grades are not qualified to be placed in the treasure house.

"With so many high-grade spiritual stones and spiritual herbs, our mid-level immortal realm can be pushed to completion. Although the golden body is difficult to advance, the two divine beasts should be closer." Ye Tian thought. Now, I am ready to retreat and practice again, and now it is the most urgent thing to become stronger.

"Huh, what?" Suddenly, Ye Tian's eyes flashed, and beside a pile of spirit stones, he saw a large wooden box half human tall. It was made of a rare spirit wood with a rune seal, but it was indistinct. , There is still purple divine brilliance.

"Teacher, what's in the box?" Mengyao followed, seeing Ye Tian looking at the wooden box, and asked curiously.

"Could it be..., no?" Ye Tian had a guess in his heart, but he couldn't believe it.

"Just open it and see." He said.

"Hey, I'll come." The old man Jiujue walked up to the wooden box in a few big strides.

The box was not locked, so Old Man Jiujue opened it directly.

Suddenly, a gorgeous purple divine brilliance flowed out, illuminating a large space, like a dream.

"What is this? Ye Mingzhu?" Mengyao asked.

Everyone came, gathered around the wooden box, and watched carefully.

There are five crystal-like objects in the box, each of which is the size of an adult fist. The whole body has superb purple light. It is extremely crystal clear, flawless, and can not see the specific shape. It is like a solid purple light, but it can release The surging spiritual energy is far better than the high-grade spiritual stone.

Everyone was stunned. Although they could not recognize this thing, UU reading also knew that it must be extremely precious, with spiritual energy overflowing, and should be used for cultivation.

"Lingjing, it turned out to be Lingjing."

Even Ye Tian was extremely surprised and muttered.

"Ling Jing? What is Ling Jing?"

Everyone asked him.

"Spirit crystals are crystals formed from spirit stones. Normally, the aura contained in a spirit crystal can be comparable to a small and medium-sized spirit stone vein. This is a rare treasure and can only be born in the place where the aura is strongest."

A piece of spirit crystal is comparable to a small and medium-sized spirit stone vein, and everyone in the audience slapped their tongues secretly.

"It stands to reason that the aura in the outer world of Kunxu Outer Hidden Gate is not strong enough to give birth to spiritual crystals." Ye Tian said again, frowning slightly, and suddenly looked at the old Jiuli who led the way and asked: " Do you know something?"

The Jiu Li widow shivered suddenly, and said: "I am in a lowly status, what can I know. However, you said that the Outer Hidden Gate cannot give birth to such a rare thing, I have a guess, it is not from the inside. Hidden door?"

"Inner hidden door? So, you are admitting that Jiuli and Inner door are in collusion?" Old man Jiu Jue said coldly.

"Nine Li is gone. It’s okay to tell you that Jiuli is indeed connected with the Inner Gate. At the beginning, Jiuli was only able to sit on the throne of the Outer Yin Gate with the support of the Inner Gate." The old elder Jiuli pointed to the treasures in the room again, and then said: "Many treasures here are prepared for the Inner Gate. The Inner Gate comes to the Outer Gate once every five hundred years. Be prepared to give a heavy gift. The hidden door sometimes gives back some items."

"Now, five hundred years have come again, which is worrying!"


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