Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1648: Back to the secular world

The Nine Phoenix Goddess repaired the road to the outside world, embarking on a dangerous journey, it is likely to be a road of no return, for the love in her heart, for the future of the earth immortal path, her noble character is admired.

In fact, the ancient immortal cultivators, unlike the current world, are generally more temperamental and more family-oriented.

Seeing this, even Ye Tian couldn't help but stand in awe.

If this is true, there should be a complete path to heaven that exists in the inner hidden gate.

I just don’t know where this road to the sky has been opened up. If it has already been connected to the Great West Mother Star, it will save Ye Tian a lot of things, and it can go all the way to Great West Mother Star.

Using the Great West Mother Star as a springboard to travel to the Central Galaxy Great World in Ye Tian's previous life, it might not be difficult.

This discovery made Ye Tian extremely excited, feeling one step closer to returning.

"People in the previous life, are you all okay?" Ye Tian muttered to himself. Scenes from the past came to mind, with ups and downs, love and hatred, and joys and sorrows.

Of course, before leaving the earth, even if Ye Tian's realm failed to break through the golden core, he would have to approach the golden core infinitely, so that life in the starry sky could be more guaranteed.

You must know that even to pass through the boundaries of the inner and outer hidden gates, you must have the cultivation base of the golden core, and you must have the secret treasure of the void, so that you can survive with a high probability, and you will be replaced by the earth immortal.

And in the starry sky, I don't know how many times more dangerous than the boundary passage. Any kind of risk factor may be encountered, and any one of them may be fatal. Without sufficient strength, no one would dare to set foot on the sky.

In other words, even if Ye Tian has the golden core cultivation base, even if he successfully reaches the Great West Mother Star, it is difficult to walk sideways. It is difficult to go up and grab the earth’s spiritual roots back, because the people there were defeated before eternity. The earth's cultivators and ancient gods, the golden core is falling like rain, and even Yuan Ying is not an opponent.

Ye Tian guessed that Daxi Mother Star possesses the power of a god, or is individual, but it is more likely to be technology, because it is a technology-based mother star.

The last time I fought with Princess Daxi and God General Daxi, it was vaguely visible that the level of technological development there, the ability to travel through the void, the ability to travel through the universe of galaxies, and even the star core can be played in the hands.

Therefore, it is by no means an easy task to regain the earth’s spiritual roots. The road is long and long.

A few days later, Ye Tian continued to look through the ancient books in the ancient book secret room, and he was fascinated. Suddenly, a bad premonition came to his mind, and he felt that a family member who was "connected by blood" with him had encountered an unexpected event.

The first thing Ye Tian thought of was his mother Gu Xiaoman, who thought it was a kind of fascinating distant perception produced by the connection of mother and child.

Suddenly, he panicked.

Something happened at home, he must go back.

The first time, he left the ancient book secret room, summoned Jiu Jue old man, Li Chundao, Su Mengyao, and other senior officials of Beiming in front of him, and told them that he was going back. It was very urgent, but he didn't explain anything.

The high-level officials naturally had no objection, only asking when Ye Tian could come back and if he could catch up with the coronation ceremony of the Lord of Kunxu.

Ye Tian only said that he would come back as soon as possible, but there was no specific return date.

"If you can't come back in time, it's okay. The big deal is after the coronation ceremony is postponed. The matter of the suzerain is the most important." Li Chundao said, his words were very pertinent.

He is now responsible for the internal affairs of the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect, the formulation of the rules of the sect, the allocation of resources, and so on. His status is second only to the Jiujue Elder.

His personality is inherently introverted, and he is responsible for these internal affairs. He is also well-organized, meticulous, and tireless.

The old man Jiujue is extroverted. While taking charge of the important affairs of the sect, he is also responsible for the external affairs of the sect.

"Sect Master Ye, if there is a place in the secular world that needs help, just open your mouth, and now the entire Kunxu Outer Hidden Gate is your strong backing. Earlier I heard that there was a country in the secular world called Milliken that was very rampant, known as the great The empire is brave and ruthless, and does no evil, and the great eastern country fears like a tiger. If Sect Master Ye intends, I will bring a group of masters of immortality to annihilate and support the great eastern country.” The old man Jiujue said with a grin, but his expression was very solemn, not like it. Kidding.

The origin of Kunxu is Middle Earth. It has the same culture and civilization as the Eastern powers in the secular world. Therefore, the people in it are naturally close to the Eastern powers and will invisibly reject the Western world.

They are not completely isolated from the secular world. There are four transmission channels to enter and exit, and they have some understanding of the secular world.

Mengyao suddenly felt funny, and thought that the current empire had been hanged by his teacher a long time ago. It shouldn't be too miserable. Now it has become a second-rate, and the great eastern country is already in power.

"Do you want to go back with me?" Ye Tian asked Mengyao suddenly, then turned his gaze to Huoyun Lion and asked the same question.

Before I knew it, it had been more than a year since I came out, and it was time to go back.

The fire cloud lion nodded. It has its own relatives and descendants on Penglai Xiandao. That's where its real home and home are.

On this trip, it came to find the descendants of Penglai Xiandao, and it was not without gain. The descendants of Penglai Xiandao were not at the outer gate, but must be at the inner gate. Although there is a void passage, it can't go anyway.

However, it knew that Ye Tian would definitely go there in the future, what was going on inside, and what about Penglai Fairy Island, just tell it at that time.

However, Su Mengyao hesitated, her smart eyes were covered with mist.

She has no relatives in the secular world, and there is nothing she misses.

Moreover, Qin Qinghan is the hostess of Penglai Fairy Island, what is she going back to?

It will only seem out of place. It would be better to stay in Kunxu and be at ease. Moreover, she and Bai Ling'er, Zhao Qingyi and others are getting along very well, and their cultivation lives are the same.

"It's okay to stay." Ye Tian nodded and didn't insist, and said: "During my absence, the North Ming Sect will be handed over to you. Of course, my own cultivation can't be left behind."

This sentence meant that Ye Tian gave Su Mengyao the status of Sect Master of Beiming, and everyone must listen to her orders.

No one dared to disagree, and all expressed their support for Mengyao.

After all the explanations were completed, Ye Tian took out the teleportation formation leading to the secular world and was about to leave.

There are a total of four teleportation formations in the Kunxu Waiyin Gate, two of which were broken, and there are two remaining, which are the only two passages to the secular world.

Ye Tian placed the two teleportation formations in the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect, the most secret place, and kept his mouth on the outside world. Only a few high-level officials knew about the North Underworld Immortal Sect.

Just when Ye Tian took out the spirit stone and UU reading urged the teleportation formation, his soul shook suddenly, and another bad premonition surged into his heart.

This premonition is very real. He can be specific to the individual and know what happened.

The watcher of Panlongguan, Wuya is dead!

Because he had signed a spirit contract with Wuya Zhenren, and this contract was placed in his sea of ​​knowledge after signing, so that he could control Wuya Zhen's life and death at any time.

Similarly, if Wuya real person died. He can also feel it for the first time.

Just now, this contract was broken in his sea of ​​knowledge.

"What happened?" Ye Tian became more and more anxious, and hurriedly passed through the domain gate.


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