Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1656: The dead king falls

Hundred-zhang giant palm fell, and the blood was full of blood, and the world was shaking. The villas on the ground collapsed like paper, and countless vegetation turned into dust.

Everyone in Villa No. 8 was completely imprisoned by this palm, and there was no chance of even a shot.

"Taro Miyamoto, he is here too. It's a pity, he was supposed to be a patron saint of Toyo, but he cast himself secretly and recognizes the thief as his father." There was a bitter hatred by Toyo's transcendents.

"That woman in white is not simple, too, isn't she also an earth fairy?"

Many more pairs of eyes looked at Qinghan, not greedy for her beauty, but the energy escaping from her body is very powerful, stable and motionless under the huge palm of a hundred feet.

Her body was shining with little brilliance, extremely dazzling, and her body was like colored glaze, almost transparent, holy and graceful, and unreally beautiful.

The fallen angel looked over and shot two divine lights in his eyes, which were more than ten feet long, sharp as a blade, staring at the girl, seeming to want to see the girl transparently.

Saint Pope Francis also looked at the girl, but his eyes were not as sharp as the fallen angels. They were very pious and gentle, and the breathing became hurried.

All the saints and bishops around him are also looking at them, attracted by the girl, involuntarily, their eyes are full of piety, and deep in my heart there is an urge to kneel and worship.

"This girl is so familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere!" A saint said to himself.

"I seem to feel the breath of God from her."



When the void vibrated, under the pressure of the giant palms, a more shocking scene occurred. On the back hill of Villa No. 8, an invisible boundary membrane appeared in the shape of a dome with a radius of about one hundred meters, like a picture. The cloth was shaking, making countless ripples.

"Look, there is a small space there." #br......Chapter 1656 The Fall of the Dead King (page 1/7),. r#

Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked around.

It is the small world of Dongshan enchantment created by Ye Tian, ​​which has been hidden very well, and it is unexpected that it will be discovered at this time.

"Hey, you said, the young demon king is not hiding in the small world of enchantment, right?" Someone laughed and guessed, with a look of bad intentions.


A demon wolf roar resounded across the sky, and the devil wolf couldn't help but make another move. He stepped on the ground with four hooves and slammed up to the ground. The circular wave of air under his feet churned like a cannonball out of its chamber, pulling A long afterimage, accompanied by a sonic boom, quickly lifted a big paw and grabbed it out.

At this time, the Hundred-Zhang Giant Palm was about to fall on the top of everyone's heads, life and death were only in the line.

Condensed pill is really too powerful, far above ordinary earth immortals.

I have to admit that Qing Han and the others underestimated the power of the ancient gods and thought they would have the power to fight.

"Young Demon King, are you still not coming out? Are you going to watch them die?" The third blood ancestor shouted, his voice like a rolling thunder, spreading far away.


Under the giant palm, a loud roar suddenly came out.

At the feet of the Golden Armor Corpse King, a group of violent arrogance suddenly ignited all over his body and rushed into the sky.

In the **** flames, his figure steadily rises and rises constantly, swelling like an air.

In a blink of an eye, his height broke through one foot, his muscles were like iron, and his big tendons were like a dragon, and he was so strong to an incredible degree. There are more blood-red war patterns, like flowing magma, spreading down from the top of his head, running through his whole body.

Bang, bang!

He stepped on his feet, as if rooting on the ground, plunged into the earth, his sturdy and powerful arms were raised high, the fiery red essence in his palm was surging, hot like magma, and rushed to the one that fell down. Baizhangju...Chapter 1656 The Fall of the Dead King (page 2/7),. Palm.

"Go!" The Golden Armor Corpse King roared, trying to prop up a piece of sky for everyone with his own strength.

His eyes widened, and he spouted raging red flames, which turned into fireballs in the sky, and blasted towards the huge palm of one hundred zhang like a gun.

He opened his mouth and spit out, a fire dragon roared out, spreading its teeth and claws, and flew towards the giant palm.


At this moment, the golden armor corpse king has no scruples and fears, squeezing all the power that can be squeezed, and is ready for dedication. The breath of the whole person is violent to the extreme, like a wild beast, like a fire, like a thunder, all over his body Up and down, there was a violent arrogance that shattered everything and shattered everything.

Since Ye Tian enlightened him with a drop of chaotic blood essence and endowed him with sanity, he was ready to dedicate himself to Ye Tian.

Seeing the **** flames soaring into the sky, majestic and majestic, trying their best to shoot out all kinds of violent attacks, a group of onlookers were moved and thought of a word:

It's ridiculous that the mayfly shakes the tree!

Indeed, although the Golden Armored Corpse King was sturdy and powerful at the moment, all the attacks seemed too trivial under the palm of a hundred feet, and could not cause any substantial damage.

After all, he is only a divine realm, and the opponent is a condensed pill. The difference in force value is like a kindergarten child and an adult.

I saw that the moment the Baizhang giant palm touched his palms, his whole body suddenly made a crackling sound like fried beans, as if it was about to break, and the majestic body of more than ten feet was compressed at once. One meter, the two sturdy arms are even more distorted.

However, the uprising of the Golden Armor Corpse King finally gave his companions a chance to take advantage of it, breaking the imprisonment, and allowing everyone to fight back.

"Xuantian is smashed!"

Taro Miyamoto burst into a burst of qi, and during the turbulence of the air, he lifted a long knife, smashed Huashan with his strength, and cut out a **** dragon like a mighty blade.

......Chapter 1656 The Fall of the Corpse King (page 3/7),. "kill!"

