Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1704: Spear of Killing God

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An azure deep sea descended from the sky, like a big cloud covering the sky pressing against the ground. It was huge, boundless, and heavy. The Golden God couldn't avoid it, and it was immediately submerged in it.

Suddenly, the deep sea-like divine power squeezed from all directions, and the oppression was violently distorted in the void, and the golden **** was like a mire, his movements became extremely slow, and he was actually restrained.

The Canghai Pearl is a kind of heaven and earth treasure, which was conceived for thousands of years in the eyes of Canghai. It contains the terrifying power of the sea. It is extremely rare and extremely powerful. It can be used as a magic weapon even without sacrifice. It can attack and defend, integrating offense and defense. The falling blue waves can protect the body, and the transformed blue waves can attack the enemy.

If it is an ordinary monk, even if he obtains the Azure Pearl, it is difficult to use it for a while.

But Ye Tian was different. Not only did the chaotic golden body initiate the changes in water travel, he even cultivated a water travel essence pill, and there was no difficulty in controlling the water attribute of the sea pearl.

The strength of the deep sea of ​​the Canghai Pearl is simply terrifying, like a mountain and a big mountain, extremely heavy, the blue waves have not yet washed the ground, the terrifying pressure has already caused the earth to sink, cracks, and pits appear. , A series of big cracks.

All the spectators suffocated for a while, their faces were pale, and they had difficulty breathing.

In an instant, the golden god's fifty-foot giant body was squeezed to shrink a circle, muscles jittered, bones creaked, and even small cracks spread out on the body surface.

"Ahhhhh! Little naughty animal, it is absolutely impossible to suppress me!" The golden **** roared with a terrifying expression.


He opened his mouth and vomited, and a nine-story golden pagoda flew out, zoomed in quickly, and burst out with golden light, trying to break through the blue waves like the deep sea and make a **** path.

The nine-story golden pagoda was extremely powerful. It instantly turned into a hundred feet high, overwhelming the sky, sinking vigorously, and golden light rushing into the sky, stirring the blue abyssal sea turbulently, lining up in all directions, and it really broke a passage.

Just as the nine-story pagoda was about to break through the blue waves, a big seal suddenly suppressed it. It was also a hundred meters tall, and it shook together with the nine-story pagoda.



Accompanied by a loud noise, the part of the nine-story pagoda above the water burst into pieces, and the remaining part lost control, was swept by the blue waves, sank into the ocean and disappeared.

"Ah ah, Mad Beast, break it for me!"

Amidst the angry roar, a golden sword immediately slashed out of the blue waves and slashed towards Ye Tian's sky-shaking mark.

The golden **** roared again and again, hitting real fire, and was also extremely angry.

Not only did he use his bloodline and divine power, he was also desperately squeezing the power of the original pill. After this battle, even if he wins, Dao Tu will be abolished. Because of the damage to the source, a yuan pill will be abolished.

Even so, he has no scruples, even if he dies, he will be buried with Yetian.


Ye Tian urged the earthshaking seal to suppress it with all his strength.

In an instant, the sky-shaking wind and thunder made a masterpiece, splitting out a thick thunder, and a torrent of chaotic energy.

A Canghai Pearl could already restrain the Golden God, and the addition of a Heaven-shaking Seal even pinched him to death.


In the end, under dozens of thunder's series of critical strikes, the golden sword was slashed out, without being able to touch the earthshaking seal.

And the Heaven-shaking Seal continued to be suppressed, turning into a three-hundred-zhang tall, like a large mountain, setting off the golden **** like an ant.


Without the golden saber, the golden **** directly smashed his fist, and shook the heavenly seal.


It's not enough to see. The huge golden fist of one or two houses burst into pieces in an instant, turning into a cloud of blood, and the bones stubble shot, dripping with blood.

"Goddess, save me!" The Golden God was finally scared, and shouted to the goddess for help.

"Let him go!" The voice of the goddess came from not far away, incomparably indifferent, as if it came from the Wannian Ice Cellar.


The blood diamond-like war spear was in her palm and let out a rapid and heavy call, as if the **** inside was awakened.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying breath swept out of the spear, and the flooding Yellow River generally rushed in all directions.

At that moment, the mighty road pressure enveloped the land with a radius of a hundred miles, and all the creatures throbbed and shivered, and the land within a radius of several thousand meters, countless houses were like dominoes, with a force of destruction and decay, It collapsed one after another, and many mountains cracked and cracks opened.

Yuan Ying's breath, although there was only one strand or a trace, was terrifying to the extreme, and even the earth fairy could not bear it, shivering, kneeling and surrendering.

The quasi-sage soldier "God Killing Spear" has finally awakened!

The war spear was scarred like a **** battle, bursting out with divine light, half of the sky was set against blood red, like a fire cloud burning with rage.

The goddess of Olympus held a spear in her hand, and her golden armor was dyed red, her face was solemn, and there was no sadness or joy in her eyes.

In the splendid blood, his figure seemed to be extremely tall, giving people a sense of sight like a god.

The aura on her body was also climbing rapidly, and soon reached a high point. Starting from Dacheng Dixian, she quickly surpassed the condensed pill and entered the level of the golden pill.

"Young Demon King, I will give you one last chance. Joining my Pantheon, I can spare you not to die, but also give you great good fortune!" The goddess of Olympus said, UU read sonically and powerfully. A byte is like the sound of Dao Lun, which can shake the heavens.

"All the people who threatened me are dead." Ye Tian said lightly, ignoring it at all, and continued to suppress it.

The hands of the Golden God **** up and shattered every inch, flesh and blood flew, and then his arms,...

Soon, the overturning seal fell on the golden god's heavenly spirit cover, and the thunder and chaotic energy washed down like a waterfall, and the life and death of the golden **** hung in a line.

At this moment, the goddess of Olympus made a move, and the golden wings behind it moved like a floating light and shadow, breaking through more than ten times the speed of sound in an instant.

The distance of a thousand meters is just a finger, a **** war spear stabs and turns into a **** lightning, dazzling blood filled the sky, piercing the void, shattering the sky, and heading straight to Ye Tian's heart.


At that moment, the sky and the earth roared, and the sun, moon, mountains and rivers trembled.

A **** lightning flashed across the void, becoming the only one between heaven and earth. Although it lasted only a moment, it seemed to have turned into eternity, leaving an indelible mark on everyone's hearts.

The void was torn apart, stirring up the chaos of the sky, like Lei Jie was being induced, and followed the Spear of Killing God to suppress Ye Tian.

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