Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1821: 12 Kaminarimon

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Outside Lei Chi, Ye Tian also saw a few futons.

Obviously this is still a training ground, and some people are practicing thunder method here.

It's no wonder that the previous **** kings of the Wanshenshan have mostly held the power of Thunder. It turned out that there was a thunder pond for them to cultivate the power of Thunder.

However, the thunder in this thunder pool did not come from breaking through the void, and the great laws contained in it were not pure and incomplete, and could not be compared with the real heavenly **** thunder.

However, it is precisely because the law of the Great Dao in Thunder Pond Thunder is incomplete and impure, so it can be used for cultivation and will not kill people.

If it is a real sky thunder, the law of heaven is comprehensive, and it is also very destructive, and few people dare to use it for cultivation.

Suddenly, Ye Tian's heart moved:

"With the power of this Thunder Pond, I might really be able to break through the dimensional barriers of the Thunder Heaven Plane, mobilize the thunder power of the Thunder Heaven Plane, and cultivate a real great supernatural power."

Seeing this thunder pond, Ye Tian had hope again in his heart, and put his thoughts into reality.

This powerful magical power is called "Twelve Thunder Gates."

According to legend, there are twelve kinds of original gods of thunder, also called the twelve ancestor thunders. They are the chaos **** thunder, the purple night **** thunder, the nine sky **** thunder, the hongmen **** thunder, the early **** thunder, the lunar **** thunder, and the sun god. Thunder, Five Elements God Thunder, Xuan Ming God Thunder, Jiu Jue God Thunder, All Heaven God Thunder, World Destroying God Thunder.

The other divine thunders heard are mostly combinations of these twelve origin divine thunders.

For example, the Five Elements Chaos God Thunder cultivated by Ye Tian is a combination of the Five Elements God Thunder and the Chaos God Thunder.

The thunder triggered by the tribulation is the twelve kinds of original divine thunder from the Thunder Heaven Realm. Sometimes it drops one kind, sometimes it drops many kinds, and the intensity will be different.

There are powerful monks who cross the tribulations in the vacuum of the universe. In a completely vacuum world, even air molecules do not exist, but they can also provoke thunder. It appears out of thin air, because the world of thunder sky and the world we live in are not on the same plane. As long as it can hook and break through the barriers of the plane, any place, any time, can lower the thunder catastrophe.

The Twelve Thunder Gates are the magical powers used to seduce the twelve kinds of thunder in the Thunder Heaven Realm. There are twelve thunder gates in total, corresponding to the twelve kinds of thunder.

As long as a Thunder Gate is repaired, in principle, the corresponding Thunder can be mobilized continuously, used to kill the enemy, or used for other purposes.

In the previous life, Ye Tian opened the first thunder gate in the Nascent Soul Realm, and the Transcendent God Realm opened two more thunder gates. The Return to Void also opened two thunder gates, and the Hedao Realm opened three thunder gates in total.

And the monk who opened the eight thunder gates in the He Dao realm, looked at the entire world of cultivating immortals, and he was the only one.

It is almost impossible to open the twelve thunder gates, even the Immortal Venerable Cross Tribulation may not be able to do it.

Ye Tian is not greedy now, as long as he can open a thunder door, no matter what **** thunder he corresponds to.

This thunder pond on Wanshen Mountain can help him.

This thunder pond is very extraordinary. There is a large array of thunder talisman in operation in the dark. Although it is not as sophisticated as the thunder pond he placed in Dongshan, it is even more vast. It must have come from the great power of the Yuan Ying on the ancestor of the ten thousand gods. I don’t know how much it survived. Ten thousand years.


Ye Tian released a powerful divine mind, spurring this big formation, and soon became familiar with it and controlled it.

Boom, boom!

The entire large formation was violently moving, and a powerful force penetrated into the veins of the earth.

Suddenly, thick thunder bursts from the thunder pond, like a fountain.

Ordinary people from the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain practice here, even if they are King of the Universe, they only dare to sit on the edge of the thunder pond, carefully catch the thunder overflowing from the thunder pond, and then practice bit by bit into the body.

But Ye Tian was not the case. He first threw the sky-shaking mark, sinking and floating in the thunder pond, right as a futon, and then the whole person stepped in, sitting cross-legged on the futon, and was drowned above his head by thousands of thunder.

He had done this in Dongshan's Thunder Pond, but the Thunder Pond there was far less terrifying than the Thunder Pond here. The scale alone was ten times worse.

Boom boom boom!

The violent thunder power madly penetrated into Ye Tian's body, and through every pore and every acupuncture hole, his body was like a container, and it quickly filled up.

Even though it was a thunder with incomplete laws, its power was extremely terrifying. Ordinary Jin Dan might be smashed to death by sitting in it.

However, Ye Tian has experienced the baptism of thunder many times, and even experienced the innate thunder tribulation when breaking through the innate. It is the real thunder descended from the realm of thunder, and the physical body has already had a certain resistance to the power of thunder. He was scorched and scorched all over, and there was no skin and flesh.

The sky-shaking seal he sat down was like a dried sponge, absorbing the power of thunder crazily until it was full.

Ye Tian was not in a hurry to practice the technique of the Thunder Sect. For Lei Chi, he must first temper his body and soul.

With disheveled hair, naked and muscular body, he bathed in the thunder pool, using thunder as water, his expression was calm, and he actually gave people a feeling of bathing and he was contented.

Boom boom boom!

The thunder sea was violent, and the thunder was boundless, smashing his body one after another, his golden body shone with precious light, leaving no trace of scorching marks, but becoming more and more crystal clear, revealing an eternal and immortal breath.

In the end, every inch of his skin was shining with thunder, and every pore was filled with electricity. A golden figure on the eyebrows stepped out, opened his mouth and sucked and it was a heavenly river, endless thunder was taken into the mouth, terrifying.

In Lei Chi, Ye Tian also saw several vague figures, each of which was incomparably powerful.

This is the trace of the Great Dao between the heaven and the earth, but the remnant of the Dao Mark left by the Great Enlightenment of the Ten Thousand God Mountain Ancestor here, including the last God King Taizhou.

Some powerful masters can even get a glimpse of the ancient powers of cultivation of the Fa and Dao through these remnants of Dao scars.

Therefore, there will be some monks who like to visit the ancient and powerful places of enlightenment, not only to pay tribute to memorial, but also to understand the avenues of the ancestors, in order to be helpful to their own cultivation.

One day, two days,...

Ye Tian sat cross-legged in the thunder pond, bathed in thunder light, as if he was asleep, motionless.

However, there was a huge breath in his body every moment, and lightning thunder dragon circulated between his mouth and nose every time he breathed.

But apart from these, no changes can be seen.

Especially for a Thunder Gate, UU Reading has never seen a trace.

Frankly speaking, Ye Tian was not 100% sure, after all, his previous life was also the first Thunder Gate opened in the Nascent Soul Realm, and now he is only condensing pill.

However, he is confident. First of all, he has experience in previous lives. Secondly, he has mastered part of the Void Avenue. Thirdly, he sat down with a thunder pond.

The reason why he opened the first thunder gate in the Nascent Soul Realm in his previous life was because he didn't take pains to cultivate alone, otherwise he would definitely be able to open the thunder gate earlier.

At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten the time, motionless for a month, wandering around the world.

When the time has passed for three months, at a certain moment, there is suddenly an invisible thunder light, breaking through the infinite space, time, appearing in this thunder pool secret room.

It was a thunder, which was drawn from the Thunder Heaven Realm.

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