Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1761: Spike Fire Ape

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"Only you, a group of monkeys who have not evolved completely, want to rob me?" Ye Tian's eyebrows were raised coldly, the Ziying sword in his hand was dripping blood, a human head was still rolling down under his feet, and his two angry eyes were wide, and he couldn't squint at all. .

A group of warriors of the ape clan, including Prince Fire Ape, were all shocked.

How could they not see that a **** battle had just taken place here, which was extremely tragic and almost demolished the entire building.

However, Lord Amos turned into sludge, and the four gods under his command turned into ashes. They couldn't know who Ye Tian's opponent was for a while.

If they knew that Ye Tiangang had killed a main **** and four **** generals in the Pantheon, they would be scared, and they would not even dare to think of a battle.

"So courageous! I don't know that the human race is small, let me learn about your peerless magic!"

A fire ape master stepped forward, holding a large door knife, and knocked down Ye Tian.

This is a middle-aged fire ape, almost completely transformed into a human, with only a few characteristics of the ape race, with wild long hair, an extremely hideous and terrifying face, wearing animal skin armor, and fighting with animal skins. The boots, nearly three meters tall, with shoulders wide as a wall, like a Hercules, are daunting.

Amidst the roar of anger, the middle-aged fire ape flashed red eyes like lava, and a violent battle spirit surging out, turning into a majestic wave of air, sweeping on all sides like a hurricane, wherever it passed, blowing You have to fly sand and rock.


The door-panel knife in his hand also turned red in an instant, like a hot red soldering iron, semi-transparent, seemingly true and illusion, the sword stunned, the sword shook the sky, and it was directly mailed to cut through the sky.

What's more terrifying is that as soon as the sword was swung out, a scorching sword gas that could almost burn the void firmly locked Ye Tian, ​​making him feel that even if he went to the sky, he could not avoid the blow of this sword.

"Human crumbs are small, let me die!" The middle-aged fire ape burst out, two big copper bell eyes almost flew out of his eye sockets, and clusters of flames burst out, terrifying and frightening.

"This kid is dead! With this knife, a mountain of hundreds of feet can be opened. I don't believe he can escape." said a warrior of the ape race, full of confidence in the middle-aged ape race's knife.

But as soon as his voice fell, Ye Tian opened his mouth and let out an angry roar: "Get out!"

Amidst the roar, golden light flashed on his body, and a phantom of a white tiger emerged in an instant, overlapping his body perfectly.

A beam of dazzling white air, like an energy cannon fired by a space battleship in a sci-fi movie, sprayed out from his mouth, as if from the mouth of a white tiger, and blasted toward the middle-aged fire ape like lightning. .

This white air wave is a strong Jin Shao Qi, and coupled with the Geng Jin Divine Thunder, the two stimulate each other, so that the speed of the white air wave is as fast as an electromagnetic cannonball.

Rao was a middle-aged fire ape who reacted quickly, but was also caught off guard, too late to dodge.


A deafening blast sounded.

The roar of the middle-aged fire ape stopped abruptly.

In all the stunned eyes of the fire apes, Ye Tian’s violent roar was really like an electromagnetic cannon ball spitting out of the mouth, directly smashing the upper body of the middle-aged fire ape that was as strong as a cow, and directly shattered it into After removing the blood mist, only the body below the waist remained, standing still.

The big knife that smashed out of the door also flew out, piercing a wall.

All the fire apes swallowed wildly, only to feel that the young man in front of them was fierce.

However, a group of fire ape warriors still consciously stepped forward and stood in a row in front of the fire ape prince.

"What an interesting person. I can't sense a trace of divine breath or divine power fluctuations from you, indicating that you are not a member of the Protoss. Who are you?" The Fire Ape Prince asked Ye Tian. Still aloof, but not as aggressive as when he first met in the tavern.

"Who am I, you are not yet qualified to know. You only need to know that I am an existence you can't afford to provoke. But unfortunately, you know it a bit late."

Ye Tian lightly flicked the Ziying long sword in his hand, and the piercing sound of the sword rang out. The sword aura was fantastic and cold and biting.


Ye Tian stepped out one step at a time, and a group of fire ape warriors couldn't help taking a step back, and they were all shocked by the murderous aura of Ye Tian's body.

The youth's body is blooming with brilliance, the golden body is as flawless as the **** gold glass, and the golden blood is surging, the threads rushing out of the flesh, lingering in the body, making him look like a god.

"I've never bullied others. Three strokes, if you can stop me three strokes, I will spare you not dying." Ye Tian said loudly, staring directly at Prince Fire Ape, and two clusters of gold vacated from his golden eyes. The flame, like a torch, glowed with golden light.

"Three ways to kill me, it's really blatant! Even the main **** of the Pantheon didn't dare to say such things to me. Since you are begging to die, I will fulfill you today!"

As he spoke, the Fire Ape Prince pushed with both hands, pushing the Fire Ape Warriors who were in front of him away, and stepped out.

"You all get out of it, just stand by and watch the battle, let me come." The Fire Ape Prince said, his long hair danced wildly, his eyes were breathtaking, and his murderous aura went straight into the sky.


A layer of fiery red arrogance suddenly erupted from his body, and it ignited at the sight of the wind, and instantly turned into a raging flame, and the whole person seemed to have become a fireman.


With another loud roar, the huge body of the Fire Ape Prince smashed into the air and flew towards Ye Tian with the thunderous sound of breaking through the air.

The giant fist that was big enough to grind around the flames slammed out a violent fist mark like a heavy cannon, and a sonic boom like an oblique thunder, blasted towards Ye Tian.

This punch is not inferior to an armor-piercing missile, or a main battle tank, capable of exploding!

Ye Tian squinted his eyes slightly, his eyes squinted, put away the Ziying Sword, first clicked a finger, and then exploded a heavy gun-like fist mark with one finger, and then reached out a big golden hand, five fingers spread apart, palms Facing upwards, and then flipping his wrists, like the heaven-shaking seal offered by the Primordial Gods, the huge palms slammed down.

Chaos Golden Light Palm!

As soon as this palm came out, UU Reading looked like the sky collapsed, with unparalleled terror and pressure, and slammed down on the burning ape prince.

Before the giant palm arrived, the invisible palm power like a mountain and the sea had already been pressed against the fire ape prince in the air. The ground at the feet of Prince Huoyuan suddenly sank, and a large pit with palm prints measuring several feet in radius appeared, as clear as a knife and an axe.

The Fire Ape Prince, who was in the middle of his palm print, made a bang, and was suppressed by the invisible huge force from the sky to his knees on the ground.


Amid the earth-shattering explosion, the entire Wanbing Pavilion building was shocked.

A shock wave visible to the naked eye erupted from the junction between the giant palm and the ground, sweeping Cyclonus in all directions, stirring up the entire basement. More cracks broke out on the body of the building, and it almost collapsed.

Several fire apes couldn't dodge, and fell in a pool of blood, still with scars.

The ground under Prince Fire Ape sank a few meters again in the loud noise, and buried his huge body completely underground.

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