Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1800: God king comes forward

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Just when Ye Tian defeated the High Priest of Wula, and was about to fall, suddenly a thick arm appeared, like a wall, blocking the front of the High Priest of Wula.

At the front end of that sturdy arm, five thick fingers suddenly closed, and a powerful divine power surged out, sweeping across all directions, as if it could squeeze the world and slam into Ye Tian's Yuanshen Dao sword.

This Yuanshen Dao sword is connected to Ye Tian's soul. Once it is squeezed out or snatched away, for Ye Tian, ​​the consequences cannot be imagined.

Ye Tian's forehead blue veins violently jumped, an angry fist smashed over, his fist rushed and turned into a golden light.


The palms of the fists violently collided, and there was a loud noise like Hong Zhong and Dalu, Ye Tian's golden fist was aching, and several subtle cracks appeared on the surface of the flesh.

But the giant palm that stood in front of the Ula High Priest slammed into pieces, and was blasted by Ye Tian with a punch.

However, the shattered giant palm did not spill a drop of blood, nor revealed a bone, and instantly all turned into a storm of vitality, sweeping in all directions in the void, and finally annihilated.

Surprisingly, this is a giant palm formed by divine power!

After blasting the giant palm with a fist, Ye Tian had not had time to rejoice, and then a thick thunder slaying light, like a shooting star, with incomparably powerful, far beyond all power, from behind Stabbed straight at him.

"what happened?"

"Who is making the shot?"


At this moment, the people in Paradise Valley were all shocked.

That thunder slaying light, extremely bright, dazzling and dazzling, with a terrifying force that penetrates everything, like a split from the nine heavens, to destroy this universe in one blow.

At the moment when everyone on the scene couldn't react, that thunderbolt shot across thousands of feet of void in an instant and appeared behind Ye Tian.


Tianyu trembled, and a black hole was pierced by this killer hole, and the chaos was raging.

"Be careful, run away!" Princess Ann almost yelled heartbreakingly.

Several other people in Paradise Valley shouted out.

Brudo and Akas gritted their teeth and cracked.

They never expected that this kind of drastic change would happen when Ye Tian was about to sweep the strong enemy, and there would be a sudden attack by the strong.

Just when everyone thought that Ye Tian would be hit by this killing light, and when the sky was blood-stained, Ye Tian's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was hundreds of feet away.

He carried his hands on his back, strolling leisurely in the courtyard, as if he had expected it, watching all this quietly.


There was a soft voice in the void.

The voice was extremely thick and heavy. Although there was only one syllable, it gave people a sense of majesty and hit people's hearts directly.


The place where Ye Tian originally stood, a mountain of hundreds of meters high at his feet, was stabbed by this thunder killer, like tofu, and was knocked out of a big bottomless hole at once.

This thunderbolt did not immediately erupt, but like a mud cow into the sea, all the energy was poured into the mountain.

After a while, the mountain shook with a sudden shock, and the dense cobweb-like cracks spread out on the mountain, and then there was a terrifying thunder light overflowing from the cracks.

This overflowing thunder light continued to converge, and eventually, like a big wave rolled up by a tsunami, covered the entire mountain in a blink of an eye.


A gust of breeze passed.

This huge mountain of hundreds of feet high unexpectedly collapsed silently in the breeze, turning into dust in the sky.

A big mountain just disappeared.

Even the ground at the foot of the mountain has an extra huge deep pit, like it was formed by the impact of a meteorite, and the pit is full of ashes-like dust.

It can be seen how terrifying this thunder strike is!

Da da!

Seeing this scene, everyone took a breath, and their teeth trembled.

Ye Tian's back also felt cold.

If he is hit, he is absolutely dead or alive.

This must be an extremely powerful presence in the shot.

"You are very good, you can escape my blow!"

A voice came from the sky, and then a figure appeared out of thin air, standing proudly in the void.

This is a very tall figure, holding a thunder spear, shrouded in blazing thunder light, two eyes like thunderballs, glowing with scorching lightning.

The shocking blow just now was pierced by the thunder spear in his hand.

As soon as this figure appeared, the entire world seemed to become unstable, a wave of incomparable terror, instantly like a stormy wave, sweeping through the world for dozens of miles, it seemed that an ancient sacred mountain was suppressing it.

All the people in the audience were healed, and their hearts trembled.

"Horrible, terrible! This person is far stronger than the Ullah High Priest, is it him?"

"Yes, it is the **** king of Wanshen Mountain, Taizhou!"

"Didn't he say that he was seriously injured and dying? Why is he still so strong?"


Recognizing those who came, all the people in Paradise Valley changed their colors, and they were terrified to the extreme.

Akasi's muscles were tight, and he tried to lift the sword, but he was powerless.

Brudo is desperately healing his injuries and resisting the coercion of the King of the Universe.

This time even Princess Ann couldn't bear the coercion and fell down.

