Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1657: Old Jiao Wang shot

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by a shocking shout, above the sky, there was a sudden wave of mountain whistling and tsunami-like aura fluctuations, and the clouds rolled violently, as if a real dragon descended to the world, stirring the sky full of wind and clouds.

Under the horrible atmosphere, many of the extraordinary onlookers in Dongshan trembled, their souls trembled, and there was an urge to kneel down.

This breath surpassed the earth immortal, and many of the strong earth immortal in the field were affected, and their hearts were shaken.

"Is it also a condensed pill?"

In the shocking eyes of everyone, the owner of the voice has not yet appeared, but a big hand that covers the sky is poking out from the steaming clouds. It is in the shape of a claw, and the whole body is black. The big scarlet hand.


The void bursts, the sound is like thunder!

In an instant, the heavens and the earth faded, the sun and the moon were dark, as if the universe had turned over.

A domineering breath swept out, like a vast ocean exploded, and angry waves swept across the entire world.

A huge black Jiao Claw pierced the sky, and it was almost a hundred meters in size, like a **** cloud hanging down.

On the giant claws were covered with black scales the size of the washbasin, shimmering with a deep black light, revealing a solid and immortal aura, surging with boundless power.

It seems that this palm can destroy the world and control the universe!

Everyone in the field is conscious of their smallness, like an ant, facing a true god.

Only one person can remain calm, the third blood ancestor.

"I want to kill them, who dares to stop me? Who can stop me?!" The third blood ancestor let out a thunderous roar, ignoring the captured black claws, and determined to slap Qinghan to death. , Forcing Ye Tian to show up.

"You are too arrogant. In my eastern land, you can't help being a little western devil running wild."

......Chapter 1657 The Old King Shots (Page 1/6),. The master of Jiao Claw shouted loudly, full of majesty, and even called the blood ancestor of Pill Condensation as a little devil, you can imagine how powerful he is, at least he will be a Pill Condensation.

"You are looking for death!"

The third blood ancestor was furious, and the blood-colored giant palm that fell off suddenly reversed its direction, turned against the sky, and shook hard towards the black flood claw that fell off.

The two huge palms of the gods, like two sky domes, are mighty and immense. They haven't really shaken together yet, but the violent palms have already fought thousands of times in advance, making the world lose its color.


The ground cracked and the mountains trembled. The entire Dongshan Scenic Area covering tens of thousands of acres was shaking violently as if an earthquake had occurred. At the foot of the mountain, many buildings collapsed, or cracks appeared in the tremor.


In the next second, the two huge palms finally shook together.

As if two meteorites collided in a big way, in the explosive sound that was enough to make people shattered into dust, a shock wave of strong light like a nuclear explosion swept out in all directions, swept Cyclonus and swallowed everything.

The entire Dongshan Scenic Area, as well as a small half of Tianhai City, lost its color at this moment, and was dyed pure white by the white light gushing out of the big collision.

Several hills collapsed and shattered into countless pieces. The collapsed buildings are even more uncountable. Cement reinforced concrete, which is usually strong enough, is as fragile as tofu, and the strong wind blows all the dust away.

Many more extraordinary people who watched nearby were unlucky, or suffered severe injuries, or simply died.

This blow is absolutely comparable to a nuclear explosion, and it is no less than ten million tons equivalent.

The whole world was shocked!

"Who the **** is the one coming? Such a powerful one can actually shake up with the third blood ancestor?"

"Is the ancient immortal of the East born?"

"How many people are here?"


There are endless discussions, everyone...Chapter 1657 The Old King Shots (Page 2/6),. Can't keep calm.

After a while, the dust settled, the fog in the sky was blown away, and the figure of an old man standing proudly in the sky was seen by everyone.

This is an old man with shameless appearance, white hair like snow, thin and dry figure, wearing an old Taoist robe, almost rotten, as if just crawling out of the loess pile.

However, although his appearance is not good, the aura that fluctuates from the old man's body is unparalleled horror, bulging out, blowing his robe grinning, his body is ten meters in radius, and the void ripples endlessly, and the blood is surging behind him. About to see a black dragon phantom, huge and boundless, as if it could swallow the sky and the earth.

He stands proudly in the void, motionless, his whole person seems to blend with the heaven and the earth, the body and the Tao are in harmony with the heaven and the earth, making the sun, moon, mountains and rivers pale.

"Who am I? I turned out to be the old Jiao King of the Jiao Clan. The Young Demon King killed five of my brothers, and I have antagonistic hatreds with me. I am here only to find the Young Demon King to seek revenge, and I have nothing to do with Dong Da Di Qiu. , Are you really going to kick it horizontally?" The third blood ancestor shouted loudly and reported the identity of the person who came.

Yes, the person who came was the old dragon king in the secret realm of Changbai Mountain Longchi, and now he is also a condensed pill, so just a palm can be equal to the third blood ancestor.

As soon as the third blood ancestor said this, the onlookers in the field and the countless audience in front of the live camera heard bursts of exclamation.

Obviously, everyone is very unfamiliar with Old Jiaowang, and they don't know that this number exists.

However, from the face of it, this is obviously an ancient immortal from the East, not inferior to the third blood ancestor.

"Well, I finally have an ancient immortal born in the East."

