Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1760: Beat to death

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Boom boom boom!

A violent breath rushed out from the main **** of Amers, unmatched in strength, and almost shattered the entire basement.

He is the main **** of the Pantheon, and his cultivation level is a great level higher than Ye Tian. He was timid before fighting, so he gave Ye Tian a chance to fall into a disadvantage. Now he broke out with all his strength, desperately fighting, and the power that broke out was unimaginable.


Ye Tian looked indifferent, not afraid, strode forward, strode forward, and with a bang, he directly swung his right fist with a strong attack and a hard punch, facing the main **** of Amos.

In close hand-to-hand combat, his golden body has not been afraid of anyone!

The fist was like a tsunami, and a punch blasted out, and a sea of ​​blood came out. It was the vision of the sea of ​​blood cultivated by Ye Tian in the sea of ​​blood secret. , Qi swallows mountains and rivers, as if it can shake Jiuyou Prison, and oppress Jiuzhongtian.

Wuji Shenquan, the world-famous Shenquan of this immortal cultivation world, Ye Tian has already practiced to a state where he wants, and he can combine with many magical powers at will to burst out even more terrifying power.

The Lord Amos showed a hint of horror on his face, but it disappeared in a flash.

"Ordinary child, you go to die, how can you fight against the gods?" The main **** of Amos roared, increasing his confidence, the spirit of the whole body boiled, and the light of the gods rushed out of the body, making him look really holy The breath is like a **** Ling Chen.


This blow was earth-shattering, and the fists and fists shook hard and collided together without fancy.

A huge beam of light tore through the sky and the earth, spreading in all directions.

Click, click!

The walls of the basement collapsed several blocks at once, rubble flew across, and cracks appeared in more of the walls, even if there were defensive runes, it was useless.

Not only the Wanbing Pavilion building, but the smaller half of the ancient city was shaken by this blow, as if an earthquake had occurred.

There is also a big crack that spreads from the depths of the foundation of the Wanbing Pavilion building and extends far out on the bluestone street in front of the door.


In the basement, Lord Amos let out an unwilling scream, and flew out, one arm was dripping with blood, almost completely shattered.

Drops of scarlet blood dripped, unlike ordinary people's blood, with a gleaming gleam, this is the essence of divine nature, the source of the divine power of the Protoss.

A piece of ground sank under Ye Tian's feet, exploding a huge deep hole.

One can imagine what kind of power erupted from that blow just now.

"This is impossible, I am born with a god-like body, and my body is unparalleled. How could I lose to you a mundane child?" Lord Amos roared again and again.

He is the Lord of the Pantheon, with a natural and tyrannical body. Not to mention that there is no one in the ordinary world, even in the Protoss. He did not expect to suffer a big loss in front of Ye Tian.

This is an unbearable pain for him!

When the brilliance dissipated, he saw Ye Tian standing unscathed in place, and he was even more mad.

"I'm not convinced, come again!"

The main **** Amos was full of blond hair upside down, as if his tentacles were dancing, full of grief and anger.

His whole body glowed, his blood almost burned, the bones in his body creaked, all the injuries healed quickly, and all the broken bones were reconnected.

Ye Tian didn't give him this opportunity, holding the Heaven-shaking Seal, and the seal fell off, wanting to end the battle as soon as possible.


The air is blasting, and the sound is like thunder!

The Chaos Golden Light God held the Heaven-shaking Seal and shot down, and his violent palm strength seemed to collapse like the sky, instantly locking all the space around the main **** of Amos, imprisoning him.

This time, it was useless for the Lord Amos to form an iceberg, and the sky-shaking seal was so powerful that he smashed the iceberg to pieces at once.

Then, the main **** Amos's upright body, like a nail, was shot into the hard marble floor at once. The whole building was shaken, and the sound of bone cracks could even be heard.

In the end, amidst a burst of heart-piercing screams, the earthshaking seal fell to the ground.

At this moment, the white-haired old man seemed to think that the battle was over, so he opened the bronze gate from the outside.

Then, he was stunned.

There are still four **** generals in the house, and even the main **** Amos has disappeared.

There was only a pool of broken bones and blood on the ground, and there was no way to tell whether it was the main **** Amos or one of the four gods.

There was only one young figure standing proudly in the field, holding a cosmic ring in his hand.


The Universe Ring was crushed, and all kinds of treasures fell all over the ground. There were more than 50 divine crystals alone, and there were more than a dozen fist-big spirit crystals.

This is the heaven and earth ring of the Lord Amos, it is staggeringly rich.

There should also be something in the universe ring of the other four gods, Ye Tian hadn't had time to clean it up.


The white-haired old man swallowed wildly.

"I did not see anything."

In a hurry, his old man closed the bronze door again, but he collapsed outside the door, losing the ability to escape.

At this moment, a dazzling battle sword suddenly appeared behind him, the sword fell with his hand, and a human head rolled down.

The fire ape clan arrived, one by one, like ghosts and charms, fast as lightning.

After opening the bronze gate, in just an instant, a group of seven or eight fire apes rushed into the basement.

"Close the door, don't let him run away!" a fire ape shouted loudly.

The last fire ape who came in quickly closed the bronze gate.

Then, in the battered basement, a group of fire apes faced Ye Tian alone.

At this time, Ye Tian was collecting trophies, those divine power crystals, those piles of purple spiritual crystals, brilliant light, bright and blind.

"Boy, you are so fateful that you didn't die! Hurry up and hand over the treasure in your body, and spare you for not dying!" A fire ape stepped out, holding a spiked stick, approaching Ye Tian, ​​and shouted loudly.

He is two meters, five or six meters tall, half-formed into a human, and he is frighteningly strong.

It seems that because he is only half-formed into a human being, his IQ has not kept up.

In contrast to other fire apes, UU reading www.uukahnshu. Com is all rustling, stepping back involuntarily.

"Heavy Treasure?" Ye Tian narrowed his eyes, and some of the monks of Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

"Don't pretend to be confused, it's a divine tool, and quickly take it out. My clan has a magic weapon that can sense the treasure in your body." The fire ape who held the wolf-toothed rod shouted, and stepped closer to Ye Tian. At the same time, he lifted the spiked stick.

"Oh." Ye Tian nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Are you talking about this?"

As he spoke, his right hand was flattened, and the brilliance of his palm flashed, and a purple sword pill appeared. After it was enlarged, it turned into a big sword with purple light.

"Prince, come and take a look, is this this?" The fire ape who held the Langya list suddenly turned his head and shouted to the fire ape prince.

At this moment, Ye Tian held a big sword, and a sword fell.


A cavity of blood spattered, and a huge head rolled down.

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