Not to mention the others, all collapsed to the ground, and many fainted.

"The King of God, I am incompetent. You punish me!" The high priest Wula knelt on one knee, weeping in grief, and appealed to the King of Heaven.

If it hadn't been a sudden move by the King of the Universe, he might have fallen, being smashed into the soul by the Yuanshen Dao sword, and headshot with a punch, even the self-explosive golden core could not do it.

Taizhou God King didn't seem to hear his words. Two thunderball-like twin pupils looked at Ye Tian and said, "You are very good. No wonder you can kill them!"

As he spoke, the King of the Universe nodded slightly, with a hint of appreciation in his tone.

It seems that these dead soldiers and generals, **** children and goddesses, are not worth mentioning in his eyes, they are just dead cats and dogs.

In fact, it can be seen from Taizhou's order to hunt and kill the daughter left behind in the secular world. He is essentially a cold-blooded and ruthless person, who only values ​​the authority in his hand, and can leave everything else.

It is not just the **** King Taizhou alone, but the gods of the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain are generally like this. It is because of cold blood and ruthlessness that private lives are so disordered.

"If you can condense the primordial pill in the world where aura is scarce, you are qualified enough to be the servant of the **** king. Now kneel down, swear allegiance to the **** king, and accept the **** and soul restraint, the **** king will give you supreme glory. This is also your only chance to survive." Taizhou God King said proudly, condescendingly, as if looking down at an ant.

It can be heard from his voice that he already knows the identity of Ye Tian, ​​not from this world, but from the secular world.

He once sent a goddess to the secular world, but was beheaded by Ye Tian in a small neutral country. A servant of the goddess returned to the small world of Olympus and informed the goddess of the murder. After that happened at Ye Tian's wedding, another **** of Wanshen Mountain appeared, holding a Yuan Ying decree, and wanted to attract Ye Tian, ​​and let Ye Tian go to Wanshen Mountain to meet the King of Gods.

Therefore, King Taizhou has always been aware of the existence of Ye Tian. Seeing him at this moment, I recognized him at a glance.

"What kind of thing are you, it's just a mere inferior gold core, is it worthy to make me kneel?" Ye Tian sneered with his hands in his hands.

"Huh!" Taizhou God King snorted coldly, furious, and immediately two thunder pillars vacated his eye sockets, which were several meters long, like two war spears, feeling that they might fly out at any time.

The breath on his body only shook slightly, and suddenly the world trembled, a roar came from the void, and cracks appeared in the earth.

Many people on the ground vomited blood and died suddenly.

"Just an angry grunt, it's terrifying. Although I am condensed, I am far from Taizhou, and I have a clear sky and an earth. I don't know if this kid is his opponent." Brudo's heart set off a stormy sea. , Really facing a golden pill, I knew my insignificance.

In fact, he is not the only one, as well as the Ulla High Priest who is the Golden Core, looks very insignificant in front of the King of the Universe.

Wula is a golden pill who has just proclaimed the Tao, and it should not have been many years.

The King Taizhou is an old golden pill. Although the quality of the golden pill is not high, but with the abundant resources of the Wanshen Mountain, a golden pill is also polished strong enough to be close to perfection.

"However, Taizhou is here, and the old ape king and the ancestor of the evil demon should not be far away. Taizhou is too late to make a move, but wants to win Ye Tian, ​​maybe because of the current situation, he does not want to kill Ye Tian. , And ultimately benefit the old ape king and the ancestor of the evil demon. The enemy’s enemy is a friend, and the power of the old ape king and the ancestor of the evil demon may not be borrowed."

"Furthermore, the three golden cores fought so hard that the sky and the earth were shattered in the last battle. Legend has it that all three of them were seriously injured. It hasn't been long since the battle. Taizhou should still be wounded on his body. It’s just powerful."


Master Brudo considered it in his heart. UU read and analyzed it. The result is that the situation is not as bad as it seems on the surface. Under Ye Tian's leadership, Paradise Valley still has the possibility of turning over.

"Boy, don't think that if you killed the gods of my Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, you would dare to clamor with this king. If you don't become a golden core, you will never know how powerful a golden core is."

As he spoke, he lightly shook the thunder spear in his hand, and Tianyu immediately trembled, and the surging thunder light surging out, spreading, turning into a thunder light, and finally condensed into a thunder killer.

This killing light was brighter than a comet, and it flew past Ye Tian's ears, hitting the distant mountains, and the towering mountain peaks disappeared into a flat ground.

"Now your breath has fallen to the beginning of the earth immortal, or even to the gods, what can you fight with me? As long as you kneel down obediently and be loyal to me, I can see your face, forgive the valley of heaven, and forgive the world. . Otherwise, Paradise Valley will be destroyed, and the world will eventually be bloodbathed. Countless people will die because of you.” The King of the Universe sneered, his voice was not loud, but he was deaf and full of majesty.


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