Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1658: Bow Ejection Progenitor

The scene screamed and screamed, and everything seemed like a mess.

An old flood dragon was simply not enough to turn the tide, was dragged by the third blood ancestor, the two were beaten dimly, the sun and the moon were dark, unable to come to support.

"This woman belongs to me. Don't grab me. I want to complete the first embrace with her, so that she can become my follower and eternal maid. Hahaha!" The ninth blood ancestor swooped down, holding one in each hand. The scarlet machete, like a **** of murder, came straight towards Qinghan.

The so-called first embrace is to make Qinghan also a vampire.

This is how the blood race reproduces its offspring.

Taro Miyamoto was dragged by the fifth blood ancestor, Xiao Qingtian was dragged by the sixth blood ancestor, and both of them were suppressed when they met. Because they all only had the early stage of the Earth Immortal, and the fifth and sixth blood ancestors were already the pinnacle of the Earth Immortal, and they were only one step away from entering the Heavenly Immortal realm.

In terms of combat experience, the two blood ancestors may have gone through more battles than Xiao Qingtian and Miyamoto Taro have eaten, let alone they can compare.

As long as they persist and don't get killed, they will win.

The seventh blood ancestor rushed to Sima Xuankong, Zhao Tianlong, and Long Xiaoyun, one earth immortal and three gods were more than enough.

The eighth blood ancestor rushed to the Dongshan enchantment, wanting to break through the boundary, and go inside to find out.

In addition, there are Death God Anubis, Quetzalcoatl, Fallen Angels, and three celestial beasts.

In short, the combat power of the Ancient God Alliance is absolutely crushed.

"It seems that it doesn't take us to make a move." The feather snake **** chuckles, flicking his fingers boredly, and the black claws make a sound of metal collision.

"That's best," Anubis said, carrying his hands on his back, his face indifferent.

The fallen angel on a separate mountain in the distance did not mean to do anything, but a pair of eyes were locked tightly on Qinghan, his eyes were as deep as...第1658 Zhang Wangong's Ejection Progenitor (page 1/6),. It's two black holes, I don't know what they are thinking.

The girl is slender, dressed in white, and her skin is as white as jade. She is in an absolute danger. Her beautiful face is still full of sacredness. She clearly stands in front of her, but she gives people the illusion of an independent nine-day palace. Posture, it seems that you can only watch from a distance and can never be touched.


The violent wind blows, the girl's hair is dancing, and one of the strands blows to the corner of her mouth.

The girl's mouth opened lightly, her bright red lips bit the strand of hair, and she squeezed her tightly. Her expression was firm and her eyebrows were cold, adding a touch of charm.

A huge bow was held in her right hand by her at some point, and it could almost be shoulder-length with her when placed vertically. A black iron arrow was held in her left hand, and it was quickly placed on the bowstring, with the tip of the arrow pointing straight out of the void. The ninth blood ancestor swooping down.

"Want to shoot down the blood ancestor with a bow and arrow? It's really interesting."

Seeing this scene, ridicule was immediately heard among the supernatural onlookers.

The duel between the transcendents, especially the supernatural powers above the gods, rarely use bows and arrows, because the strength of the bows and arrows is not enough.

You know, the gods and the earth immortals can't even kill heavy artillery, and can even avoid guided missiles, not to mention the sword feathers shot by bows and arrows.

"Hey, little girl, don't do fearless resistance, just follow me. I will treat you well." The Ninth Blood Ancestor laughed, his eyes full of blasphemy, and his heart was very impure.

Obviously, he didn't pay attention to the bow and arrow in Qinghan's hand either.

However, in the next second, when the girl opened the bowstring, it looked like a full moon, and the bow fetus burst out with divine light, and the strong murderous aura was overwhelming, reaching the clouds. Everyone in the audience could not calm down, even the ninth blood ancestor was discolored. .

At this moment, the sky and the earth are changing greatly, the sky is raining, and the endless light and rain are falling, and they are gathering in all directions, peaceful and pure.

I saw that where the light and rain fell, every plant and tree had a divine nature, and even the earth seemed to be deified...Chapter 1658 The bow-shooting ancestor ( Page 2/6),. It was thoroughly moisturized by Shenghui.

"This is, belief power? How come there is so much belief power? Who is this girl?"

All the people in the audience changed their colors again, and they were full of curiosity about the girl's identity, which could actually arouse the power of belief.

You must know that not everyone can have the power of belief, and not everyone can use it. You must have your own believers, pray year after year, and worship day by day.

Nowadays, a huge amount of power of belief is falling from the sky, coming for the girl, which is too unreasonable.

"It should be you, that's right." The fallen angel whispered softly, his eyes became colder, his feet faintly exerted force, as if he was about to make a move.

He saw that Qinghan was the "reincarnation" of God, and possessing "God Blood" in his body was exactly what he needed.

"Have you all seen it?" Pope Francisco was also extremely excited, his voice trembling, and asked the saints and bishops around him.

"I remembered that on the day of God's fall, the woman I dreamed of was this girl." A saint said.

"I also remembered that on the day of God's fall, a holy light came from the east for three thousand miles, and there was a graceful figure of a woman standing on it, which is the girl in front of you." Another saint Said.

"What the pope meant, she is the reincarnation of God? The female emperor we are looking for?" an elderly bishop said with a panic expression, his eyes full of disbelief.


At this moment, between heaven and earth, layer after layer of silver brilliance evaporates, and there is more light golden brilliance flowing. It is the purest power of faith, blessed on the bow tire, and it is too thick to melt.

