Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1799: Beat the Golden Core

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Four kills with one sword, the four main gods fell.

At this point, all the soldiers and horses from the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, the Divine Lord God, were slaughtered, leaving only a few **** generals and nearly a hundred **** soldiers lingering and panting.

Of course, there is also a golden core power, the high priest Ula.

The rain of blood spattered in the void, a scarlet, dyed the sky red, sorrowful and beautiful, but it was creepy.

Ye Tian stood proudly under the sky, and with a sword cut out, the breath on his body fell again, this time he almost fell through the fairyland.

In order to reduce the consumption of energy, he has put away the giant spirit body and returned to its original size. Then he grabbed a handful of broken spirit crystals, put them in his mouth, and chewed raw, like biting a golden bean, with a creaking creak to replenish the vitality in the body.

"If you don't become a golden pill in one day, you can't realize'True Essence Freedom' in one day!" Ye Tian sighed in his heart, his body trembled slightly, and he was panting.

At his current level, he still shouldn't use too much magic weapon, his body can't bear it, and his true essence can't keep up.

"Ah, damn, you dare to kill me the gods of the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, I will smash your corpse into thousands of pieces, frustrate your bones and turn your ashes, and put your soul in the fire for 100,000 years. Then in your face, All your relatives have cramps and peeled their skins, feeding the spirit beasts with flesh and blood."

The Ula High Priest went mad, roaring loudly, and his eyes were blood red.

The pantheon army suffered heavy losses, and he could no longer remain calm and calm, and his anger was extreme.


A terrifying breath fluctuates from him, like a huge wave raised by a tsunami, sweeping out in all directions, blowing sand and rocks, destroying vegetation, and even several mountain peaks.

This breath was so powerful that even the **** soldiers and generals of the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain couldn't bear it, they staggered, and even fell to the ground.

The people in Paradise Valley were even more shocked to bleed and exploded to death.

The breath of Jin Dan!

Suddenly, it was the Ula High Priest who urged the golden core in his body to an incredible level, and wanted to explode with all his strength to fight Ye Tian desperately.

When the Qi burst out, the Great Priest of Wula's body was full of divine light, and his figure was also rapidly expanding, eventually becoming a full fifty feet tall, nearly twice the size of Ye Tian's giant spirit body.

This is the golden core image!

Almost all Jin Dan will awaken this magical power, but the strength is different.

The Ula High Priest only cultivated the low-grade golden core, and the golden core is also low-grade, but in the face of ordinary immortals, it still grinds like an ant.

When the Ula High Priest unfolded the golden core, the seal of the **** king was also rapidly expanding. Finally, when his golden core image expanded to fifty meters, the seal of the **** king expanded to five hundred meters, really like a sacred mountain, towering in the sky. .


In the roar, the high priest Wula held the seal of the **** king in his hand and suppressed Ye Tian.

Dayin Hengkong, he seems to hold a side of the sky, every step of the way, the light on his body will be vigorous, and in the end the whole person seems to turn into a round of gods, and the dazzling light almost turns into flames and burns. The breath was shaking the earth, thunder was thundering in the void, like a thousand-foot tsunami surging crazily.

The imprints of the gods and kings manifested countless traces, the ancient gods sitting cross-legged, birds flying and beasts walking, silver waterfalls hanging down, vast mountains and rivers, simple and majestic, majestic.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was shocked. They only felt that Ula's High Priest was too powerful, with a spirit of swallowing mountains and rivers, and invincible.

Ye Tian's eyes are clear, his clothes are fluttering, and he holds a sword in one hand, with his head hanging over the sky, standing there quietly.

He was the only one, and was not frightened by the shocking weather of the Ulla High Priest.

"Older, I want to kill me, it's impossible, let me send you on the road!" Ye Tian said with a calm expression, but the invisible killing intent was everywhere.

Although the breath on his body fell sharply, when his limbs were stretched, his hands and feet seemed to be imprinted with the sky and unified with the heaven and earth. There was a kind of Dao breath flowing, and a terrible Dao force vibrated from his body.

At this moment, his golden body seems to be pulling the general trend of the heaven and the earth, borrowing the mighty power of the heaven and the earth.

After he finished speaking, he held up the Ziying sword with both hands and cut out with a single sword.

This sword was far less powerful than before. It was like a sword that was slashed at will. Not only was it slow, but it didn't seem to use much power.

However, as the sword was cut out, the sword light passed, and the void broke again, like an ancient sword **** standing in the chaos, holding a nine-day divine sword, breaking the chaos with one sword, dividing the yin and yang, cutting the avenue, and finally shattered Destroy the world.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Above the sky, large clouds were split apart by this sword, revealing a scar of tens of thousands of feet long.


A string of dazzling sparks gleamed out, accompanied by a burst of sound like Hong Zhong and Dalu, and the **** king seal was cut and flew out again, this time a bigger crack was cut out, and one corner was almost cut off.

The five-hundred-zhang-tall sky-shaking seal flew out, how fierce it was. It pulled out a deep and big rift on the ground, and dozens of peaks were crushed into dust.

The Ula High Priest also followed the Shaking Seal and flew out.

"Horror, terrible!"

Da da!

Everyone in the audience was stunned again, gritted their teeth and shivered.

