Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1797: Excalibur unsheathed


The void trembles violently, and the sound of explosion resounds like thunder.

A treasure seal with the palm of the hand seemed to weigh hundreds of millions of dollars, and it seemed to be unbearable wherever it passed, and cracks broke out.

The God King's seal burst out with dazzling light, dense runes emerged, and the road marks were numerous, extremely splendid, and the volume inflated generally rapidly.

The field of vision of everyone on the scene was instantly flooded by this treasure seal, and nothing else was seen besides it.

Obviously, this is a huge mountain, eternal and immortal, and King Kong is not bad!

A heavy pressure rushed out of the big seal like a tsunami, smashing the world, making everyone unable to maintain calmness, fear from the depths of the soul, one by one, the calf cramps, and the body keeps shaking.

Bang bang bang!

Someone kept falling to the ground, or slumped to the ground.

Stronger than Princess Anna, an earth fairy might not be able to withstand this coercion, her body was trembling.

If it weren't for Princess Ann's support, Ellie Maid would have fallen down, although she had the cultivation base of the gods.

In this way, let alone other people in Paradise Valley, pour a large area.

With the support of the two female soldiers, the Queen had just stepped into the gate of the palace, and fell down, lying on the ground and convulsing, almost not frightened.

"DaDa, Shen Wang Yin, this is a legendary Dadao artifact, can this boy stop it?" An old man in Paradise Valley trembling with his teeth, talking to himself nervously.

From his gray face, you can see that he already has an answer in his heart.

Many people are the same as him. At this moment, they are desperate.

Dadao artifacts can even kill Jindan, not to mention a small earth fairy.

"This kid is going to die!"

A **** from Wanshen Mountain folded his hands across his chest, his eyes contemptuously said.

"Kneel down, beg for mercy, but let you die!" Ula's high priest shouted angrily.

Click, click!

Where the God King Seal passed, the space locked by Ye Tian's chaotic golden light palm collapsed every inch, as if it had been smashed by stripping, and it was vulnerable.

The gods and soldiers of Wanshen Mountain, confined by space, escaped one after another.

In an instant, the **** king's seal turned hundreds of feet tall, like a giant mountain that was crushed in the air, crushing Ye Tian down.

Boom boom boom!

Before the Great Seal arrived, the terrifying coercion had already arrived, and the ground under Ye Tian's feet continued to collapse.

The power of the artifact, so domineering!

However, Ye Tian didn't retreat for a long time, his eyes skyrocketed, and he said in a low voice: "It's you who should beg for mercy!"


A sword sound like a dragon's roar sounded freely in the heavens and the earth, and another great power swept out like a tsunami.

I saw that a purple spot of light flew out of Ye Tian's pupils, revealing a sword pill. After it was enlarged, it turned into a large purple sword.

The great power of the great road that rushed up into the sky was diffused from this sword.

It is the Ziying Sword!

The other party has a divine weapon, how could Ye Tian not take precautions and urge Ziying Sword Pills in his body with all his strength.

At this moment, as soon as the Ziying Sword was unsheathed, its scars revived, its light was radiant, its killing intent was shocking, and a terrifying mighty power filled the sky.

"How is it possible? You actually have a magic weapon?" Ula's pupils shrank suddenly, shocking inexplicably.

Everyone in the audience was also shocked, and they couldn't believe that Ye Tian could actually come up with a Great Dao Weapon.

Because, for a long time, there is only one artifact in this small world, which is the imprint of the **** of Wanshen Mountain.

Now Ye Tian suddenly has another artifact in his hand, how can he not shock the world?

"A magic weapon, is this your trump card?" Princess Anna whispered softly.

Even if Ye Tian is magical, she doesn't think that Ye Tian will definitely be able to conquer Wanshen Mountain, because Wanshen Mountain also has artifacts and two golden cores.

With the sword moving out of the world, the aura on Ye Tian's body also changed. The original laziness was gone, he became sharp, his hair danced wildly, and his sword eyebrows flared, as if he had transformed into a peerless swordsman with sharp pupils. God.

He didn't hold the sword in his hand, and only relied on divine thoughts to urge him. The Ziying Sword turned into a purple sword rainbow, traversing the void, reaching thousands of feet long, and slashed directly at the God King Seal.


The divine king's seal collided with the Ziying Sword, and a loud noise broke out that caused the folds of the void to collapse, and there was also a dazzling glare that could brighten the eyes of the blind.

Boom boom boom!

The entire world became unstable, and the dissipated energy turned into a shock wave, rushing in all directions with the power of a nuclear explosion.

With the boundless force of the collision, Ye Tianhu's body was shocked, and he stepped back again and again.

The same was true of the Ula High Priest, who kept moving back, even spitting out a mouthful of blood with a sweet throat.

The Divine King Seal also flew away, and a striking sword mark was cut out at the bottom. But the Ziying Sword was unobstructed.

This clash is half a catty.

But Ye Tian's giant golden palm of chaos was still in midair, covering a hundred-foot warship like a sky.

Flames, storms, poisonous gas, ice thorns,...

On the battleship, various magical abilities came and slammed into the palm of the chaotic golden light that looked like a mountain. They collided with brilliant fireworks, but they all collapsed into the air in vain.

