Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1734: Can't kill

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Ye Tian tore through the void, put out a big hand covering the sky, and rushed down, but it was still a late shot and could not grasp the black iron arrow.

Accompanied by a loud sound of shaking the earth, the clouds were shattered in a radius of ten miles, the heaven and the earth were cracking like porcelain, the divine energy was surging like a tide, the dazzling strong light was blinding people, and everything disappeared.

"Do not!"

Ten thousand meters high in the sky, Ye Tian roared, hoarse, and roared like thunder.

He has extraordinary vision, fire-eyed golden eyes, when the black iron arrow touched the old Jiaowang’s scale defense, he really saw that the scale defense was torn apart, like a floating island, hit by a meteor from outside the sky. In the moment, it was exploded and shredded into countless pieces.

The Black Iron Arrow is incomparably powerful, and it is absolutely a match with the super kinetic weapon "God's Staff". After exploding the old Jiaowang's scale defense, it continues to stab at the secret realm of Dongshan.

Above the secret realm of Dongshan, the blue azure film formed by the Canghai Zhu had already risen, and it was a hundred meters thick, like a deep sea covering the sky above Dongshan. If it was an ordinary attack, Ye Tian naturally didn't have to worry, even if it was a heavy ground penetrating missile that claimed to be invincible.

But the black iron arrow was too strong, and was urged to the extreme by the old man of the **** servant, with unmatched penetration power, Ye Tian had no bottom in his heart.

The old dragon king is like a big mountain, coiled around the defense of the scales. His eyes are deep, shining strangely, as deep as an abyss. It seems that this will be expected a long time ago, knowing that the defenses of the scales cannot stop the black iron arrows. .


He let out a scream, and then the huge dragon's tail slammed out, turning into a black lightning, with a booming sound and explosion, and drew fiercely on the black iron arrow.

Even if the scales are sparse, he can explode a hundred meters mountain and sink the ground with a radius of one hundred feet.

After all, this is a Condensed Pill Old Jiao, representing one of the highest combat powers in the world.


The sky broke and the earth cracked, and the sound was shaking.

The scorching blood spilled over the sky, accompanied by minced meat and rotten bones, shockingly shocking.

The blood, incomparably crimson, like flowing magma, intertwined with Dao patterns, collapsed into the sky, as if opening up the sky, and there was a terrible roar of the road.

The black iron arrow only shifted a little, and the rune was only dimmed for a moment, but the old dragon king had spent half of his life. The half-length dragon tail was riddled with holes and blood and blood.

That is the arrow made by the descendants of shooting the sun, the arrow of the gods. It is born eternal and immortal, and can shoot the sun, the moon, the mountains and the river. No matter how powerful his body is, he can't resist.

"I tried my best!"

With a roar, the huge body of the old Jiao Wang fell to the ground like a meteor, accompanied by splashes of blood.


King Xiao Jiao screamed sternly and rushed forward.

"I said, all of you will have to die, but sooner or later. This piece of the eastern land that has been cast aside by the gods is destined to be stained red with blood."

In the void, the voice of the old man of the **** servant came out again, like the scream of the devil, terrifying and terrifying.

The blood and water flowed back, the broken bones and flesh turned back, and under the intertwining of the chain of order, they recombined into a body, exactly the same as the old man of the **** servant. Like a body made of **** gold, the blood is surging, and the blazing divine glory is permeated, and the terrible power is even better than before.

"Young Demon King, your strength is really beyond my expectation! Even in the Protoss, you can be called the strongest of generations, and no one of the same rank is your opponent." The old man of the **** servant opened his mouth, not hesitating to praise. Step by step, continue: "If you submit to my protoss and promise to be a servant of God, the King of God is very likely to forgive you and give you a great future."

"Human brother, kill this old clapper, you don't have to pay this favor."

Suddenly, a voice came from the secret realm of Dongshan, like a Dao Lunyin, spreading far away.

People outside of this voice are very strange, but Bei Ming's people can't be more familiar, Changbai Sanzu.


Accompanied by the sound, Dongshan enchantment, above the hundred-meter-thick blue blue film, a bright divine light suddenly lit up, like a lightning bolt, straight up into the sky, facing the black iron arrow that fell straight down.

A turquoise vine, like the finest jade, exudes a brilliant glow. From within the enchantment, it penetrates a hundred-meter-thick blue film.

A small green vine, rooted in the blue enchantment, stretches out in the sky, and instantly grows into a towering tree, as thick as a house, like a horned dragon attacking for nine days, full of vitality, but It's terrifying, and it can shake the earth.

As it stretches, the towering tree-like vines are constantly intertwined, turning into a mountain-big fist, the palm fingers are slender, a green light flashes, and a fresh and natural breath permeates.

"Bring it to me!" Changbai Ginseng roared.


With his roar, the big vine fist of the small mountain smashed the void and violently struck out, shaking the void, turbulence and turbulence.

On the tip of the fist, countless blue thunder lights jumped wildly, like blue thunder dragons, bursting with blue light, shining ten miles around.

"So strong!"

On the ground, countless people were stunned. In this situation, it felt like watching a fantasy movie. The big scene was made, but it was very unreal.

Ye Tian once taught Changbai ginseng ancestor a marvelous skill called "Eternal Green Art".

This technique can be cultivated into the eternal evergreen body, a kind of supreme yimu body, which is not inferior to Ye Tian's golden eucharist.

In addition, this set of exercises also comes with more than a dozen supernatural powers, which can be awakened to different supernatural powers at different stages of cultivation, such as Otsugi God Thunder, Aoki God Eye, Escape the Wind, Change of Clone, Reincarnation,..."