If Ye Tian's first sword smashed the Ulla High Priest, there might be a fluke, because the Ulla High Priest was not prepared enough and did not react, then the second sword is definitely strength.

It is conceivable that if the Ula High Priest didn't have the seal of the God King, he might have been chopped to death under this sword.

Ye Tian really has the strength to slash the golden core!

"Sword is the power of the gods, this is the real ultimate sword intent!" Brudo's lips trembled, his pupils were sharp, and after a moment of indulgence, he continued: "This kid is really possible to overthrow the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain by one person. ."

He had previously touted Ye Tian completely to suppress the arrogance of Wanshen Mountain, and he did not think that Ye Tian had the ability to overthrow Wanshen Mountain.

Now his thoughts have changed, and Ye Tian's demonstrated strength is very likely to overthrow Wanshen Mountain.

Akasi's eyes flickered, his eyes fixed on the sword in Ye Tian's hand, desperately engraving all the details of Ye Tian's sword in his heart.

His soldier is a sword, and he can completely transform Ye Tian's sword moves into his sword style and improve his sword skills.

This time, Ye Tian didn't give the Ulla high priest the time to repair. After a sword smashed the man into the air, the man rushed out, chasing and hitting him.

He put away the Ziying Sword and clenched his fist.

The Ziying Sword consumes too much, and he must save his strength.

His keen intuition told him that there were several pairs of eyes staring at him around the invisible, all of them were extremely powerful, like evil wolves, waiting for opportunities.

If you try your best to kill the High Priest Wula, when the High Priest Wula falls, it is very likely that he also falls.

Ye Tian's instinct was right, there were indeed eyes staring at him invisibly, at least two pairs.

In a big cloud in the sky, two silhouettes stood proudly, as if they were flying through the fog.

One figure is an old ape, one foot tall, majestic and majestic, with fiery red hair, each one is glittering, and the eyes are shining like a torch, and he is holding a great iron mace.

The other figure was shrouded in a black mist, unable to see the true content, but faintly, a white skeleton and a pair of scarlet pupils could be seen.

Although the two people's breath is restrained and calm, they can still feel two powerful divine power fluctuations spilling out, making the clouds they are in rise and shrink.

Yes, these two people are the old ape king and the ancestor of the evil demon, the two golden core powers.

The last time they fought against the old king of Wanshen Mountain, they were all seriously injured, and their nests were all destroyed by Wanshen Mountain, and the losses were heavy.

The hatred among them is not shared!

They came here today, originally wanting to slaughter the soldiers and horses of the Ten Thousand God Mountain, in order to avenge their hatred, but they didn't expect to see such a wonderful battle and kill Cheng Yaojin halfway through.

"When did I come out of such a powerful kid at Wanshen Mountain? He was so young and powerful, with a magic weapon in his palm, too unreasonable. Could it be the reincarnation of a certain old monster?" The ancestor Yin Demon squinted his eyes slightly. , The voice is hoarse and gloomy.

The old ape king's eyes were piercing, and he did not answer the words of the ancestor of the evil demon, but fixed his eyes on Ye Tian.

From Ye Tian, ​​he felt a familiar fluctuation, which made him a little suspicious.

"The old priest of Wanshen Mountain is going to be defeated, we can't make a move? If we grab the Shenwang Seal and the purple sword, we can now attack Wanshen Mountain, kill Taizhou, and dove occupy the magpie's nest?" Yin The old demon ancestor asked the old ape king again.

"Wait, wait, Taizhou is not in a hurry, we are in a hurry. When they are beaten to death and the net is broken, and both lose, we will not be too late." The Old Ape King finally spoke and said lightly.



Ye Tian blasted out with a punch, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed!

Wu Ji Shenquan is also extremely terrifying, like the invincible boxing method that was born for the golden body, the Wu Ji Dao, the boxing method can reach the sky.


Every time Ye Tian shook his fist, there would be a thunderous roar, tearing through the void, nothing could resist.

The Ula High Priest kept coughing up blood and was beaten back by Ye Tian. He looked fifty feet like a frustrated ball, shrinking constantly, and there were scars everywhere on his body.

"Child, you will die for me!" Ula's high priest roared.

A bright silver light flashed across his eyebrows, like a beating divine flame, that was the strongest spiritual power, turned into a small silver spear, and pierced directly at Ye Tian's eyebrows.

"Good job!"

Ye Tian does not evade, UU reading www.'s eyebrows also flashed, and a golden villain came out with a golden Taoist sword in his arms.


The sword's edge faced the spear's edge, and the small silver spear cracked every inch and turned into dust.

"Ah! Damn, why do you have a soul soldier?"

Ula's high priest screamed sternly, and there was a tingling pain in the center of his eyebrows, and a burst of blood spurted out, the soul was almost torn, and his mind was a little dizzy.

The soul is attacked, the most unbearable.

After destroying the Yuanshenbing spear of the High Priest Wula, Ye Tian's Yuanshen Dao sword continued to pierce the brows of the High Priest Wula.

At the same time, Ye Tian raised a fist high and blasted the head of the High Priest Wula.

But at this moment, a muscular knotted arm with a pale golden skin suddenly tore the void, stubbornly in front of the Ula High Priest.

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