Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1792: I am that day

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The boy's blow smashed a hundred-foot-long warship and caused hundreds of gods and soldiers to fall.

This kind of combat power is too shocking, weeping ghosts!

However, the gods of Wanshen Mountain were not frightened, but aroused endless killing intent.


"You are looking for death!"

"It's so arrogant. Kill him and destroy the entire Paradise Valley!"


The gods uttered angrily, and the fighting spirit was flourishing, and a wave of blood went straight to the Xiao Han.

But just when the gods were about to take action, a roar suddenly came out from the mushroom cloud in the sky: "Fuck, don't move, his life is Lao Tzu's! I will let him be broken into pieces!"

The sound was like thunder, shaking the world and the earth, everyone's heart was shaken.

Amid the earth-shaking roar, the Titan Lord God appeared on the stage and rushed out of the mushroom cloud.

He is more than three feet tall, as strong as an ancient savage beast, dressed in bronze armor, and his vigorous vitality turns into large dragons around his body. The brilliance is dazzling, and a giant spirit **** descends from the sky with his head up. With his feet down, he flew towards Ye Tian below.

Among the twelve main gods, in terms of combat power, the main **** of Titans is not the most powerful, but if it is more powerful than the physical body, it can definitely rank in the top. Although his Titan bloodline is not very pure, it is far from the real Titans in the ancient times.

Flying across the air, the Titan Lord suddenly stretched out the giant palm of the door, spread his fingers apart, pressed it towards Ye Tiangai, and slapped it down again.


Amid the loud noise, the ground around Ye Tian's body sank abruptly, and the "island" with a diameter of several meters exploded with cracks, and a huge palm print appeared on the surface.

The Taishan-like invisible weight suppressed Ye Tian's body through the air. Even though Ye Tian's physical body was strong, he felt the pressure, and his majestic body seemed to be suppressed a little shorter.

However, he was still standing tall, looking arrogantly, not afraid, did not fall down, and did not dodge to evade.

"Child, die for me!" The Titan Lord roared, falling from the sky like a mountain, casting a large shadow, covering Ye Tian's whole body in it.


Under his huge palm, the air was oppressed like a huge wave rolling, blowing a violent wind, and there was a deafening sonic boom, like a thunder in his palm, which was terrifying.

In everyone's eyes, Ye Tian seemed to be imprisoned by the power of the Titan Lord. The space around his body was locked and unable to escape, so he stood still.

"Be careful!" Princess Anna yelled, her eyes full of anxiety.

"I don't believe he can beat the Titan's blow."

Beside the main **** of Helinos, a main **** who is also three feet tall and has many arms growing out of his body like a centipede speaks.

He is the descendant of a giant with a hundred arms, because his blood is not pure enough, he only grows twenty arms, ten on the left and ten on the left and right, but his fighting power is also unmatched.

At this moment, Ye Tian moved, his feet took root on the ground, and he slammed out with a punch.

When he punched his fist, he raised his eyelids and glanced at the Titan Lord God.

There was a smile in his eyes, as if he was in a friendly greeting, but in the eyes of the Titan Lord, it was like the gaze of the Hell Pluto, full of the breath of death.


The earth was trembling, the surging golden blood qi was so rich that it was as if liquid gold was flowing, instantly filling up a large area of ​​void, the golden punch, like a golden dragon, with Ye Tian's punch, tearing apart the void. , Push away horizontally.

In front of Ye Tian's fist that can shake the universe, the Titan Lord God is simply vulnerable.


A flash of blood flashed, and the giant palm of the Titan Lord God's protruding door, like tofu dregs, was pierced by fist strength at once, and the scarlet blood spattered, leaving a hole as big as a washbasin.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the Titan Lord God had a meal, as if being hit by a sledgehammer.

Click! Click!

There was a series of crackling noises, the sound of broken bones.

In an instant, the Titan Lord God didn't know how many calcaneal bones were broken, and some even pierced the flesh and blood, and stretched out, blood flowed like a lot of attention, shocking, and it hurts to look at it.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body of the Titan Lord God, like a shooting star, flew upside down, flying thousands of feet away, rumbling, and several peaks burst under him. Uncountable towering ancient trees were broken.

Suddenly, the audience was silent!

If he was lucky to blast the treasure ship of the Baizhang war with his spear just now, then now he blasted the Titan Lord God with a punch, and he was absolutely truly capable.

"Don't think it's great to grow up." Ye Tian said with contempt in his eyes, retracting his fist like gold, and a few drops of blood spilled out, not his.

With long clothes hunting and hunting, hair dancing, the young man is still standing on a dilapidated mountain, without a trace of aura on his body, but looking around, scanning the gods in the field, it is like the ancient gods face to face, the air pressure is full, let Everyone was moved by it.

Suddenly, he looked at Princess Anna and said: "Anna, remember what I said to you? You are the chosen daughter, and I am that day. I will put this piece of land in your hands. from now on."

As soon as he said this, everyone in the audience was first shocked, and then there was a loud laughter.

"What kind of person is this guy? How dare you say such a big thing?" The Girl Ellie looked incredulous.

Princess Anna also had a solemn expression, her heart beating wildly, she didn't know if she should believe Ye Tian's words.

She only felt that this young man was full of too many mysteries. He suddenly broke into her world and saved her life, really like an envoy from heaven.

"Hahaha, young man, no one else believes you, but I believe you. From the first sight of you, I realized that you are very unusual. UU reading is not a god, but better than a god. The Mount of Gods is rotten It should have been overthrown long ago." Lord Brudo, who was under the seal of the God King, laughed loudly.


The Divine King Seal that was pressing on him suddenly shook. This time the pressure did not increase, but suddenly decreased.

The Hundred-Zhang-big Divine King's Seal suddenly shrank, and finally turned into a big palm and fell into the hands of the High Priest of Wula.

At this moment, Lord Brudo's body was almost broken into mashed flesh under the weight of the seal of the gods, rotted into countless pieces, the blood stained the soil red, and even formed a stream, gurgling.

It is also due to his great power for condensing pills and strong vitality. If he were to be replaced by a general earth immortal, he would definitely be dead.

Ula's High Priest held a hand-print and stepped on Lord Brudo's head with one foot, staring at Ye Tian, ​​without a trace of expression.


He stomped his foot suddenly, and a head of Lord Brudo was stepped into the mud.

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