This kind of power is so vast that it makes the heart tremble, represents the light, represents the resurrection, and has natural restraint on the blood race.

"Damn it, this is the sunset bow and sunset arrow I taught." Among the crowd of onlookers, the Dongyue Taoist in the Secret Realm of Mount Tai gave a bitter hatred, his teeth rattled...Chapter 1658 Bow-Ejection Progenitor (Page 3/6),. .

Yes, this bow and arrow were exactly what Ye Tian snatched from the white-clothed boy in the Taishan Mysterious Realm that day, and they were now handed over to Qinghan for her to protect her body. Because Ye Tian has his own bow and arrow, Long Jiao magic.

The bow tire of the sunset bow is just an ordinary magic weapon. There is nothing worth mentioning. The magic is three black iron arrows. The legend is that they are cast from the leftovers of the sun shooting the magic arrow. The power of heaven and earth.

After getting the sunset bow from Ye Tian, ​​Qinghan re-practised it again, instilling the faith and power of sentient beings, so he has the current power.

"You all deserve to die!" The girl screamed, and suddenly let go of the bowstring.

call out!

A shocking arrow, the arrow is three thousand feet away!

The black iron arrow trembled lightly, and the masses of sentient beings were blessed with the power of belief and thought. It emitted a million-square-foot light, so flaming that people could not look directly at it. Blood ancestor.

"Old nine, be careful!" shouted the eighth blood ancestor who rushed to the Dongshan enchantment.

"No!" The ninth blood race changed wildly, and quickly dodged to avoid it. At the same time, the blood moon double knives in his hands slashed wildly, cutting out a series of crimson swords.

However, it was useless at all, the black iron arrow passed, the scarlet sword shattered every inch, and the Qi machine was locked on the ninth blood ancestor, chasing it, and any maneuvering was invalid.

The iron arrow is 3,000 meters high, like a comet across the sky, bright and dazzling, and the belief power of sentient beings is like a tide surging, surging, and poured into the iron arrow.

"Slow, weak,..."

Between the lightning and flint, Anubis, the **** of death, took a shot, waved his death scepter, and cast several negative curses.

However, it still has no effect.

All the negative curses were purified by the power of belief before the iron arrow was near.


A ray of blood burst forth, and the Ninth Blood Progenitor let out a sorrowful...Chapter 1658 The Bow-Ejection Progenitor (page 4/6),. Screaming, my heart was pierced on the spot, there is no way to avoid, no way to hide.

The flesh body of the blood race has unparalleled self-healing ability, but it is restrained by the holy light in the iron arrow, and there is no time to heal.

The holy light invaded the whole body of the ninth blood ancestor like a tide, and the next moment, the body of the ninth blood ancestor broke apart, the flesh and blood flew, blasted in the holy light and turned into ashes.

In the end, the ninth blood ancestor had nothing left, even the body with the soul, turned into nothing, and the form and spirit were destroyed.

"Damn it, you actually killed my nine brothers!" The Eighth Blood Ancestor roared wildly, rushing towards the enchantment formation, and taking a turn in the air, culled to Qinghan.


The bowstring trembled lightly, Qing Han took out the second black iron arrow, the bowstring was loose, and a blazing white holy light pierced the eighth blood ancestor.

This arrow contains the power of a girl, not only with the blessing of faith and thought, but also infused with her spirit, and she will never give up unless she achieves her goal.

I saw that when the arrow came out, the sky fell and the road rumbled.

"If you dare to kill my eighth brother, I will surely crush you!"

The sixth blood ancestor who fought against Xiao Qingtian roared, swooping over after slapped Xiao Qingtian with a palm.


The blood-colored cloak behind him shook violently, and a waterfall of blood rushed into the sky, continuously expanding, and then turned into a sea of ​​blood. The blood wave tumbling out, intercepting the second iron arrow shot towards Qinghan.

The iron arrow that is several feet long brings a thousand-meter-long holy light, like a comet across the sky, rushing into a sea of ​​blood.

Although the speed of the iron arrow has decreased, UU reading, but the diffused holy light continues to melt the sea of ​​blood, as if boiling soup and splashing snow, suddenly piercing a hole in the sea of ​​blood.

In addition, the black iron arrow exploded with infinite absorption power, sucking the sea of ​​blood.

"What kind of arrow is this that actually uses the blood sea of ​​blood ancestors as nourishment?"

Countless onlookers...Chapter 1658 The Bow-Ejection Progenitor (page 5/6),. The person exclaimed, staring dumbfounded.

Only the Taoist Dongyue stood proudly, with contempt in his eyes, and slandered: "A bunch of ants, short-sighted, don't know the power of the sunset arrow. What a small sea of ​​blood, in the hands of the most powerful, even the sun can shoot down ."

After only a few moments of delay, the black iron arrow flew out of the sea of ​​blood. And the scale of the sea of ​​blood has been melted by half.


The eighth blood ancestor rushed desperately, and the speed was not unpleasant, but after all, he was chased by the black iron arrow. A holy light was three thousand meters long, piercing through his back and shattered him into the void.

Everyone in the audience was terrified, and the strength of the bow and arrow in the girl's hand exceeded everyone's imagination.

Moreover, the girl is very weird, and can actually arouse the belief power of sentient beings.

The holy light turned into the force of Yang Nian, naturally restrains the dark blood race.

"Come again!" Qing Han yelled, and took out the third black iron arrow, bending the bow like a full moon again, this time aiming at the seventh blood ancestor.

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