Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1705: Goddess of War

[网] "What a powerful soldier, worthy of being the Spear of Killing God!"

People exclaimed, their eyes straightened and their pupils shrank suddenly.


In the roar, Ye Tian's five fingers slammed the hilt of a purple long sword, and with a sneer, the divine sword burst into the air. When the stream of light flashed, the purple sword energy spread out like a galaxy. More purple thunders exploded, resounding across the sky, and instantly flooded a hundred-square-meter space, forming a sword field.

"What? The young devil has a sword!"

"I'm really shameless, I can't make a sword."

"His sister, can you be a little credible?"


At this moment, the whole world is moving.

Some Westerners shamelessly yelled at them, not indiscriminately, for no reason at all.

The goddess of Olympus even changed her face wildly, as if she had eaten a dead mouse, her face was so ugly and ugly, she lost her voice: "You actually..."

"I only promise to fight against the Seagod Hei Jiao without using the magic weapon, not including you!"

In the cold voice, Ye Tian raised his sword and raised his eyebrows, slashed with a sword diagonally, and slashed towards the God-killing Spear that pierced his heart.

A huge phantom of the gods and demons appeared behind him, his expression looked terrifying, and he could be dressed in a gold battle suit. The mighty power and righteousness of the gods, like the giants of the heavens, were daunting. .

It is the sword spirit that the first blood ancestor turned into!


The Great Dao Divine Marks in the Divine Soldier manifested in an instant, bursting out with the might of the Nine Heavens, as if it could shake the Galaxy.

The quasi-divine soldiers in the hands of the goddess of Olympus were suddenly suppressed, and a buzzing and wailing sound erupted, tremors continued, and countless lines became dim.

This is the suppression of Tao, the rule is crushed, and it is beyond the control of manpower!

"This is the real magic weapon. Compared with the Spear of Killing God, it is far worse!"

The goddess's old servant of Earth Immortal flickered, staring at the purple sword light that traversed the sky in the void, trembling all over. He wanted to rush forward to fight with the goddess, but he was powerless. At this level of battle, he was just cannon fodder when he went up, and he couldn't stand a blow at all.

At this moment, all the creatures within a few hundred li are all in fear.

Even at a distance of a hundred miles away, people can see the scarlet blood electricity on the sky and the purple sword glow that penetrates the sky and the earth. They can really feel the terrible breath, almost Is destroying the world.

The collision between the magic weapon and the quasi magic weapon, like a miracle, has not appeared on this star for a long time. Before the actual confrontation, the aftermath of the shaking has destroyed most of the capitals of small and neutral countries, countless houses collapsed, and mountains and rivers shattered.

"I don't believe it!" The goddess shouted, although she was suppressed by the avenue, she never compromised, and desperately urged the Spear of Killing God.

Although the Spear of the Killing of Gods has only the level of a quasi-sacred soldier, the golden battle dress on her body is also a legendary holy weapon, which not only blesses her with divine power, but also can bless the spear of the killing of Gods.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The blood spear trembled, and one after another thick killing light shot out. Each one was thicker than the water tank, surrounded by thousands of runes, with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, even Dacheng Earth Immortal would not dare to stand up easily.

The goddess holds a spear and a shield, both offensive and defensive. The golden shield in her left hand seemed to be connected to her palms and fingers, and became a part of her body. The spear of the godslay in the right hand blended into the void, swallowing the sky and the earth, invincible.


It seemed that a heavenly universe had collapsed, and the goddess had risen to the extreme, and the blood of the ancient **** burned, and Ye Tianzhen was about to be killed in one blow.

"The sword breaks the sky!"

Ye Tian drank low, slashed with a sword, and roared ten thousand times.

Countless people were shocked, staring at this scene destined to be recorded in the history of earth disasters.


When the Spear of God Killing was one foot away from Ye Tian's heart, it was struck by the Ziying Sword.

At that moment, the sky and the earth faded, and the sun and the moon were dark.


The god-killing spear in the hands of the goddess of Olympus was smashed out.

"Damn it!"

The face of the goddess changed wildly, and she quickly raised her golden shield to block her.


The golden shield ruptured, and the goddess slammed into the ground like a shooting star with her shield, smashing a bottomless pit.

But Ye Tian was still in an arrogant position, his clothes were not stained with blood, and he didn't even take a step back.


Everyone was shocked, and I didn't expect the goddess to lose so thoroughly.


The terrifying gods that are nearly nuclear explosions can rush out in all directions, turning into tsunami-like shock waves, sweeping the sky and the ground, and everything they pass is annihilated.

The incomparably splendid bright light illuminates the world for hundreds of miles, and countless people are blinded. But before he had time to react, he was engulfed by the shock wave, or torn into the void, or engulfed and rushed to an endless distance.

A mushroom cloud soared into the sky.

This was a catastrophic collision. When the brilliance disappeared and the world regained its clarity, everything changed. The city was shattered and devastated, as if it had experienced a terrible catastrophe.