Ye Tian bowed his head, looked at the group of dying soldiers and generals, with a strange smile on his mouth, his five fingers suddenly closed.

"you dare?"

"Stop it!"



It was like bursting a balloon, a hundred-foot warship, and hundreds of soldiers and generals on it, as well as the two main gods. All of them were wiped out, and the sky was red with blood, and the sky was bleakly beautiful.

"Damn you!" The High Priest of Ula gritted his teeth and said, never so angry.

He brought half of the troops of Wanshen Mountain to encircle and suppress Paradise Valley, but he almost killed Ye Tian and Ye Tian.

Even if he finally won, he would have no face to face the king when he returned.

"You can't stay here, let's kill him together!" God of War Helinos said.

At this time, Wanshen Mountain still had four land immortal masters, more than a dozen divine generals, plus a golden core priest, and a divine tool, which was still an invincible force.

"act recklessly!"

Ye Tian also shot out real fire, raging in his chest, killing intent like a sea, surging surging.


He stepped forward abruptly, with cold light in his eyes like stars, a long dress hunting under the strong wind, and the terrifying coercion rolled in all directions.

"What's wrong with him, kill! He is already at the end of the fight. With so many of us, consumption can consume him to death."

A young and beautiful heroine suddenly appeared. She had a wheat complexion, a toned body, a slender and tall, but murderous, with long fiery red hair, even her eyes were bloody, and she was holding a **** spear in her hand. .

The spear was as red as blood, crystal clear, as if cast from a blood diamond, and it threw out a bright red spear blade, which was breathtaking.

She is the **** of love among the twelve gods of the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, Alice, ranked ninth and the ninth god.


A blood-colored spear pierced the void, and countless blood-colored lightnings leaped on the spear's front. These lightnings were all condensed from pure evil spirits, killing intent and biting cold, like a demon from hell. Soldiers are average.

The blood light flashed, and in the crackling electric light, a **** war spear pierced the void, almost shrunk into an inch, and instantly appeared in front of Ye Tian, ​​piercing directly into the hollow of his heart.

"Boy, die for me!"

The ninth master of beauty drank coldly, her handsome face was a bit hideous and murderous.

She did her best with this blow, burning potential, almost the most proud blow of her life.

With this blow, she can even challenge the top five main gods.

But the next second, her pupils shrank suddenly.

Ye Tian didn't evade, didn't even use the divine soldier Ziying Sword, only raised his hand, and gently pointed it out. The divine golden colored glaze-like fingers were just on the tip of the spear.

"Boy, my spear is made of Nine Heavens Divine Jade. It's sturdy and immortal. Can you shake it hard with a single finger?"

The ninth master of beauty can't help being ecstatic.

Her blood-colored spear condenses with the most terrifying evil evil aura, which can turn into Yin Thunder, with a full blow, even the masters of the pill condensing stage dare not hold it.


As soon as Ye Tian’s fingers touched the blood-colored spear, the blood-colored lightning condensed from the evil Yin Qi, like a sly poisonous snake, followed his fingers, climbing and winding around his body. , Like a tarsal maggot, can't get rid of it at all, and will penetrate into the flesh.

However, Ye Tian's whole body was shrouded in brilliant golden light, and there was a layer of crystal-like scaly armor that guarded his fleshly body tightly. No matter how terrifying and fierce the blood and electricity were, he could never hurt him at all.

The golden eucharist is great, and it can be invaded by all means.

Although he hasn't achieved great success yet, how can ordinary magic tricks hurt him?


Ye Tian suddenly stopped drinking. UU reading www.

On the slender fingertips, the golden light suddenly flourished, and a chaotic golden golden thunder was as dazzling as a blooming little sun.

The beautiful ninth lord **** suddenly felt an overwhelming force crashing into him, like an ancient chariot running through time and space and hitting him.

Immediately afterwards, the scarlet spear in her hand suddenly became extremely fragile, starting from the tip of the spear, it cracked every inch and turned into dust.

Click, click!

The beauty ninth lord **** hurriedly retreated, but it was too late. After Ye Tianyi pointed the **** spear, he exploded the body protection qi on her body and all the body protection magic weapons, and finally penetrated her chest cavity. , Point out a big hole with a thick mouth.

Although the Great Priest of Ula between the electric light and flint shots, but also unable to return to the sky, a chaotic golden golden thunder stayed in her body, after a wild bombardment, exploded and died.

"Damn little beast, I'm going to kill you!"

With a roar, the high priest Wula rushed into the sky, and flew over Ye Tian's head in an instant.


The Imprint of the God King shook down like a big mountain, and slapped Ye Tian on the top of his head.

Ula's High Priest squeezed his hands fiercely, and suddenly tens of thousands of thunder and lightning rushed out from the seal, like a torrent, one shot out of control.

Like Ye Tian's Heaven-shaking Seal, Thunder can also be stored in the God King's Seal.

This is not surprising at all, because most of the successive Ten Thousand Gods Mountain God Kings have the power to control the thunder. The seal of the **** king is a symbol of the authority of the **** king, how can there be no power of thunder?

The endless thunder and lightning, the ten thousand zhangzi awn, drowned a large area of ​​the world in an instant, swallowing Ye Tian.

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