Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1791: Domineering 1 hit

[网] Rebirth of Peerless Fei Shao boom boom boom

The explosion is thundering, the sky is shaking and the earth is moving

A hundred-foot-long treasure ship of war broke out with all its strength, how terrifying its might

Thousands of special-effect crossbow arrows fire quickly, and the arrows come out like rain, as well as various attacks from the gods standing above.

In just a moment, Ye Tian's body was surrounded by thousands of feet and plunged into a sea of ​​flames, smoke filled, explosions one after another, like a pot of boiling energy porridge, swallowing the sky and the earth, drowning everything, devouring everything, shredding everything.

The top of a mountain was quickly flattened.

Even the space is in this huge explosion, almost bursting into a black hole.

This is an incomparable attack power, that is, the immortal will drink hate, and torture indecently.

Everyone in the field took their breath, clenched their fists, and looked at the mountain nervously, waiting for the chaotic energy frenzy to subside.

"Isn't it okay to steal a life? Why have to stand up and seek death is really no brain." God of War Helinos sneered jokingly.

Like him, almost no one thought that Ye Tian could survive this wave of attacks. People in Paradise Valley also think so.

"Why don't you leave and regard yourself as the savior of the world? It's ridiculous to say to help me overthrow the rule of Wanshen Mountain and help me ascend to the throne of God King." Princess Anna shook her head and whispered softly.

After counting interest

The chaotic energy gradually disappeared, and the shattered space quickly recovered.

When the dust gradually settled, the gods of the Ten Thousand Gods and the people of Heaven Valley who were staring at the top of the mountain took a breath, with incredible expressions in their eyes.

The figure shrouded in chaos was unscathed and stood proudly in the same place.

Not only was he unscathed, but even the ground that was several feet away under his feet, and the small wooden house next to him, were not damaged at all. They turned into an isolated island, like a bamboo shoot stuck in a huge mountain pit. Among.

Seeing this scene, Princess Ann, Brudo, Akas, and others, who had long known the unfathomableness of this young man, couldn't help but jumped from the corner of their eyes, with a solemn expression.

The whole body of the young man is still chaotic and hazy, unable to see the true face, but can vaguely see that the surface of the body is covered with a layer of crystal flakes like crystals, as if wearing a crystal armor, his right hand is raised above his head, among the broad palms. Awesomely grasping a ten-foot-long war spear.

This was a god-iron war spear, which was thrown by a Titan Lord God on the warship. The speed was as fast as lightning, and the power contained in it was enough to stab a mountain. He did not expect to be caught by Ye Tian with his bare hands.

"How could it be possible that a treasure ship of war broke out with all its strength, and it was a place where a great earth immortal would die without a burial place, why didn't even a single hair of her be injured?"

Many gods and soldiers exclaimed, unable to remain calm.

"Is he, yes, Jin Dan"

As soon as this thought came out, the gods couldn't keep calm, sweating nervously, and their voice trembling.

You know, Jindan means invincibility

"Impossible, how can Jin Dan be so well repaired? Look at the crystal scales on his body, covering from head to toe. Does it look like a battle armor, it must be this crystal armor protecting him."

"Able to withstand the repeated bombings of war treasure ships, this will not be a Golden Core War Armor, Saint-level, or God-level"

The crystal scale armor on Ye Tian's body attracted everyone's attention and was considered to be the key to his survival, not his own ability.

The eyes of the several main gods suddenly became bright, staring at the crystal scale battle armor on Ye Tian's body, greedy undisguised.

At this moment, the corners of Ye Tian's mouth twitched slightly, and he twisted his neck vigorously, making a crackling noise, and then said in an indifferent tone: "Very good"

Then, he rolled his eyelids and looked at a warship that was still hovering over the sky. The group of **** soldiers and generals on it were still stunned and dumbfounded.

The three-foot-tall Titan Lord God's face turned black, his blue veins jumped violently, and his muscles were tight. When he raised his hand, he grabbed a war spear again from the gods around him, full of energy, and wanted to throw it at Ye Tian again.

"Big guy, since you like War Spears, I will let you know how to play War Spears," Ye Tian said with a joking smile.


As soon as the voice fell, infinite lightning burst out of the palm of his hand holding the battle spear, and the five-color thunder burst, and it turned into a huge whirlpool at the extreme speed, revolving around the battle spear at high speed.

The unremarkable war spear suddenly released a halo, the arc shining, crackling, and runes blooming, buzzing and trembling.

Then, he moved his arm, worked hard, and threw the spear out, facing a warship above.

His arm already has infinite power, coupled with the electromagnetic force of the thunder vortex, the ten-foot-long divine iron war spear, like a shell fired by an electromagnetic gun, instantly accelerated to more than twenty times the speed of sound. An orange light trail blasted towards the warship.

Two years ago, when he was fighting against the then Great Empire in the secular world, Ye Tian used a similar killer move, the super-electromagnetic gun. However, it was still very rough at that time, and now he is comfortable enough. If he is given enough time to accumulate strength, he can even play the "God's Staff" effect, accelerating the war spear to more than 30 times the speed of sound, or even higher.

The war spear, which is more than twenty times the speed of sound, is scary enough.

The people on the battleship had no time to react, and the gods standing in all directions also had no time to stop them.

Almost as soon as the war spear was thrown, it confronted the war ship.

On the hundred-foot-long warship, several layers of protective arrays are shrouded, all of which are open, like a heavy golden bell, which guards the warship strictly, and it is usually Dacheng Dixian who wants to break open with a magic weapon. It takes a lot of effort.

But under the war spear that is more than 20 times the speed of sound, of course, there is also the blessing of thunder on the war spear. The five-layer earth fairy-level protective light curtain, even if it failed to hold on for an instant, it was penetrated by a brain. Up.

"No, run away"

Hundreds of **** soldiers and generals on the battleship yelled and screamed, all frightened out of their bodies, rushing to flee in all directions.

"Damn" the three-foot-tall Titan Lord God yelled, jumped, and rushed out of the boat.

But it was too late. UU reading www.


Hearing an earth-shattering explosion, the treasure ship of the Baizhang war turned into a sea of ​​flames and was completely shattered in mid-air. This effect is the same as being hit by a nuclear bomb. When the sea of ​​flames is surging, a mushroom cloud even rises up.

The shock wave swept in all directions, and wherever it passed, the void shook like a tsunami wave. The Ten Thousand Gods Mountain in mid-air, like a fallen leaf in a violent wind, rolled in all directions, and finally dumped dumplings. Generally fall down, causing a lot of casualties.

Many of them, on the way to fly, suddenly disintegrated, turned into sky-filled pieces of flesh and blood, and were engulfed by the hurricane shock wave, carried into the distance, and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

When everything calmed down, the scenic Paradise Valley had completely changed its appearance. Uncountable flowers and trees were destroyed, riddled with holes and scorched earth.

At least a quarter of the strength of Wanshen Mountain was lost.

The power of one blow, so overbearing

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