Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1762: Sling the prince

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One palm, just one palm!

The Fire Ape Prince, known as the invincible peer of Olympus Small World, was photographed as a dead dog by Ye Tian.

Jinguang giant palm withdrew quickly.

The scorching flames on the fire ape prince dissipated, and even the whole person disappeared. He sank under the ground and was covered by piles of rubble.


A group of fire ape warriors shouted anxiously, but none of them dared to move forward.

Under the covering of the nest, are there any eggs?

Once the fire ape prince dies, what awaits them will be ruthless killings.


In just one second, the place where the Fire Ape Prince fell into the ground, there was a loud noise, and the gravel shot into the room, and the Fire Ape Prince jumped out.

"It's just a palm, do you think you can kill me?" The Fire Ape Prince shouted loudly, two clusters of flames suddenly evacuated from his eyes, burning into the void and crackling.

There were injuries on his body, even his body was distorted, but there was no serious injury.

The fire ape family are born with strong physiques, known as copper skin, steel bars, and iron bones.

Even the physique of the Olympus Protoss is slightly inferior to them.

Seeing that, as the fire ape prince's tiger body shook violently, he made several stretching movements, and his joints crackled like iron. The displaced bones and twisted tendons all returned to their original positions.


Another group of golden flames suddenly emerged from him, burning extremely fiercely, far better than before.

He was shrouded in blazing flames, like the reincarnation of gods and demons.


Accompanied by the roar of a savage beast, a huge fire ape suddenly appeared behind him, with eyes like golden lights, wide-mouthed fangs, densely covered with fiery red hair, and his strong physique is almost capable of moving mountains and mountains.

A terrifying and brutal atmosphere, madly soaring, instantly filled the entire underground chamber, followed the dense cracks, rushed out of the Wanbing Pavilion hall, and swept the entire ancient city.

At this moment, the entire ancient city, with a population of tens of thousands, was trembling.

Many more people came to Wanbingge, wanting to see exactly what happened.

However, the door of Wanbing Pavilion was closed tightly, and they could see nothing but the sound of earth-shattering fighting from inside.

"I don't care who you are and what organization you have behind it, just wait to be bloodbathed by my fire ape clan! This hatred is not shared!" The fire ape prince gritted his teeth and said angrily, with a hideous look on his face.

In the voice, Prince Fire Ape turned into a flame and suddenly shot Ye Tian.


There is clearly a distance of several feet between the two.

But in front of Prince Fire Monkey, this distance of several meters seemed to be non-existent.

His afterimage remained in place, but his real body was already in front of Ye Tian, ​​and his speed was terrifying, far exceeding the speed of sound. However, there was no sonic boom in the void, and no surging air waves spreading in all directions.

Fire escape!

This is a magical power of the Fire Ape Clan. It can be cultivated to the realm of Dacheng, and the physical body can blend into the void, so there is no sonic boom when it flies, but it can be tens of thousands of feet in an instant.

And this supernatural power, in the fire ape clan, there are not many who can really cultivate to the realm of Dacheng, the fire ape prince is one of them, and is the only one of the same generation and the younger generation.


The Fire Ape Prince looked terrifying, and a cluster of golden flames turned into a golden sword in his palm. It was only three feet long and burned with golden flames, as if it were condensed from countless small golden lines of fire.


As the Fire Ape Prince smashed out with a single blade, the flame sword seemed to be like a bolt of lightning, and even the space was easily split.

There was even more endless flames, surging out from the saber, like a torrent, rushing towards Ye Tian.

However, I saw that the endless flames gushing out of this war knife was the aura of the sword of fire, and every strand of it had the power of cutting gold and breaking iron, and it cut into the void with holes and holes.


When the knife rang, the ground under Ye Tian's feet quickly split, and a large crack that was more than ten feet deep was cut. On the edge of the crack, magma gurgled and flowed down.

To everyone's shock, the fire ape prince's knife with the might of thunderous might even pierced through it.

Ye Tian disappeared in the same place instantly, like a ghost, without a trace.

"Be careful, prince, he is behind you!"

A group of fire ape warriors yelled anxiously, and they were all shocked, as if they had seen a ghost.

Ye Tian showed his magical powers and appeared behind the Fire Ape Prince for an instant. In their eyes, he was not like a ghost.

The Fire Ape Prince's pupils shrank, the flames on his body continued to flash, and he rushed several feet away in an instant.

During the rush, the flame war knife in his hand whirled and chopped, splitting out a round saw-like flaming sword, whirling towards Ye Tian.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Where the wheel saw blade passed, the ground cracked every inch, and a big, bottomless crack was cut out.


Ye Tian stood still, and gently pointed out, and the flaming red knife with a diameter of one foot broke to pieces.

"Just relying on these few small fire techniques, are you the capital for you to be arrogant in front of me?" Ye Tian said lightly, with a bit of wind wings.

"You fart!"

The Fire Ape Prince was angry and bullied, roaring like a lion with exploded hair.