The entire capital city of a small neutral country was almost wiped out, the sky collapsed and the ground collapsed, several times more tragic than the city of Tianhai two years ago.

The golden **** was gone, and there was only one large square seal left on the spot, as high as three hundred feet, towering like a mountain. A pool of blood gleaming with thin golden luster, flowing from the bottom of the big seal, smelling blood.

At this moment, the whole world is dead, and countless people are cold from head to toe.

The mighty battle is really terrible, and it destroys the world at every turn.


The old servant of the goddess Olympus rushed and called out to the bottomless human-shaped pit, extremely anxious.


A golden divine light rushed up into the sky, erupting a terrifying breath.

In the void, thunder sound suddenly rose and rumbling. The golden light was shining, and a golden figure appeared, standing hundreds of meters away from Ye Tian.

It was a slender figure, impeccably perfect.

She was wearing a gorgeous golden battle armor, and her breastplate was cast into a phoenix portrait with open mouth and flames.

Wearing gold hand armor on both hands, each inlaid with five gems of different colors, the radiance is overflowing, and the power is surging.

The yellow-gold battle skirt danced, dotted with stars. It was dotted cinnabar, a treasure of heaven and earth, and the big sesame seed had immeasurable value.


The golden wings behind unfolded, and on each piece of feathers, there was a bright radiance like the sun, which set off her like a nine-day mysterious girl, floating out of the dust, yet mighty and mighty, making people afraid to profanity and can only worship .

Although there is a visor covering her face, just looking at this perfect figure can also make the human brain fill up the image of a perfect goddess.

"Goddess, are you okay?" The old servant of the earth immortal stepped forward and asked, with a rickety back, respectfully, and then persuaded: "You are not his opponent, I think I will give it up today."

Crunch, crunch!

Inside the visor, the sound of teeth grinding came.

The goddess of Olympus was obviously extremely angry and ignored the old servant's persuasion at all. A pair of sapphire eyes fixed on Ye Tian, ​​who was a hundred meters away, coldly killing the awns, almost into substance.

She lifted her right hand gently, and the moment her fingers were clenched, a blood stream flew from a distance and fell into her palm. It was the quasi-divine soldier who had just been sent off, the spear of the killing of gods.

She still holds the golden shield in her left hand, with several eye-catching cracks on it, but it can still be used.

The ability to withstand the power of a sword of the Ziying Sword is enough to show that the strength of this golden shield is at least a holy artifact.

She seemed embarrassed by the blow just now, but in fact she didn't suffer much damage. Not only was her body intact, but even the golden armor on her body was not damaged at all.

"Youth Devil, you don't need swords and soldiers, can you dare to fight me with your bare hands?" The goddess of Olympus suddenly said, her words were sonorous and her voice was strong, as if she was determined to win a battle with Ye Tian.

"Goddess,..." The old servant of the earth fairy wanted to persuade again.

"You shut up!" Goddess scolded angrily.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and after losing one hand, holding a sword in the other, he said lightly: "Go away, you are too weak, you are not my opponent, whether it is a soldier with a sword or a bare hand."

His tone was full of contempt, but no one thought he was arrogant, because his performance just now explained everything and proved everything.

"Presumptuous! God's glory cannot be blasphemed." The goddess angrily said.

"Haha! If you are at this level, you can also be called a god. Then I am afraid I will call myself a priest." Ye Tian smiled lightly.

"Mortal, you don't know anything about the power of God. You just took advantage of the power of God's soldiers to gain the upper hand. Now let you see God's true ability."

In the low voice, the goddess seemed to have a thought, the left and right handed spear of killing gods and golden shield suddenly turned into two streams of light and disappeared, and escaped into her body.

Then, the golden wings behind her slammed violently, and when the hurricane roared, the whole person turned into a human-shaped lightning and charged towards Ye Tian. The speed of sound was ten times faster than that of human eyes.

As she flew by, her right hand was clenched into a fist, and the five gems inlaid on it glowed, and the surging divine energy overflowed, blending with the fist, bursting out a dazzling light, like the sun, shining the world It got a big light, and released a terrible high temperature.

The ground under the goddess' feet, the rocks and soil, was melted by the high temperature in an instant, turning into hot lava, gurgling.

"Galaxy Broken Star Fist!" The goddess screamed.


As she slammed a punch, the strong light from the sky gathered in one place, condensing into a scorching shock wave that made people unable to look directly at Ye Tian's heart.

Bang bang!

Void blasted, and a series of void cracks spread out, and even the air burned, filling with a scorching smell.

This was an extremely terrifying punch, with the terrifying power of a golden core strike, and even Dacheng Earth Immortal could kill with one punch.

In Ye Tianao's position, he did not dodge, and was immediately overwhelmed by the strong light shock wave like a nuclear explosion, disappearing from the world's sight.

"Have you won?"

"With a nuclear explosion, no one can survive this terrible punch."

"Haha, the young demon king is too big to play with himself."


There were bursts of exclamation from the spectators.

More people in the West cheered ahead of time.

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