"One, it's not enough, the more the better, then a few more."

"Let the West know that I am not so bully in the East."


Countless people from the East burst into tears.

"If you are wronged, you are indebted. You find the young demon king to avenge, and you can do anything against these innocent people...Chapter 1657 The Old King’s Shot (3/6) Page), what's the matter?" Old Jiao Wang fixed his eyes on the Qinghan people on the ground.

In the huge explosion just now, even the ruins of the Dongshan Villa area were gone, only a large hole remained.

Several people in Qinghan stood at the bottom of the big pit, and the three earth immortals guarded the four gods, and they were all harmless.

However, the real Wuya seemed to be injured, his nose and mouth were bleeding, and his face was pale.

Among a group of people, he has the weakest cultivation base.

"Miss Long, you send Wu Ya Dao long back to Penglai Island. The small world of Dongshan enchantment has been discovered. To protect Penglai Island, you have to close the portal." Qin Qinghan said to Long Xiaoyun, with a majestic tone and no rebellion. .

"Okay!" Long Xiaoyun knew the seriousness of the matter, nodded and agreed, and honestly implemented Qinghan's instructions.

Although the villa was destroyed, fortunately, the portal has withstood the test. Not far behind a few people, it can directly lead to the small world of Dongshan enchantment.

The portal that Qinghan asked Long Xiaoyun to destroy was the one connected to Penglai Xian Island from the Dongshan enchantment.

"They are relatives and followers of the young demon king, and they are inexcusable. It is only natural and righteous for me to kill them." The third blood ancestor said coldly.

"Haha!" The old Jiaowang chuckled lightly and said, "The young devil has a great favor to me, and I promised him to protect his family. Therefore, if you insist on killing them, there will be only one battle between us. "

The old Jiaowang had condensed his pill at the beginning, and his life was hanging by a thread. It was Ye Tian who rescued him and successfully helped him condense the pill.

At that time, Ye Tian didn't ask for other rewards, so he could only let the old King Jiao protect his relatives. The old King Jiao also agreed.

"Then, let's fight! It's been a long time since I tasted the smell of the blood of the dragon." The third blood ancestor suddenly licked his tongue and said fiercely.


Accompanied by a terrifying breath erupting, the third blood ancestor moved for real, his handsome face began to be distorted, the body of the demon **** reappeared,...Chapter 1657 The Old King Jiao Shot (page 4/6),. It swelled to a height of three feet in an instant, and his body was not only covered with scales, but also with weird and twisted blood lines, which emerged from his forehead and spread downward along the left and right cheeks, all over his body. The lines glow, seemingly surging with divine energy, which is exceptionally demon.


The third blood ancestor took the lead, and the three-zhang demon body shot out at several times the speed of sound, with a series of thunder-like sonic booms, and the shells generally slammed into the old king.

The blood ancestor's body of the gods and demons is powerful, so how can the dragon's body of the Jiao tribe wait for it?

The old Jiao Wang was not afraid, and bumped his head.


The void exploded and shook violently, sending out a shock wave visible to the naked eye, spreading in all directions, wherever it passed, flying sand and rocks, like a storm.

It was another equally divided blow, and the third blood ancestor and the old Jiao Wang all flew out.

However, the third blood ancestor was slightly unlucky and flew upside down into the Dongshan Scenic Area and crashed several hills.

But the old King Jiao flew into the city and penetrated a series of high-rise buildings.


The third blood ancestor and the old Jiaowang fought, and the other people in the Ancient God Alliance also shot, and they are still crushing, which is not something Qinghan can contend.

Really Wuya was about to rush into the portal with Long Xiaoyun's support. Suddenly, two scarlet swords shot from him. If two rounds of crimson crescent moons plow through the ground and smash the vacuum, it is incomparably sharp and terrifying.

"Want to go, have I asked if I agree?" The Ninth Blood Ancestor sneered, holding two **** scimitars, and swooped down.

This is a great earth immortal, and the blow is so violent, it is not at all that the two little gods, Wu Ya and Long Xiaoyun, can shake it hard. U U Reading


Between the sparks and flints, Taro Miyamoto was holding a battle knife and cleaving, a silver knife gang like a horse training, went out through the air, and slashed towards the blood moon knife gang of the ninth blood ancestor.


#br......Chapter 1657 The Old King Shots (Page 5/6),. r# The Fifth Blood Progenitor suddenly shot, intercepted halfway, raised his right hand, a **** magic flame burst from his fingertips, and then flicked his finger, the **** magic flame turned into a double-headed giant snake, suddenly turning Miyamoto Taro The slicing silver piece was swallowed.

Xiao Qingtian's dragon spear stabs swiftly, and the cold killer mang is like a violent storm. As a result, the blood cloak behind the sixth blood ancestor shook violently. When the **** wave surged, he absorbed all the spear mang.

"Miss Long, you go quickly and leave me alone." Real Wuya yelled and pushed Long Xiaoyun towards the portal of the portal.

Puff puff!

In the next second, two rounds of crimson swords flashed past him, continuing to slash towards the portal.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Also cruel.


Immediately afterwards, the portal of the teleportation formation was smashed by the scarlet sword, and Long Xiaoyun was thrown out from it, but unfortunately, he almost failed to enter the small world of enchantment.

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