After teaching Changbai Ginseng Zu this set of exercises, Ye Tian never asked how he cultivated.

From the moment it can hit this punch, it can be seen that the old man has already entered the room with this powerful technique.

"It's useless, how can the ants' struggles withstand the wrath of God? Young Devil, I will ask you last..."

The old man of the **** servant was only half talking, and a fist made of **** gold slammed into his chest firmly.

Ye Tian blasted out a punch with a terrible rage, and naturally there was no power to say, it suddenly penetrated the chest of the old man of the **** servant, and scarlet blood splashed everywhere.

"You..." The **** servant old man widened his eyes, his eyes full of disbelief.

"What are you?"

In the anger, Ye Tian tugged hard and shattered half of the old man's chest.

The old man of the **** servant gave a long scream, broke free, and was almost torn in half by Ye Tian.

"Damn you!" The **** servant old man growled low, his eyes flushed, like a demon.

The decree of the **** king turned into a chain of order, merged into his body, shining a bright brilliance, and the torn body healed in an instant.


At this time, there was a loud noise from below, and Changbai Sanzu punched out the domineering power of a crit on Jiuzhongtian, and finally confronted the black iron arrow.

In the shocking eyes of countless people, the big vine fist of the small mountain really stopped the black iron arrow. The black iron arrow fell into the fist, but did not come out for a while, as if it was deadlocked.

"Break for Lao Tzu!" Changbai Ginseng yelled, his face flushed.

But the result was a slap in the face. As soon as its voice fell, Xiaoshan's big fist suddenly burst open.

The black iron arrow was like a broken bamboo, and after smashing a fist, it went all the way down the vine arm, unstoppable.

In a negligible amount of time, the black iron arrow stabs the Dongshan enchantment quickly.

The hundred-foot-thick blue blue film was suddenly torn open.

The mountain protection array was stressed, and the monstrous energy frenzy swarmed from all directions, but there was no time to intercept it.

The black iron arrow finally pierced through the blue light film and blasted into the secret realm of Dongshan.

What is gratifying is that because the power consumption was too great, there was no nuclear explosion, only a big crater.

The people of Bei Ming were all falsely alarmed, and naturally they hated the old man of the servant of the gods incomparably.

"It's over!"

The Dongshan Secret Realm was unimpeded, and Ye Tian could finally relax and concentrate on facing the enemy.

"I admit that you are better than me, but I have the immortality of the **** king, how can you kill me? Today I will consume you even if I consume it!" said the old man of the **** servant, brazenly not afraid.

"Really? You resurrect once and I will kill you once. I want to see how many times you can resurrect?" Ye Tian sneered, full of thick hair flying, and the whole body was covered with splendid divine light, just like the reincarnation of the emperor, there is a kind of The spirit of self-respect.

There is no real immortality in this world. It is the Yuan Ying's decree, and the divine power is also exhausted.

Ye Tianneng could clearly see that compared with the initial period, the divine king's decree was a lot bleak.

"Stubborn, humble blasphemer, die for me!"

The old man of the **** servant held the decree of the **** king in his hand, with thousands of runes and thousands of lights, and directly suppressed Ye Tian. The ten directions of the sky seemed to collapse, and the sound of clank was endless.

Each divine light is like a heavenly sword, intertwined with the chains of order, unparalleled sharp, shot out from the edict of the divine king, and slashed towards Ye Tian.

Ye Tian roared, and put away the basalt magic body and the blood sea domain, holding a three-leaf golden lotus in his hand, the chaotic energy washed out like a tide, and all the heavenly swords shattered wherever he passed.

"This is...?" The **** servant old man's eyes condensed, shocked.


Ye Tian swept across with the Chaos Golden Lotus and cut a solid on the divine king's decree, and suddenly a cracking sound came out. The gloss of the decree has also dimmed a lot, as if it was about to collapse.

Bang bang bang!

The old man of the **** servant slammed into a violent retreat.

Ye Tian turned into a floating light, and rushed forward, and a lotus was drawn to the old man of the **** servant.


Like a ball, the old man of the **** servant flew out, a large swath of flesh and blood, and his bones were exposed, making him scream in pain.

What made him even more desperate was that this injury was not an ordinary injury, but was left by Dao Lian. There were rules left over and it was difficult to heal.

The old man of the **** servant didn't dare to love war anymore, and turned around to flee.

"Holy area!"

Ye Tian yelled, and the Chaos God Realm instantly enveloped a thousand-square-meter space, and all of a sudden, the **** servant old man was locked in it.

"I want to leave, no one can stop me. UU reading" The old man of the **** servant shouted, turning the unbroken **** king's decree into a heavenly sword, and slashed against the realm of the Chaos God Realm. .


The center of Ye Tian's eyebrows flashed with brilliance, and the Yuanshen Dao Sword flew out.

Then Ye Tian raised his hand and threw, a purple sword pill flew out.

In the middle of the journey, the Yuanshen Dao Sword and the Ziying Sword merge into one, and Ye Tian uses the Yuanshen to control the flying sword.


The old man of the **** servant had just waved the decree of the **** king to split the boundary of the chaos **** realm. Before he had time to step away, the primordial spirit controlled the purple sword and passed through his body, bringing up blood in the sky.

"It's useless, you can't kill me!" The **** servant yelled.

But as soon as his voice fell, his soul shook suddenly.

A golden villain holding a golden sword, suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness between his eyebrows, slashing horizontally and vertically, smashing his soul to pieces, and even the sea of ​​consciousness was shattered with holes.

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