Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1763: 1 punch

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Wu Ji Shenquan!

Ye Tian not only exerted the physical power of the Golden Holy Physique to the extreme, pushed this punch out, but also blessed many magical powers in it, making his fist seem to move with a small world.

A group of fire ape warriors saw that Ye Tian’s back and spine were arched like a big dragon, and the whole golden body seemed to be turned into an angry crossbow, squeezing the power of the flesh to the point. Extreme.

The Golden Fighting Fist, with a whole arm, is clearly a crossbow arrow that can shoot the world.


With Ye Tian's punch, the whole world seemed to be shaking, the void rumbling, deafening and deafening, and the void ripples were like big waves, surging in all directions.

It was caused by the violent fist strength that flooded the world and formed an invisible force.

This piece of heaven and earth, like a swamp, and like the power of a heavenly demon, made the fire ape prince holding a bone war spear penetrate the hole slowly, as if he was bound into it.

Ye Tian's big golden fighting fist was seen by the fire ape prince, and only felt that there was a huge mountain, majestic and majestic, hitting the world.

And the burst of aura from Ye Tian gave Prince Fire Ape a sense of sight like a demon **** of Titan. His feet were rooted on the ground and could suppress the earth. His shoulders were cast like iron, he could carry the mountains, and his back was as strong as a gun. Prop up the sky.

This man is invincible!

"not good!"

Seeing Ye Tian's punch, the Fire Ape Prince immediately changed his face.

However, he was trapped in the force field of Ye Tianquan Jin, and his body maintained a state of rushing forward at extreme speed. If he wanted to escape, he could no longer escape, so he had to fight hard. As long as Ye Tian is beheaded, or severely injured, the dangerous situation will be solved.


The fire ape prince roared, endless flames burst out of his body, his eyes were as bright as two magic lamps, his height was more than a meter, his muscles were like iron, and his muscles were like a dragon, making him look like a demon god, terrifying to the extreme. .

Qiang Qiang!

He tried his best to stab the bone war spear in his hand hundreds of times in an instant.

A series of **** killing awns, thicker than a bucket, and brighter than a comet across the sky, stab Ye Tian with the terrifying power that penetrates the sky and the earth.


Ye Tian also roared, and the golden fist shot out like a crossbow arrow.

The golden sacred body like a crossbow was shrouded in a layer of splendid divine brilliance. At this moment, he seemed to be awakened by the emperor, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, and even his hair became bright and dancing backward.

After an instant, the golden war fist and the bone war spear clashed with each other.

The legendary sacred soldier, the Bone War Spear, was made from the spine and fangs of a golden core fire ape. Although it has not become a magic weapon, its power is still terrifying. In the hands of the Fire Ape Prince, he can easily kill the earth immortal.

With this blow, the Fire Ape Prince can rampage across the earthly world. It is Taro Miyamoto, Xiao Qingtian and a group of earth immortals, who are a bit inferior to him. This is the power of the legendary sage!

But at this moment, under Ye Tian's punch.


The overwhelming hundreds of terrifying killer lights burst open every inch, without even touching the body of Ye Tian's fist. Just under the violent impact of the fist, it was like fragile glass. Burst.

In the end, in the horrified gaze of the Fire Ape Prince, Ye Tian punched the bone war spear with one punch.


A burst of sound like Hong Zhong and Dalu spread throughout the world, as if two worlds collided, the dazzling bright light shining in all directions, and the sky and the earth were bright.

Under the feet of Prince Fire Monkey, the ground continued to sink.

An invisible shock wave burst out suddenly, impacting in all directions, and even the ground was scraped off several layers wherever it passed. Several fire ape warriors were all swept upside down, some of them exploded directly into the air and died, and some of them broke into pieces after hitting the wall. But only one or two, but they are both seriously injured and dying.

The fire ape prince, along with the bone war spear in his hand, was also punched and flew out by Ye Tian.

Click, click!

The building of Wanbing Pavilion finally couldn't support it, like a domino, starting from the basement, it continued to collapse upwards, and it was out of control.

The countless people on the streets of the ancient city all took a breath at this moment, even some powerful monks couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

"Who is at war?"

The same question haunts everyone's minds.

The Wanbing Pavilion is the property of the Pantheon, almost everyone knows in the small world.

And just now, many people saw with their own eyes that the Fire Ape Prince brought a group of Fire Ape Warriors, knocked several guarding soldiers of the Wanbing Pavilion to the ground, and then rushed into the house.

A few people know that the main **** Amos of the Pantheon is here tonight. The soldiers guarding the door of the Wanbing Pavilion are the **** soldiers of the Pantheon.

All the information is intertwined, and people can't help but make some associations.

"Could it be that the fire ape prince and the main **** Amos fought?"

When this idea comes out, it can't help but change people's colors.

Because this means that the Pantheon and the Fire Ape clan are in conflict.

Every battle between the two major ethnic groups will be devastated and cause countless deaths and injuries.

Boom boom!

Click! Click!

Just when the building of the Wanbing Pavilion collapsed like a domino, the Fire Ape Prince suddenly rushed out of it, covered in blood, and smashed a blood path with the bone war spear in his hand.

"Boy, I took your punch after all, and the three moves are over. You can't kill me anymore!"

The Fire Ape Prince was finally scared, standing proudly in the air, panting heavily, his whole body covered with scars, dripping blood constantly, a whole arm of his right hand was bent backwards by ninety degrees, and it fell weakly. His fist was even more skinny and fleshy, exposing his bones.

"Prince Fire Ape was injured, so serious."

On the street, countless people exclaimed, all eyes widened.

In this world, there are not many people who dare to provoke the Prince Ape, and the Lord Amish is one of them.

"It must be the Lord God Amos who beat the Fire Ape Prince like this."

Many people are sure.

At this moment, a voice came from the ruins underground, saying:

"Three tricks have passed, UU reading, you can indeed avoid death. Unfortunately, you have no next step after all!"

Hearing this voice, Prince Fire Ape's expression changed wildly.


First, a mouthful of old blood spurted from his mouth, and then a burst of thunder bursts from his body.

Bang bang bang!

With a loud noise coming out of his body, his body continued to explode, arms, arms, chest cavity, neck,..., and finally spread to the head.

The fire ape prince let out a stern scream and tried his best, but it didn't help.

In the end, his body turned into mud, and there was only a soul, wanting to escape.

At this time, a figure suddenly rushed out of the ruins and killed the Fire Ape Prince's soul with a punch. Then he grabbed the bone war spear and found the Fire Ape Prince's Universe Ring from the bones and flesh in the sky. , And then soared into the sky, disappearing into the sight of everyone in the ancient city.

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