Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1746: Snap to kill

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At the end of Ye Tian's retreat practice, the movement was so loud that it could be called earth-shattering, so that it attracted unexpected guests, a western fire dragon, and three figures sitting on the dragon's back.

Rumble! Click!

Under the violent breath of the fire dragon, the flame was like a waterfall, and the entire rift valley collapsed. There was a dilapidation. The original small stream at the bottom of the valley turned into a big river of magma, and the rolling magma rushed far away as a mountain torrent. .

"Master God, are we too violent?" said a young woman on the back of the fire dragon, with blond hair and blue eyes, with a pretty appearance, wearing a red and white leather armor and battle skirt, showing two slender and slender legs. Holding a big silver bow, his eyes are extremely arrogant, giving people a sense of not being offended.

"Looking at the movement of his cultivation just now, this person shouldn't be so crisp. Go down and search, to see people alive, and corpses to die!" said the man who was called the Lord of God, the light beam in his eyes was intimidating, staring at him Look at the sea of ​​fire in the rift valley.

This is a majestic and tall man, wearing a pair of dark armor, naked arms with big muscles, muscles like iron, full of explosive power, holding two large copper hammers with grinding discs in both hands, looks very impressive Weight.

On the copper hammer, there are more strands of thunder electric lightning jumping, crackling and bursting continuously.

If you look closely, you will find that the same is true in this person's eyes, filled with strands of thunder lightning, which is shocking.

"Impossible, I want to survive the violent breath of the fire dragon, unless he has the ability of a **** general." The third figure said, also a man, tall, slightly thin, wearing a white coat, slender dust Undyed, her long hair is golden and shiny, draped around her chest and back, her skin is as white as snow, and her appearance is so beautiful that women are jealous.

Although some women look like, this person is definitely not to be underestimated, full of energy, bathed in a group of gorgeous divine light, like a **** descending from the heavens.

While they were talking, the beautiful women in leather armor and the handsome men stood up on the back of the fire dragon, obeyed the instructions of the lord of the gods, and were going to search for people.

The fire dragon flapped its wings and was also ready to fall.

But at this moment, the beauty in leather armor suddenly hit a spirit, and first saw a figure appeared in the sky, unconsciously, like a ghost suddenly appeared.

"Be careful, he's not dead!" The beauty in leather armor immediately exclaimed, and the silver bow in her hand was quickly raised, aiming at the figure.

The fire dragon, who was going to land on the ground, reacted even more quickly, with its wings flapping frantically. The huge storm not only blew the ground into flying sand and rocks, but also fanned out large cracks, instantly transforming from a diving state to a climbing state.

"Who on earth are you?" the majestic **** will shout loudly, his eyes full of alertness.

As the handsome man just said, if he can survive the violent breath of the fire dragon, his cultivation level will certainly not be bad, at least he must be equal to him.

The figure in the void was naturally Ye Tian, ​​with a layer of crystal-like five-color scales shrouded in his body, unharmed in the slightest.

And the reason why he didn't get hurt was not because of the extremely strong defense power of the five-color scales, but because the five-color scales gave him a more powerful flashing magical power.

Before that, if he wanted to use flashing supernatural powers, he had to have a high degree of unity of spirit, energy and spirit, and supernatural powers throughout his body.

Now the five-color scales on his body brought him unexpected joy. When he was poured on the top of his head by the flame jet just now, with only one thought, the person disappeared in place and flashed into the distance.

This is another function of the five-color scales. It penetrates the void and increases his flashing supernatural powers. Not only is it easier to flash, but the distance to flash each time is longer and lasts longer.

"What a mad tone, who am I, should I ask you this first? It's a strong truth to attack me without knowing it. I think you are used to domineering and blessing." Ye Tian also shouted loudly. Asked rhetorically, his expression was as cold as frost.

"Presumptuous, who do you think you are, dare to speak to my patriarch general? If you don't apologize, immediately kill you and destroy your nine races!" The handsome man yelled angrily, grabbing with a beautiful and exquisite long sword Holding it in his hand, his eyes are sharp and eager to try.

"It's just a dog slave, neither man nor woman, dare to yell at me? I think you are really accustomed to domineering, and I don't know how many detrimental things you have done. That is to say, you are not worthy to live in this world. "

No matter how good the temperament is, Ye Tian couldn't help getting angry even when he was so insulted by others. He pointed his finger at the handsome man.


With a flick of his finger, a small electric glow came out, sharp as a sword, and burst out with a sonorous sound like the sound of a sword.

"Huh, let's die!" The handsome man snorted coldly, raised his hand and threw, the long sword in his hand shot out quickly. It was actually a flying sword, pulling out a comet-like tail light, flying by and cutting to the leaves. The finger light that popped out from the sky.

However, the finger light that Ye Tian protruded suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared after an instant, it had already appeared in front of the handsome man.

This is a flexible application of flashing magical powers, not limited to body flashing, some magical powers can also flashing.

The handsome man couldn't dodge, his face paled with fright, and his pupils suddenly shrank into the size of his eyes.

That little finger light, which he saw in his eyes, suddenly became huge and boundless, like a golden mountain, and roared at him with unparalleled power.

The three protective magic weapons on his body were irritated, and at the same time three layers of golden, red and pitch black energy shields were unfolded.

The golden shield is as hard as a King Kong, and has a strong physical defense force. Even the ground penetrating missiles in the secular world can defend against it. UU reading can't penetrate it.

Crimson Shield has a strong defensive effect against energy attacks, such as flames, thunder, ice and snow, and so on.

The pitch black shield can defend against various negative curse attacks, such as weakness, withering, plague,...

With the addition of the triple shield, it can completely protect the handsome man in the usual battle, even if he can't beat the opponent, he can protect himself.

But now, under Ye Tian's finger light, all the defensive shields were imaginary, and they were pierced in an instant.

The Lord God General and the beautiful woman in leather armor were too late to help, they could only watch their companions fly out like a cannonball after being pierced through all the defensive shields by Ye Tian's fingertips.

The violent energy contained in the finger light was poured into the handsome man's body, and when he flew in mid-air, the energy burst out suddenly.


A loud and earth-shattering noise spread throughout the world, and the void trembled, and a small mushroom cloud rose slowly in the dazzling firelight.

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