Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1759: Fight the Lord God Again

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"Your Pantheon does not know whether you live or die. You dare to go to the secular world and make trouble for me. You also try to unify the secular world and enslave all mankind. You will die!"

But when Ye Tian said coldly, he stepped out abruptly, and fell down with a palm.

Chi Chi!

On the edge of the palm, there was a bright golden light, which continued to spread, and soon the whole person was also wrapped in a group of golden brilliance, shining brightly, looking more like a **** than Amos, majestic and mighty, Qi machine shocked the world.

In the palm of his hand, there are more terrifying energies intertwined, surging surging, and there are many marks of Dao.


In the cold voice, Ye Tian pressed down with a palm, and patted Ames, who wanted to escape.


The void shook, and a giant golden palm with a diameter of nearly ten meters was crushed down, like a golden sky.

On the giant palm, the five-color thunder jumped, with the roar of wind and thunder, the brilliant light was like rising golden flames, and it was Ye Tian that really urged the whole body's blood to the extreme.

"not good!"

The moment when Ye Tian came out of his palm, Lord Amos had a foreboding. I just felt that Ye Tian's palm fell like the heaven-shaking seal that the ancient gods sacrificed, and the palm fell, the mountains and rivers faded, the sun and the moon were dark, and even the universe and galaxies would be shattered.

An energy of death rushed across the body of Lord Amos in an instant.

At this time, he rushed to the bronze gate, but it was too late to break the gate. The fan-like giant palm suddenly reversed the sky and slammed into Ye Tian's golden giant palm.

His palm also has unrivaled power, and a horrible breath emanates from the palm of his palm, giving people a sense of forceful oppression that seems to be able to shatter the sky.

This trick is his unique skill, breaking the hand of the god, and blessing the palm of the ice god!


The palms shook hard, and there was a thunder-like roar, and a wave of white air that was visible to the naked eye exploded. The torrent impacted in all directions. Wherever it passed, the wind roared, and even the ground was lifted by a layer, flying sand and rocks. .

When the white air waves roared, there was also a crisp bone cracking sound.


The Lord Amos let out a scream, staggered back, and his entire right hand, from fingertips to wrist, was like cooked noodles, hanging softly, seeming to have lost the support of bones.

And Ye Tian, ​​the entire giant golden palm, although still intact, was also covered with a thick layer of ice crystals, as if it had become an ice sculpture.

Suddenly, the golden light palm covered by ice crystals suddenly burst out a bright golden light, and immediately ignited a raging golden flame.

Under the scorching golden flames, all the ice crystals melted in an instant, rustling and falling, revealing the palm of the **** like golden glaze.


Facing the main **** Amos, the palm of the golden light fell again.

The giant golden palm that turned out was only ten meters in size, but in the eyes of the Lord Amos, it was ten times, a hundred times more majestic than an ancient sacred mountain.

"Stop! I'm the Lord of the Pantheon, do you dare to kill me?" The Lord Amos suddenly yelled. He raised his hand and threw a golden cone, like a golden thunderbolt of lightning, that instantly pierced the void for several feet, fiercely. The ground thorns on the golden palm.


Ye Tian didn't care about it, with a roar, letting Jin Zhuo stab him, and slapped down with a palm.

At that moment, the basement was guarded by defensive patterns. Under his screaming roar, the walls did not break, the defensive runes continued to disappear, and the entire Wanbing Pavilion building was shocked.

"Oh! No wonder I, but if you are to blame, you are too high-profile. Whether you are a murderer or not, you will die."

In the hall of Wanbing Pavilion, the white-haired old man twisted his beard and sighed softly.

"Oops, it really started fighting. The people in the Pantheon are going to kill people for treasure."

Outside the Wanbing Pavilion, one of Fire Ape Prince's attendants resented, and couldn't wait to make a move.

This ethnic group has extremely keen perception, and can hear the movement in the house even through the thick walls.

They can be sure that the people in the house are fighting.

"Prince, what shall we do? If the treasure is robbed by the people of the Pantheon, our fire ape clan will be exhausted from the bamboo basket. The Pantheon already has an artifact. If there is another artifact, one will lose the long. Next, my fire ape clan will only be suppressed, and may even be annihilated." A fire ape fought with the leader and suggested that he should enter the Wanbing Pavilion now.

"No, Elder White Ape hasn't come back yet." When another Fire Ape follower thought it was not a move, he had to wait for the Elder White Ape to return with the ape clan mass murderer before making plans.

In the end, all eyes focused on the Fire Ape Prince, and everyone wanted to hear his decision.

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't be a tiger! When Uncle Ape returns, the treasure in the boy's body may have been snatched by the Pantheon. Now, taking advantage of their loss, let's go to the fisherman to profit. Let's do it!"

The fire ape prince gave an order, and a group of fire apes rushed towards the door of Wanbing Pavilion like a group of killing gods.

Guarding the entrance of the Wanbing Pavilion are the gods of the Pantheon. They are all descendants of the gods. They contain thin blood, and they all have the power of one enemy and ten.

But in the face of a group of fierce fire apes, these divine soldiers were not enough to see, and soon the line of defense was breached.

At this time, in the basement, a big battle was coming to an end.

The golden cone thrown by the Lord Amos was naturally impossible, and was swallowed by the world in Ye Tian's palm.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian's palm of the golden light fell down, and patted the head of the main **** Amos, like a heaven-shaking seal sacrificed by the Primordial God.

"A mundane ant, don't want to kill me!" Lord Amos shouted.


Outside his body surface, a white mist suddenly burst out, emitting a icy current, the mist quickly condensed into ice, covering his whole body.

The ice layer spread rapidly, UU Reading expanded, and solidly condensed with the ground, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a miniature iceberg six or seven meters high, horizontally in front of Ye Tian.


The palm of the chaotic golden light fell, and under the weight of the mighty force, the miniature iceberg burst into pieces in an instant.

The hard ice and the scorching hot steam shot away like shrapnel from a cannonball in all directions, blasting a wall full of holes.

Ye Tian's chaotic golden light palm's mana was exhausted, and it shattered like an iceberg, turning into a storm of vitality.

The main **** Amos was unobstructed, rushed out of the broken iceberg, did not run away, but slammed Ye Tian over with a punch.

He knew he could not escape, and wanted to live, only to fight to the death.

"Ignorance junior, do you really think my protoss is a soft persimmon, can you let it be?"

At this moment, the anger and fighting spirit of the main **** of Amos climbed to the extreme, his blood boiled, his head full of long hair danced frantically, and the eyes burst out from the eyes, like a killing god.

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