Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1703: Refuse to solicit

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Ye Tian's heart was greatly moved, and he didn't expect Olympus to have a planetary teleportation array leaving the earth.

If what the goddess said is true, this Shinto organization is really extraordinary, with the ability to teleport into the sky.

At this moment, the whole world was quiet, watching Ye Tian's decision.

Eastern Land naturally hopes that Ye Tian can refuse. Although the Pantheon is good, it is a Western Shinto organization after all. If Ye Tian joined, he was suspected of betraying the East.

The feelings of the Western world are even more complicated. Ye Tian has hurt the West too deeply. He has killed so many people, and he has beaten his body to perfection. The Western world hopes that he will not die. If he joins the Pantheon and becomes the main **** of the West, he will still be riding on the head of the West, and he can be a domineering blessing, which the West cannot tolerate.

However, the will of Olympus cannot be shaken by Western secularity, and any opinions must be retained.

"I will give you time to consider, put people down first." Goddess chuckled.

While she was talking, she waved her slender jade hand, and a gold chain flew out of her sleeves. The golden light was blazing, and the rhyme of Taoism was colorful, like a wandering dragon, winding towards the sea **** who was grasped by Ye Tian in the palm of the chaotic golden light **** Black Jiao.

The moment the golden chain was entangled on the seagod Black Jiao's body, Ye Tian suddenly reached out a finger, swiped in the air, shook out a golden sword wave, and suddenly cut the golden chain into two.

"Did I promise you?" Ye Tian asked coldly.

"What do you mean?" The goddess' eyes were also cold.

"This son Ming is stubborn. If you don't accept your kindness, you can just kill him." The Golden God said, a high gold sword was slashed out, and he slashed at Ye Tian's head.


At the moment when the Golden God's sword fell, Ye Tian's five fingers snapped together, and the body of the Seagod Black Jiao was squeezed. Countless flesh and bones splashed out, spewing out five-colored thunder lights, leaving only a weak soul, crying bitterly in Ye Tian's giant palm, and a badly damaged Yuan Dan that was a little scorched under the bombardment of thunder. , Slightly shaking.

"Damn, you really killed him!" The goddess' face changed drastically.

"It's just an ant, dare to shoot at me, how about killing it?" Ye Tian's face was expressionless, there was no sadness or joy in his eyes, completely ignoring the golden sword that the golden **** split down, and he was not afraid of the majesty of the goddess.


There was a crisp sound, as if a balloon had been squeezed out, the spirit of the Seagod Black Jiao, together with a broken Yuan Dan, disappeared in Ye Tian's hands.

Countless people were in a trance, including many superhuman beings, all dumbfounded and could not believe this scene.

This is a condensed pill, an invincible existence that can overwhelm a star, but under the eyelids of countless people, his life was blown up, his body and spirit were destroyed.

"What realm is this guy? How strong is it?"

Countless people have a foreseeable question, just feel that everything is like a dream, too unreal.


A golden war knife slashed down, and a thousand-foot-long knife beam cut the ground into a huge rift, which was more than ten feet wide, and the bottom was dark and dark, and the bottom could not be seen.

Without any suspense, the sword of the Golden God failed, and only an afterimage was smashed.

"Are you going to shoot me too?"

Ye Tian displayed his magical powers, appeared in front of the goddess as if shrinking into an inch, and let out a cold snort.

The goddess' expression froze with fright, and she hurriedly retreated, holding her shield in front of her, and the other holding the God Killing Spear and swept away at Ye Tian.

This is a quasi-sage soldier, although it has not been fully activated, the power it can explode is unimaginable.

I saw that as the God Killing Spear swept across the sky, the sky was full of divine glory flying out, even the stars in the sky trembled, the tragic breath overwhelming the sky, and thick killer awns gushing out, piercing the sky hole. Riddled with holes.

Ye Tian shook the God Killing Spear with his palms, and a bloodstain shook from the tiger's mouth, and a wave spread on him, causing his body to tremble.

And this was just the beginning, the goddess did not really break out.

I saw that as she flew back, her body changed extremely rapidly, and the divine light shone on her body. The white gauze was suddenly twisted, the runes were swirled, and turned into countless golden armor pieces, starting from the shaving fingers, yes, The arms spread, and soon covered the whole body.

This is a pure golden battle armor, helmet, shoulder armor, breast armor, skirt armor, leg armor, and boots. It fits extremely tightly, setting off her perfect figure vividly and clearly.

There is a pair of golden wings on the back of the armor. When closed, the tips of the wings hang straight down to the ankles. When unfolding, on each piece of feather feathers, the sun-like brilliance bloomed, setting her off like a nine-day mysterious girl, holy out of dust, and majestic.

Every detail of the golden armor is carefully crafted to the extreme, full of sci-fi flavor, but there are endless **** patterns densely covered, and the light is flowing. It is a pure road armor.

There is a powerful force in every nail film, which is by no means flashy.

The moment this golden armor emerged, the aura on the goddess's body rose several times, motionless, the breath that naturally exudes from her body seemed to be able to crush the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and even more as if she could take off the sun, moon and stars.

At this moment, everyone in the audience was palpitating!

"Young Devil, you have to think carefully, rejecting my Pantheon is equivalent to being an enemy of my Pantheon. And being an enemy of my Pantheon means that there will be no place for you on this star. "The goddess of Olympus flew back thousands of feet away, wearing a golden armor that covered her body, she was radiant, like an eternal phoenix bird in a splendid divine fire, her powerful aura made people tremble.

"Goddess, don't talk nonsense with him. The stubborn ants, what's the use of keeping him?" The Golden God shouted loudly, striding forward, like a madman. Large cracks, the ground is full of holes, and big rift valleys are connected to form a huge lake.

The golden blood rushed out of him like a tide, and turned into a huge golden tornado, protecting his fifty-foot giant body tightly.

In the blood tornado, every wind blade is a sharp blade of light.

In an instant, he slashed out hundreds of thousands of knives, slashing the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon were dull, a living **** of destruction, his sword danced in the sky, advancing at Ye Tian like a meat grinder.

The capital of a small and neutral country has been devastated, with thousands of innocent deaths and injuries, and the damage caused is immeasurable.

"The talkative guy, kill you first" Ye Tian yelled at the Golden God.


Suddenly, Ye Tian moved, his whole body was surging with golden clouds, and his body was as luminous as divine golden glass, and his blood was overwhelming, running through the void, like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus, unusually brave.

As he flew by, a blue orb flew out of his hand, shaking waves of azure blue, like ten thousand waves, overwhelming the sky, falling from the sky, suppressing the golden **** below.

That's right, it is the sea god's black dragon's sea pearl!

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