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With a snap of his finger, he killed a god-level **** general, Ye Tian still sat calmly on the seat, this time no one dared to let him kneel down and talk.

"It seems that my elder brother's mount is a fire dragon, but the admirer who looks good but is not useful is really dead in your hands." Lord Amos said lightly, his eyes were very sharp, staring at Ye like a knife. Heavenly body.

The other three **** generals behind him were all full of fighting spirit, with cold light flowing on their armors, and their momentum was compelling, and they were ready to take action.

The elder brother in his mouth, Ye Tian once met, met in the ruined ancient city, the leader of the group of people chasing and killing the beautiful princess, named Occas, mounts a thunder beast, he controls the power of thunder, and is among all the main gods. The most powerful being is the first main god, revered as the Thunder King, and is also considered the next king of the gods.

"The man who mounts the fire dragon, I did kill one. As for whether it was a **** under your brother's command, I don't know." Ye Tian said coldly.

All he killed were those who deserved to be killed. He had a clear grievance and a clear conscience.

The divine general who mounted the fire dragon was the first to attack him, and he was more than guilty of his death.

Also, if the **** general had not come up and attacked him just now, he would not have died so tragically.

Ye Tian sat on the seat, stared at the treasures that belonged to him on the table, and then raised his hand to take these things back into the universe ring.

But at this moment, the Lord Amos on the opposite side slammed his palm off, and the tsunami-like palm energy poured into the long table, instantly shattering a complete solid wooden table and chair into dust.

The pile of Ye Tian's treasures were all shaken out, and the goddess scattered flowers.

Amid the earth-shattering roar, the basement was filled with sawdust and dust, as if thick fog was falling, and it was impossible to distinguish between north and south.



Immediately afterwards, flames that could burn the sky and boil the sea suddenly erupted from a **** general. The sawdust in the sky was instantly ignited, and the raging flames swept away at Ye Tian like a raging wave.

"I'm coming too!"

Another **** general shot, opened his mouth and vomited, the sound waves rolled like thunder, the strong wind roared, blowing sand and rocks, turned out to be a wind supernatural person, and sound wave skills.

With the help of the wind, the fire burned more violently.

That terrible sound wave that was enough to shatter ordinary people into countless pieces, was also like a landslide and a tsunami, surging towards Ye Tian, ​​wherever it passed, the ground fell apart every inch and melted into magma in the fire.


The third **** general also immediately shot, holding a scarlet war knife, slashing in the air, I don't know how many knives were cut for a moment, the sky is full of scarlet swords, and the sound of clank is piercing, and it is like a storm to Ye Tian. Assaulted and left, exuding the monstrous evil spirits of ghosts and gods.

Seeing that Ye Tian was about to be swallowed by the sea of ​​fire, a red light flashed from his body suddenly, and a red bird rushed out.

It was his Suzaku Dharma body that opened his mouth and inhaled it like a long whale chanting water. With his fingers, he absorbed the flames that burned the sky and boiled the sea, the tsunami-like sonic waves, and the scarlet knives in the sky.

In the stunned eyes of the three gods, the Suzaku **** bird opened its mouth and sprayed a violent jet of flame.

In that flame jet, there are even more intertwined electrical ray silks, which is the natural ability of the Suzaku Dharma body, the chaotic fire **** thunder.


The flame thunder jet with a diameter of more than one meter is like a turbulent plasma, with a violent power that is a hundred times more terrifying than a high-pressure water gun, and rushes away like a torrent, instantly submerging the **** general. Assaulted in all directions, and soon the entire basement was flooded.

Fortunately, the basement is engraved with defensive patterns. Otherwise, the masonry will soon be melted, and then the huge building will collapse.

The three gods all set up their shields for the first time, and loyally guarded the Lord Amish behind them.

The shield that was hard enough to resist heavy artillery in ordinary days, under the plasma-like flame and thunder jet, only insisted on a few bullets. The surface first showed dense cracks, then burst into pieces, and finally turned into fly ash.

Soon, Suzaku's breath was over, and there were only three skeletons left in place, glowing red like a soldering iron.

At the foot of the three skeletons, there is a molten pool of magma. I don't know what it is, the crimson magma is rolling, bursting out clusters of flames from time to time.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The three skeletons fell down one after another, failing to maintain their integrity, and turned into dust in one place.

"It's so bold! For many years, no one dared to break ground on the head of my Pantheon!" A cold voice suddenly sounded, like a night owl, grim and harsh.


Suddenly a tall figure stood up in the lava pool. The crimson lava dripped and dripped, covering a layer of golden light. No drop of magma was contaminated on the body, and there was no trace of injury on the whole body.


The Lord Amos was really angry. His whole body burst into qi, and his figure swelled like an inflatable body. The blood in his body was boiling. In a blink of an eye, he changed from a middle-aged man with a height of two meters to a tall man with a disheveled hair. Giant with muscular knots.

"No matter who you are, let me die today! God's majesty, how can your little ant be able to provoke you?"


After transforming into a giant, the Lord Amos's momentum skyrocketed, his fingers spread apart, a big hand like a fan of a paw, and a palm like a rush of a mountain rushed out. The air shook violently, and the hot air flow was swept away by the bones. The ice cold replaces.

If you look closely, you will find that the entire palm of the main **** Amos is covered with a fine layer, emitting a terrifying cold current that is enough to freeze the stone into powder.

"Really? The so-called **** gods, I have killed two of them, one claims to be a goddess and the other is called the sun god. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Ye Tian sneered.

As soon as he said this, Lord Amos' face immediately changed wildly.

"What? You killed them?"

"They went to the secular world and haven't returned. Could it be that you...?"

The Lord Amos suddenly thought of something, his expression horrified.

Ye Tian actually killed two main gods in a row, which is enough to show that his strength is probably not something he can contend.

"Well, **** beast, you actually killed the two main gods of my pantheon. You are really dead, including all your people, relatives and friends, sects, and even all the citizens of the country where you live."

"My Pantheon will soon completely repair the transmission channel leading to the secular world. When the pantheon pressures the realm, you will surely make you pay for your stupidity."

Having said that, the main **** Amos changed his posture and rushed towards the bronze gate, ready to escape, because after hearing that Ye Tian said that he had killed the two main gods, his heart became timid, and he didn't know he was 100% sure. Dead Ye Tian.

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