Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1735: Blood of Resurrection

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"You..." the **** servant old man yelled, his eyes widened in anger, but his eyes dimmed.

When the soul is shattered, it really falls, that is, the Yuanying Jinxian can't save it in the world, let alone the decree of the Yuanying.

Before he died, the old man of the **** servant seemed to want to pull Ye Tian's back, and sacrifice the decree of the **** king to Ye Tian.

At this moment, Ye Tian arrived and strode forward, his body radiated with boundless radiance, he stretched out a big hand to grab the decree of the **** king, and stepped on it at the same time.


Ye Tian's kick was so powerful. Accompanied by the blessing of the Chaos Wutu Divine Thunder, the old man of the **** servant was first trampled on his chest, his ribs were broken, and then his whole body was torn apart, and finally he was shaken into a cloud of blood.

The old man of the **** servant fell, and the decree of the **** king surely dimmed a bit. He was firmly grasped in his palm by Ye Tian, ​​constantly washed by the chaotic energy, and constantly bombarded by the five elements chaotic **** thunder.

After a while, the divine power of the **** king's decree was finally exhausted, every inch of it broke, and it turned into a chain of laws and disappeared into the void.

At this point, a big battle really ended, there is no danger.

Yuan Ying's strength is beyond the imagination of the world. It truly masters the power of the Great Dao and can play the rules of the gods. It is no different from the omnipotent gods in the world's imagination. It was the decree that was left, and it was so terrifying.

But don’t be too scared. From the perspective of Ye Tian’s previous life, Hedao Zhenxian, this decree should be devoted to the great effort of the Yuanying God King in the Pantheon, and it is a high-level decree forbidden curse. , It’s pretty good to make one or two, and it’s impossible to keep a lot of them.

After so many years, this may be the last God King's decree in the Pantheon.

Ye Tian took a long sigh and walked down the sky step by step, as if shrinking into an inch, a few large strides came to the ground from an altitude of 10,000 meters.

At this moment, the western world was deadly silent, and tens of thousands of horses were chatting together, filled with despair.

But the eastern land was full of cheers, and countless people burst into tears with excitement.

It was the young man with a pair of iron hands that once again shattered the Western fantasy.

In the Dongshan enchantment, under the hundred-zhang tree that grew out of the "thousand-year wood heart", Changbai Ginseng ancestor lay horizontally on the green grass, constantly Shen Yin, looking very painful.

Just now it used the invincible divine fist that turned into a body to smash the black iron arrow, and the ending was very tragic.

At this moment, Qing Han is using Holy Light to help him heal his injuries.

Not far away, an old Jiao also lay horizontally on the ground, a hundred feet long, like a hill.

The injury of the old Changbai Jiaowang was far more serious than that of Changbai Ginseng. His hard scales shattered more than half, and the half of his body was more bloody. Even Bai Sensen's bone stubble was exposed, and he couldn't even transform his human form for a while.

Xiao Qingtian, Miyamoto Taro, and so on are helping the old King Jiao to heal his injuries. But the recovery is very slow, and there is no time for a year or a half, and the injury will not be intact.

"Father, you are so stupid. The people from Beiming don't work hard, what are you doing? Now it's alright, you are seriously injured, and you haven't gotten any benefits. Instead, they will be treated as a joke by the world." Xiao Jiao Wang said Grief and indignation, said loudly.

Xiao Qingtian, Taro Miyamoto and others suddenly felt a little hot, and they felt strange that they couldn't help but feel sorry for the Jiaolong father and son.

In fact, it's not that they don't want to work hard, but that their ability is limited. Rushing up is really a cannon fodder, and it can't change the ending at all.

"Stupid boy, your vision is too narrow. As a member of the Eastern Immortal Dao, I Changbai Longchi should hug the Eastern Immortal Dao to warm up and fend off the enemy. Western Shen Dao has been perpetuating my Eastern Immortal Dao's thief heart. Today they are targeting the North Pluto Zong, it might not be possible to target me at Changbai Longchi tomorrow. At that time, we will still ask for help." The old Jiaowang said, knowing the righteousness.

At this moment, Ye Tian walked over, and King Xiao Jiao immediately rolled his eyes and let him experience it by himself.

Ye Tian shook his head helplessly. After taking a look at the injury on the old king's body, he suddenly raised his right hand, his thumb nail was like a steel knife, and lightly stroked the pad of his index finger, suddenly breaking a shallow hole. , And then forcefully squeeze a drop of blood.

The blood is golden, the mercury slurry is thick, the **** gold is bright, and the diamonds are crystal clear, condensed into a cluster at the fingertips, glowing in the glow, exuding vigorous vitality.


Ye Tian flicked his finger lightly, and this drop of thick golden blood flew towards the old King Jiao Wang's body.

I saw that a small drop of blood, as soon as it came into contact with the old King Jiao Wang’s body, it spread out like a flood of Yellow River water. It could not be dealt with, and it immediately stained Baizhang Jiao’s body. Golden.

Then, the rich golden color quickly penetrated into the old king's body.

In a short while, a miracle happened. The old Jiaowang’s battered dragon body, with numerous scars, large and small, was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the broken or missing scales re-growth.

"The power of resurrection!"

Not far away, Changbai Ginseng ancestor suddenly shook his heart, his eyes were round.

Ye Tian's golden blood inherently contains strong medicinal powers, with all kinds of incredible miraculous effects, and the power of resurrection is one of them. It can not only heal wounds, but even bring life back to life.

Of course, his current realm is too low after all, and the power of golden holy blood is limited. It is difficult to resurrect animals, but there is no pressure to resurrect withered plants.

The blood essence of the golden holy blood is full of innate essence, innate vitality, comparable to a panacea, and has infinite value.

Soon, the wounds on Changbai Old Jiaowang's body healed completely, and he turned into a human form again, and stood up to thank Ye Tian. Although Jingqishen is not at the peak, but after going back to practice for a period of time, he will definitely be able to repair it.


Not far away, Changbai Ginseng roared, showing a very painful look.

In fact, Qinghan used the Holy Light Technique to help him heal his wounds, and the wounds were already healed seven or eighty-eight, but he was not greedy enough and coveted Ye Tian's golden holy blood.

"Don't worry about it. Today is the day of your wedding and we are going to be served by others. What is the proper way to serve others?" Ye Tian called Qinghan back.

"Made, brother of the human race, you are too kind, UU reading can't see me and I am injured?" Changbai Sanzu yelled.

"Is it more than the injury?" Ye Tian opened his sleeves, showing numerous scars, and said: "Seeing that I have suffered such a serious injury, do you have any thoughts? Give out ten drops of the divine liquid!"

"For your sister!"

The Changbai ginseng ancestor was planted into the soil and disappeared.

A wedding of the century has not ended, but it has already come to an end. Under this situation, where the guests are still in the mood to eat and drink, they are all separated.

It was at this time that Ye Tian announced a major event that attracted worldwide attention. Beiming wanted to recruit a group of disciples with a talent for cultivation. It is best not to be more than ten years old. For the time being, he will only face children in the great eastern countries.

As soon as this news came out, the whole country boiled again!

There have long been countless Dongfang children seeking to join Beiming, but Beiming has never planned to accept disciples.

This time, the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect really came to the front of the world, no longer avoiding the world, but actively entering the world, becoming bigger and stronger.

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