Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1647: Eternal secrets

The spiritual roots of heaven and earth are the incarnation of heaven and earth, also known as the origin of the world. They live the same life as heaven and earth. They are immortal and immortal. However, if they are strong enough, they can destroy them, or even capture them, to reproduce their own world. To refine the great pill, or to refine the magic weapon of war, etc.

Of course, doing so is against the heavens, against the human relationship, and will be retaliated by the will of the heaven and the earth, especially when crossing the catastrophe, the thunder catastrophe will be unparalleled violently, and the end will often not be too good.

The higher the cultivation level, the more awe of Heaven, because the higher the cultivation level, the more able to feel the existence of the heaven, and the more horrible it is, not to be overridden.

It is the true immortal of Hedao, who is like an ant in front of heaven.

Throughout the history of cultivation in the universe, there are not a few Hedao true immortals who were killed by thunder tribulation. The fallen immortal Venerable Crossing Tribulation is also too numerous to list. Those who can truly rise through the tribulation and rise above the heavens are rare.

However, there will always be people who are not afraid of death, ignoring the way of heaven, ignoring the relationship of life and human relations, and committing such a rebellious act.

Ye Tian only hopes that after the earth’s spiritual roots are taken away by foreign civilizations, they won’t be taken to refining medicine by the great power. It will be difficult to find them back. If they are taken to reproduce a world or be refined into a magic weapon, There is also the possibility of recapturing.

As for asking him to rob other planets of life and take away the spiritual roots of others, he would never do so. He has been hacked by thunder robbery countless times in his previous life, and he has long been in awe of the way of heaven, and he dared not make a mistake.

In this life, he aims to overcome the catastrophe soaring!

"If I want to find the spiritual roots of the earth, I must first find the way to heaven, leave the earth, and go outside the territory, otherwise everything is a fantasy."

Thinking in his heart, Ye Tian came to the ancient book collection secret room of the original Jiuli, where there are the oldest historical annals on the earth, some of which are related to the age of immortality. Ye Tian hopes to gain something from it.

This is a forbidden area in the Jiuli Forbidden Land, and ordinary Jiuli elders cannot come and go freely, so many secrets have not been spread, and only a small number of high-level officials have grasped it.

"Before the eternal ages, the earth’s spiritual cultivation period was prosperous, the great spirits were prosperous, the spirits were strong, the golden pill was like rain, and the primordial infants were endless. The earth was called the great star of the Middle Earth, well-known in the Big Dipper domain, and the leader of the immortal Dao. Come as a guest and talk about the truth and the law..."

In an ancient book whose paper was completely yellowed and had mana forbidden to prevent damage, Ye Tian saw this paragraph and his eyes lit up, both surprised and pleasantly surprised.

In the Big Dipper star field, there are cultivators from outside the realm who come as guests. This shows that outside the earth, there are other life planets in the Big Dipper star field, and there is also a civilization of cultivation.

This was the first time he heard about it, and he was surprised and surprised.

You must know that all stars on the earth that can be seen by the naked eye are within the Milky Way, and most of them are not more than a thousand light years away from the earth.

The Big Dipper is only a hundred light-years away from the earth, and the range is even smaller, which can be regarded as a single point.

The Big Dipper star field is roughly a thousand light-year diameter star field with the seven Big Dipper stars and the earth as the center.

Relative to the Milky Way's diameter of 50,000 light-years, this range is not too large.

However, it is not easy for the Yuan Ying monk who wants to span hundreds or thousands of light years. It will take decades to rely on flying magic weapons, flying day and night for hundreds of years.

Therefore, other immortal cultivation civilizations in the Big Dipper Star Territory, when they come to the earth as guests, must be teleported through the sky and the stars.

There is probably more than one road to this day.

This gave Ye Tian a lot of hope to find the way to heaven.

Moreover, the existence of other civilizations in the Big Dipper Star Territory has provided a way for the ancient immortal cultivators on the earth, and it is likely that the descendants of the ancient immortal cultivators on the earth will survive.

The earth of the eternal ages can become the leader of the immortal Dao of the Big Dipper Star Territory with only the inexhaustible primordial infant. Ye Tiansi is not surprised, because the birth of the **** is too difficult.

Often a **** of transformation is a master of the star field.

The star field here does not refer to a small star field like the Big Dipper, but a large star field like the Milky Way, or even an endless galaxy formed by dozens of hundreds of galaxies.

It is normal that the earth cannot be born into a **** of transformation, because there is probably no **** of transformation in the entire galaxy.

Ye Tian's previous life was in the cultivating world, the central galaxy, and the Milky Way. I don't know how many galaxies are separated from the Milky Way. It can be said to be so far away. If you call it the center of the universe, the Big Dipper Territory Earth here is the edge of the universe, with negligible horns.

"Kunlun Yaochi is the head of the sect of the world, all the Virgin Mary is Yuan Ying, the Sword Sect of Shu Mountain is second, it is the first sect of sword repair in the world, and the sect master is also Yuan Ying,..."

In another ancient book, it describes the Xiuxian sect and the famous clans on the earth eternally ago, and some are familiar with them, including Kunlun Yaochi, Shushan Jianzong, Haotian Xianzong, Donghai Penglai, Jinwu Protoss,...

You know, Yuan Ying can live for tens of thousands of years at every turn, and a Yuan Ying born from a sect of the Immortal Dao sect is rare and rare. And the Nascent Souls who are alive at the same time on the earth can even count them.

The birth of a Nascent Infant not only consumes huge resources, countless geniuses and treasures, but also has the bonus of heaven, earth and atmosphere, so it is impossible for too many Nascent Infants to coexist in the same era.

The greater the power of cultivation, the more so. So Huashen needs a big star field to be able to give birth to one.

Even the Central Galaxy Great World is no exception. Although Immortal Dao is prosperous, its carrying capacity is also limited.

If a monk has greater pursuits, he also needs to travel across the galaxy to find opportunities.

"Extraterritorial civilization invaded, the earth collapsed, the inspiration faded, countless monks rose up to resist,..."

In another ancient book, the story of the invasion of extraterritorial civilization is described, but it is not comprehensive. Many of them are hearsay, which cannot be completely believed to be true, and it is not as comprehensive as Ye Tian saw on Penglai Xiandao.

However, there are some secrets about Penglai Fairy Island in the account, and they wrote about Xuantian Sword Sovereign and Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl etc., which made Ye Tian quite interested.

Xuantian Daojun was captured, it was recorded in it, and given a negative evaluation.

Ye Tian also learned from Princess Daxi not long ago that Lord Xuantian was captured deliberately. In order to regain the earth's spiritual roots, his heart was good. However, this goal has never been achieved, and humans have disappeared from the Great West Mother planet for many years, and life and death are unknown.

A description of the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl brought surprises to Ye Tian.

The Nine Phoenix Goddess is the daughter of True Monarch Jiuxiao, the last owner of Penglai Fairy Island, and the lover of Lord Xuantian Dao, who has made great contributions to the construction of the Kunxu Secret Realm.

"After the great enemy from outside the territory leaves and the Kunxu market is stable, the Heavenly Maiden of Nine Phoenixes repairs the path of the sky and walks away, vowing to find the mother star of the great enemy outside the territory, rescue the beloved Xuantian Sword Lord, and retrieve the heaven and earth spirit of the earth. root."


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