The one-foot-long flame war knife suddenly became one foot long in his hand, it was as big as a door panel, and dense runes emerged, blooming with scorching golden flames, flowing like magma.

The fire ape prince and the fire ape behind him became one, truly returning to the bloodline body, becoming a fire ape.


The one-foot-high Fire Ape, holding a flame war knife with a big door, smashed into the void, like a fighter plane galloping for nine days, the void was instantly blasted, and it came straight to Ye Tian.

"The prince is really moving!"

A group of fire ape warriors shocked. They followed the fire ape prince for a long time, and it was the first time they saw the fire ape prince be so angry.

"I said, you're just a monkey that hasn't evolved completely. You shouldn't provoke me!"

Ye Tian stood still, with one hand behind him, and the other hand protruding out, slamming a palm in the sky.


Between heaven and earth, there seems to be thunder and anger.

A golden palm, accompanied by turbulent chaotic energy and dazzling five-color thunder light, instantly traversed several feet of the void, smashed the flame war knife of the fire ape prince, and finally took a solid shot on him.


The fire ape prince seemed to have been hit by a big mountain, his huge body turned into a flame, and he flew out in an instant.

Puff puff!

When he flew upside down, a stream of blood, like magma, surrounded by firelight, spouted from his mouth.

His powerful body was photographed and deformed, and his bones were broken. I don't know how many bones were broken.

Fortunately, his physical body is strong enough. If he were replaced by another person, his physical body would have been torn apart under this slap, and even turned into a cloud of blood.

Boom, boom...

A wall in the basement of Wanbing Pavilion was directly penetrated, and it was useless to have defensive runes.

A straight passage, tens of feet long, runs from underground across the street in front of the door, and spreads to the ground of the building opposite the Wanbing Pavilion.

"This is impossible? It is the most powerful main **** in the Pantheon, and it is impossible to slap the prince flying. Who is this guy, so powerful?"

A group of fire ape warriors all paled with fright, unable to remain calm.


A roar came from the passage, full of fierce aura.

"I'm going to kill you!"

The fire ape prince was full of blood, **** and mad, and his eyes were full of angry flames.

He is a prince. How has he ever been beaten up like this? Have you ever been bullied like this?

At this moment, he was almost going crazy, his brain couldn't work for a while, regardless of whether he could beat Ye Tian, ​​he just wanted to kill people.

A fire light, like a flaming meteor, dragged a long tail light, and was rushing out of the passage.

Before the figure arrived, there was a strange-shaped spear that suddenly shot out from the passage.

The odd-shaped spear was all white and bony, and the spear shaft was uneven. It looked like it was cast from a single spine, while the spear head was like a thick fang made by sacrifice.

As soon as the Zhegan Qixing spear and spear flew out, there were bursts of ape roars, like rolling thunder, shaking the earth and the earth.

Amid the roar of the ape, Qixing's spear kept expanding, and in a blink of an eye it became three feet long.

At the same time, the dazzling white light bloomed on the shaft of the war spear, and between the light and shadow, the phantom of an ancient fire ape appeared, like a Titan, huge. The shaft of the war spear runs right through his back, and his fangs are the head of the spear.

Yes, this war spear was made from the spine and fangs of an ancient fire ape, and it was a golden core power during his lifetime.

Don't say that the Golden Core Fire Ape is an ordinary divine fire ape, and it is also a treasure, especially the bones, which can be used directly to refine the magic weapon.

Even the Primordial Fire Ape directly uses the body as a tool to sacrifice the body like a magic weapon or magic weapon. After success, it can fight the magic weapon with bare hands, and various magic attacks can also be used to resist and crack with the body.

"The bone war spear, the prince is actually carrying him, this is a legendary holy soldier!"

A group of fire ape warriors were shocked, their complexions changed and changed.

This bone war spear is one of the town's secret treasures of the Fire Ape clan. It used to be the old ape king's hand soldier.

"This kid is dead!" said a fire ape warrior. The other fire apes also had a determined expression on their faces.


Amid the earth-shattering roar of the ape, a strange war spear rushed out of the passage and went straight to Ye Tian. The fire monkey prince held tight spears in both hands, and followed closely behind.

"Go to me!" The Fire Ape Prince laughed wildly. UU reading

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes and felt the fierce killing intent and unmatched violent power of the Fire Ape Prince's battle spear.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this blow, an aircraft carrier can be penetrated from the penetration hole to the stern.

"Very good!" Ye Tian first praised, and then said: "The third move! If I can receive my punch, I will let you go."


A fist with the size of a grinding plate smashed the void and burst out.

At the time of the punch, the golden light was ten thousand feet, the five-colored thunder burst, and there was a sea of ​​blood across the sky. The entire underground chamber of the Wanbing Pavilion was set off like a purgatory on the earth, cold and murderous.

The whole ancient city is rumbling, as if being drawn by this punch.

And the building of Wanbing Pavilion, even more cracked in the violent shaking, may collapse and collapse at any time.

This punch can shake the world!

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