Xiao Qingtian yelled, the dragon spear in his hand stabs swiftly. For a moment, he didn't know how many spears were shot, killing the sky, shining like stars, and piercing the sky with sore holes.

Qinghan's slender palm slammed against the top, and suddenly the vast number of sentient beings' beliefs and thoughts overwhelmed the sky, forming a large handprint of holy light, although only ten meters in size, it also has incredible power.

"She...? How could it?" All the people in the Holy See were shocked.

They can clearly feel that their own strength is being drawn by the girl, and they are not controlled at all.

"What an earth fairy."

When the girl shot her body and her aura skyrocketed, her cultivation level was also revealed, she was an earth fairy who stunned everyone.

Such a young earth fairy is rare in history.

There are three earth immortals beside Ye Tian, ​​which is incredible.

Sima Xuankong created a long river of ice waterfalls, with the power of the frozen world.

Wuya real person played five thunder palms in Tiangang.

Zhao Tianlong punched the dragon and elephant with double fists, one dragon and the other two fist imprints blasted out like cannonballs out of the chamber.

Long Xiaoyun performed a mental attack.


Three earth immortals, five gods, all shot, all kinds of magical powers.

Rao is a huge palm like the hand of a god, and can't withstand such a blow.


Amid the series of explosions that shook the earth and the earth, the Hundred-Zhang Giant Palm first burst into cracks, and finally collapsed.

The remaining palm strength tsunami generally rushed in all directions, and the entire villa area was instantly destroyed and razed to the ground. Several hills in Dongshan were also destroyed and turned into barren land.

At about the same time, the magic wolf shells generally slammed into the Dongshan enchantment, and a large claw of a house grabbed down with the violent power of tearing the sky.


Magic...Chapter 1656 The Fall of the Corpse King (page 4/7),. The wolf fruit is really strong, accompanied by a crackling sound, tore a small hole in the membrane of the small world, although it is only a foot long, it is not incredible.

Before everyone was shocked, the Demon Wolf suffered in the next second. A thick thunder and lightning slashed out of the enchantment, and through the small cracks he tore, it suddenly smashed him out, all of which was covered with thick fur. Singe a lot.

"There is an attacking circle!" the onlookers exclaimed.

How could it be possible that a small world with a huge enchantment didn't attack the guardian of the magic circle?

This Heavenly Thunder Array was built by Ye Tian on the basis of Thunder Pond, not very strong, only the destructive power of the Dacheng Divine Realm level.

The magic wolf lost again, and screamed, like a little tease, in the lively atmosphere.

With him as a role model, if other people want to attack the enchantment, they have to weigh it.

"Lao Jin!" Zhao Tianlong yelled and rushed towards the King of Jinjia Corpse.

The eruption just now, although only for a short while, the Golden Armored Corpse King burned all the essence, all the essence and blood, all the lives, plus the wounds under the giant palm, making him a body of copper skin and iron bones. Like a piece of porcelain, cracks burst out one after another, and gradually broke apart.

Zhao Tianlong has the best relationship with the Jinjia Corpse King. They practice together and grow up together. They are not brothers, but better than brothers.

"I can't do it. Say sorry to Ye Shi for me. I failed him, failed to defeat his enemies, and failed to protect you." The Golden Armor Corpse King whispered, tears flickering in his eyes.

It turns out that even zombies can shed tears at the depths of love.

"It's not to blame you, you won't die!"

Zhao Tianlong rushed over and patted the golden armoured corpse king's heart with a palm, and the surging mana in his palm was surging to help the golden armoured corpse king heal.


The golden armor corpse king's heart was broken, like tofu, it shattered at the touch of it, and it was vulnerable.

"...Chapter 1656 The Death of the Dead King (page 5/7). I really can’t do it anymore. You all have to live and wait for Ye Shi’s return and sweep these enemy."

In the deep voice, the body of the Golden Armor Corpse King began to shatter and fall apart, leaving only a pile of shiny metallic dust.

Thousands of miles away, in the small world of Kunxu, the inexplicable emotion that Ye Tian sensed was not from his mother Gu Xiaoman, but from the king of the golden armor.

Because he once used a drop of chaotic blood essence to enlighten the Golden Armored Corpse King, and part of his blood was flowing in the Golden Armored Corpse King.

"Lao Jin, UU reading I won't let you die in vain." Zhao Tianlong wiped a tear from his eyes, stood up, and regained his spirit.

Although the others were also very sad, they all held back their sad emotions, and the enemy in front of them stared at him, and no one dared to slack in the slightest.

"Yes, I was able to take a palm of me. Although one person squeezed my life, it is also very valuable. However, this is just a palm that I slapped casually, using only half of my strength. Like this palm strength, I can do nothing I stopped hitting a hundred palms and a thousand palms. I don't know how many palms you can receive?" The third blood ancestor sneered, looking down like an ant.

Qinghan, Xiao Qingtian and the others all sank.

Although they still have a back hand, if they don't hesitate to wear and tear, they may be able to take two palms and three palms.

But what is the point of this?

At this critical moment of life and death, Ye Tian never showed up. Everyone had to doubt that Ye Tian was either not in Dongshan or at the critical moment of breaking the pass.

So, these followers of him are really dead!

"I can really calm down! Then I will send you on the road." Accompanied by another terrifying wave of divine power, the third blood ancestor regained his grip.

But at this moment, a shocking shout came:

"It's a big tone, do you really think I am no one in the East?"


#b......Chapter 1656 The Fall of the Corpse King (page 6/7),. br#

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