Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1796: All crushed


The earth is shaking, and the explosion is like thunder.

How terrifying is the power of the gods joining forces?

Where Ye Tian was standing, the space burst apart amidst the sound of a huge explosion, turning into a pitch-black hole, and was filled with overflowing various energies.

But Ye Tian disappeared in the same place in an instant, his figure disappeared, and he appeared hundreds of feet away.

And the next scene surpassed everyone's imagination.


Ye Tian actually used his body as a chariot and ran into the Ten Thousand Gods Battle Formation directly.

You must know that the battle formation of the gods is not a simple gathering of the gods and soldiers, but a kind of war formation. Everyone urges mana at the same time to resonate in a magical way, just use the battle flag with the ordinary. , Or the same reason as other magical implements.

In the battle formation, a prison was formed invisibly, like a field, capable of locking up the space, indestructible and indestructible.

At this moment, even more powerful Golden Core Ulla High Priest is constantly pouring mana to stabilize the battle formation of all gods, and it is more like a copper wall and iron wall, which is difficult to shake, even if the condensate is blocked, it can't break free.

However, Ye Tian unfolded the Giant Spirit Law Body, his height reached thirty feet, and the whole body bloomed with brilliance and golden light.

This golden light is like an eternal and unbreakable King Kong, revealing a breath of immortality, which allows him to stay in touch with all abilities, and the field built by the battle formation of the gods can't suppress him at all.


Ye Tian's huge body broke through several times the speed of sound in an instant, like a cannonball fired by a super heavy artillery, evading all attacks, and finally crashed into the battlefield.

Known as sturdy and immortal, killing immortals like slaughtering dogs, and even able to encircle and kill the ten thousand gods battle formation of condensed pills, under Ye Tian's body, it turned out to be like tofu dregs, and was suddenly knocked out of a huge hole.

Dozens of divine soldiers and gods will turn into a cloud of blood mist under Ye Tian's collision, and their appearance and spirit will disappear.

After rushing out of the Ten Thousand Gods Battle Array, Ye Tian did not run away, but turned back in the air and continued to rush towards the Ten Thousand Gods Battle Array.

Boom, boom!

Accompanied by the sound of the shaking of the mountains, Ye Tian entered and went seven out of the Ten Thousand Gods battle formation, smashing the complete war into a smash, hundreds of **** soldiers and gods will fall on the spot, there is also a war ship and a number of steel battles. The car was blasted into the air.

He used his flashing magical powers, the speed was too fast, and the several main gods couldn't catch up with him, and he perfectly avoided all the attacks he made.

In just a moment, the frightening battle formation of the Ten Thousand Gods collapsed, and the gods of Ten Thousand Gods Mountain will be killed and injured more than half.

call out!

When Ye Tian's figure reappeared over a warship, countless people were stunned.

There are hundreds of **** soldiers and generals on this warship, and there are two main gods guarding them, but at this moment, all of them are ashamed and frightened.

They only felt that a big mountain suddenly appeared above the warship, and tens of thousands of heavy pressure fell down, making the void unstable, and the warship swaying more and more.

"Too strong! Still human?"

The people in Paradise Valley were all short of breath, one by one dumbfounded on the spot, but extremely excited.

"This..., it's not true, it must be an illusion." Girl Ellie rubbed her eyes vigorously, in disbelief.

"Who are you? Are you really the savior from the secular world?" Princess Anna muttered to herself, suddenly thinking of what Ye Tian had said to him. She couldn't believe it at that time, but now she believes it gradually.

Akas, who was seriously injured and dying, crawled out of the pit with difficulty. After seeing this scene, he slumped on the ground and said to himself: "It's too strong. If only I could be so strong."

"Hahaha..." Brudo laughed and said, "Ula, see if you don't, this is the destiny that cannot be violated. The end of your Ten Thousand Gods Mountain is here. And this young man is the one who ended your Ten Thousand Gods Mountain myth."

"Who on earth are you?"

The Ulla High Priest did not respond to Brudo, but asked to drink, his face pale.

"The old man at your feet has made it very clear just now, can't you be deaf, can't you hear?" Ye Tian smiled jokingly.

In the sound of light laughter, the war ship under him shook suddenly, and five great mountains rose from the ground, turning into a giant palm with golden light, and slammed down toward the war ship of hundreds of meters.

Boom boom boom!

A huge golden palm, exuding the power of violent thunder, obscured the sky, and a huge shadow, accompanied by the pressure of the sky, fell from the sky.

All of a sudden, everyone on the treasure ship of the war was bad.

Many weaker soldiers and generals, when they were shrouded in the shadow of the giant palms, their bodies burst into pieces, and they were crushed into powder by Shengsheng.

"you dare!"


"Made, kill him!"


The several main gods were furious, and all rushed out in an instant, hitting their peaks, and blasting towards Ye Tian. .

Only they have the power to fight Ye Tian, ​​and the remaining sage soldiers and generals, even if they make a move, are just cannon fodder, and they are vulnerable.


A main **** on the battleship shot, opened his mouth, and spouted a blazing golden wind, which turned into a sky full of wind blades, and slashed towards the chaotic golden light palm.

The other Lord God who was also on the battleship stomped his feet suddenly and rose to the sky. His body was full of anger, and a trace of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, but the whole person was like a King Kong Lingchen. UU read www.uukanshu. The com's power is terrifying.


A war spear was held in his hand, and it pierced straight out.

The white and silver spear body, with a long tail flame, broke through the void, across the sky, and pierced the palm of the chaotic golden light god's palm.

There are also several other gods on the battleship. Although their power is less powerful, they are all fighting for their lives.

In addition, there are other main gods and gods outside the battleship.

All of a sudden, Ye Tian's body was surrounded by changes and murderous intent.

But Ye Tiankui stayed still, did not dodge, and as his fingers suddenly closed, a more terrifying scene happened.

An entire warship of hundreds of meters, and the surrounding space of hundreds of meters, suddenly solidified and turned into a mass of amber-like crystals. The treasure ship of war, all the attacks within its range, like mosquitoes condensed in amber, were solidified in the crystal.

The imprisoned void has a terrible void force, making the space distorted.

In the palm of the palm of the chaotic golden light, a huge black hole appeared, and the powerful force of void distortion was transmitted from this black hole.

Although his five fingers suddenly closed, the solidified space kept shrinking, and he kept getting closer to the black hole in his palm. This black hole seems to eventually swallow all matter in its range.

"Is this going to slap everyone on the Ten Thousand God Mountain to death?"

All the people in Paradise Valley expressed their shock.


At this moment, the Ula High Priest finally couldn't help but shot, and suddenly threw the Divine King Seal in his hand.

In an instant, the sky and the earth faded, the sun and the moon were dark

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