Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1747: As stable as an old dog

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Just as Ye Tian flicked his fingers to destroy the handsome man, the flying sword thrown by the handsome man also shot in front of him. The sword body was clear and the blade was cold, and it was like a stream of autumn water when it flew. The terrible power that tears the world apart.

Although Feijian's speed is extremely fast, if Ye Tian wants to dodge, even if he doesn't use flashing magical powers, he can still avoid it with great confidence.

But he didn't do this. Instead, he stood still, holding his hand, calmly, letting the flying sword stab him.

I saw that when Feijian was one foot away from his body, it suddenly seemed to be plunged into an invisible quagmire, and its speed suddenly slowed down.

Hearing a puff, ripples swayed from a foot in front of Ye Tian's body, expanding more and more, until it swept Ye Tian's body, an invisible gas defense finally showed its original shape.

Zhan Qing Fei Jian was stuck on the gas protection layer, and the front end of the sword suddenly showed a fine spider-web-like crack, like a transparent crystal, which was pierced by a sharp weapon.

Even if the handsome man died, the flying sword he threw still had a ray of remnant thoughts, dominating the flying sword, and there was still inertia in the body of the sword. After piercing into Ye Tian's gas barrier, it looked like a living thing. His body buzzed and trembled, and he kept thrusting toward the depths, trying to penetrate Ye Tian's body.

But in the end Feijian only pierced into the depth of the Ye Tiangang's gas barrier and exhausted all the energy.

"Too weak!" Ye Tian whispered softly, his eyes full of disdain.


He stretched out a hand and flicked his finger. The flying sword pierced in the gas barrier in front of him shattered and broke into countless pieces.

"I'm coming!" The beautiful woman in leather armor screamed, opened the silver longbow in her hand, and took a strange arrow decorated with mysterious runes, aimed at Ye Tian's heart, and shot an arrow.


The arrow left the string, and suddenly burst out a thousand-foot divine light, gorgeous and dazzling.

The divine light kept flashing, like bright fireworks. Suddenly, dense energy arrows appeared next to the main arrow, shining with cold metal like cold light, there were thousands of them, guided by a main arrow. Down, overwhelmingly shot at Ye Tian.

Energy burst arrows, one arrow can produce thousands of arrows!

Although the derived energy auxiliary arrow is far less powerful than the main arrow, it is more than enough to shoot and kill a master of internal strength or even a master of transformation.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of explosions in the void is like a series of rolling thunders. It is the sound of sonic boom when an arrow breaks through the speed of sound and enters a supersonic state.

Even an ordinary arrow that breaks through supersonic speed can penetrate a tank with weak armor.

What's more, energy arrows, in addition to physical attack power, can also perform energy attacks, which are comparable to an armor-piercing gun.

Thousands of supersonic arrows rushed out like a torrent. The flying sword was far more powerful than the handsome man's flying sword just now. It was a steel battleship with a displacement of 10,000 tons. It would be sieved into a sieve and even sunk.

But Ye Tian still stood proudly, motionless.

Boom boom boom!

As he wished, the torrent of arrows hit his body like a violent storm, piercing him from head to toe into a hedgehog in an instant.

In the deafening explosion, thousands of arrows shattered one after another in the collision with the body guard gas, turning into a storm of energy, rolling up a nuclear explosion-like shock wave, and impacting in all directions.

It was such a violent attack that Ye Tian’s protective gas was supported, until the main arrow struck, bursting out with the destruction of an armor-piercing missile, and suddenly tore in the protective gas layer. Make an opening.

Then more small arrows of energy came afterwards, expanding the results, and instantly the bodyguard's qi collapsed thousands of miles and was completely torn apart.

And the main arrow, which had the power of armor-piercing missiles, once again lit up with a dazzling divine light, and with a puff, it stuck in Ye Tian's heart.

"Hehe, I thought how invulnerable it was, but the result is not..." The beauty in leather armor gave a cold smile, her eyes full of joking and sarcasm.

But before she finished speaking, her expression suddenly changed.

At the moment when the stormy arrows shattered Ye Tian's bodyguard, a layer of five-color scales suddenly appeared on his body, densely dense, covering the ground from head to toe.

Bang bang bang!

Subsequent arrows hit the five-color scales, as if hitting steel, the sparks of the collision were as brilliant as fireworks.

And that main arrow stabs Ye Tian's heart swiftly, and it shatters every inch, even failing to tear a piece of scale.

"A strong defensive magic weapon, it can pierce my energy with a burst of arrows. Lord God, his defensive magic weapon, I want it!" The beauty in leather armor was shocked, her eyes flickering, her eyes full of greed.

The corners of God's mouth twitched slightly, and two sharp cold electricity appeared in his eyes. Instead of answering, he suddenly lifted the reins, sat down and let out a roar, and opened his mouth to breathe.

The blazing jet, which seemed to be able to melt even the space, spread out in the long sky like a fire-red pike, and rushed towards Ye Tian.

The terrifying high temperature set off a bright red space, the vegetation on the ground instantly turned to ashes, and even the rocks melted one after another.

I saw a lava river, starting from the ground below the fire dragon, and with the advancing of the blazing jet, it has been spreading towards the ground under Ye Tian's feet. The high temperature can be seen!

Although this is a fire dragon at the level of the gods, the blazing jets that spit out made the earth immortal a little bit jealous.

If it is a divine realm, without strong enough defensive magic weapons and protective magical powers, and being flushed by the blazing jet, it is very likely that the body and spirit will be destroyed and the world will evaporate.

Ye Tian's cultivation is in the **** realm, but there is no reaction at this moment, his hands are still behind his back, his eyes look proud of the sky.

"Master of God,..." The beautiful woman in leather armor showed anxious expression, worried that the defensive magic weapon she fancy would be missed.

"It's okay! If you can't bear even the fire dragon's breath, his defensive magic weapon is just rubbish, not worthy of you." The **** general said lightly.


In the voice, UU read www.uukānshu. The com blazing jet came with a bang, and instantly engulfed Ye Tian in it.

However, after ten full breaths, the fire dragon almost emptied the energy in the body and panted with exhaustion. Ye Tian still stood steadily in the void, and the golden sacred body covered under the five-color scales was unscathed.

At this time, the ground has already been raging magma, forming a large magma lake with a diameter of thousands of feet.

The magma lake is connected with the Great Rift Valley, and the billowing magma scoured away from the Great Rift Valley, forming a series of magma waterfalls, erupting with earth-shattering loud noises.

"Is this impossible?" The **** suddenly shrank the adult's pupils, and finally a look of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

"What a powerful magic weapon for body protection, I'm going to make it!" The beauty in leather armor solemnly said, still coveting Ye Tian's five-color scales, thinking it was a magic weapon for body protection.

At this moment, Ye Tian lifted his palm, patted the last flame on his body, and said with a smile, "Is it over? Then, is it my turn?"

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Tian raised his big hand, facing the **** general and the beauty in leather armor, and the fire dragon who sat down, grabbing away suddenly.

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