Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1822: Thunder Gate opens

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A thunder light shattered the endless time and space, and came from the endless dimensional barriers, appeared in the Lei Chi secret room, insignificant, but seemed to be able to illuminate eternity.

At this moment, Ye Tian's body is splendid, like a cast of sacred golden glaze, with precious light flowing, one after another rune seems to be transformed into countless sacred furnaces, gleaming in its flesh and blood, tempering the good fortune of the world, absorbing the essence of the world, and enlightening life The true meaning of the debut.

Behind him, a group of thunder converged, condensed continuously, and gradually condensed into a whirlpool, spinning rapidly, as if evolving Fang Xiaotiandi.

This is the embryonic form of Thunder Gate, which opens up an immortal channel outside of the human body to communicate with the Thunder Heaven plane and lead Thunder to the world.

In a blink of an eye, another month passed, and the lightning rays attracted from the plane of Lei Xiao became more and more intense. All the lightning rays merged into the whirlpool behind Ye Tian, ​​expanding the whirlpool and making the whirlpool bigger. , More profound.

The tiny thunder vortex was suddenly transforming into a "black hole", and there was a dazzling look inside, filled with surging divine power.


Suddenly, at a certain moment, a magnificent voice came from the thunder vortex, shaking the entire Ten Thousand God Mountain Divine Earth, the mountains shook, and the peaks resonated, as if the sky was collapsing, and the halls of the gods fell down.

A dense rune appeared, densely packed and dazzling, as if it were all made of immortal gold, branded behind Ye Tian, ​​and transformed into the shape of a door.


Among the gates of the thunder talisman culture, a terrifying thunder suddenly surged out, thousands of ways, extremely dazzling, like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, like a big wave hitting the sky, knocking out the rock wall of the secret room. Hole at the bottom.

This is a Thunder Gate, standing behind Ye Tian, ​​extremely real, like a cast of colorful colored glaze, colorful, majestic and simple.

In this Thunder Gate, there is a surging thunder, extremely bright and dazzling, like an endless tide, surging, once it bursts out, it will be like the Yellow River overflowing.

This water-like thunder is the essence of thunder. It is the original form of thunder. It is different from the ordinary thunder. It contains the purest and most original fragments of the law and endless life energy.

Opening up the Thunder Gate is equivalent to seizing the good fortune of heaven and earth, and can continuously absorb the spirit of thunder from the Thunder Heaven Realm.

In addition to being used to kill the enemy, this Thunder Essence can also be used as a training resource, tempering and replenishing one's own body, and the effect is more than that of spiritual energy.

However, although the spirit of thunder is full of life and energy, it is strong in nature, comparable to a kind of poison, and the body of ordinary people can't bear it at all. It is Ye Tian's golden body, and it has to be a bit leisurely when absorbing it.

If it's a mere absorbing and replenishing oneself, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Ye Tian couldn't help being overjoyed. He actually opened a thunder door, and it didn't take long. It was only four months. He thought it might be a year of retreat.

Ye Tian didn't feel the slightest discomfort in his body, but instead had a feeling of flying into the sky. His whole body was soothing, and every inch of flesh and blood was filled with a powerful sense of strength.

"This thunder has five attributes, and it is a five-element divine thunder." Ye Tian didn't open his eyes. He knew only what kind of thunder was attracted by his divine mind and physical body.

He was not surprised at all, because he first cultivated the Five Elements Chaos God Thunder, and the Five Elements God Thunder was one of them.

When he opened the Thunder Gate, he used the power of the five elements of the chaotic golden body,

The Thunder Gate penetrates the boundless void and reaches the plane of Thunder Heaven. The essence of thunder is a rare training resource, which can be continuously obtained and tempered into the body to keep the body vigorous. As long as it does not engage in a fierce battle, it will be difficult to exhaust its own energy and remain at its peak.

In the past, it was very difficult for Ye Tian to use divine weapons because of the lack of true essence. Now there is a thunder gate that continuously provides energy, and there is no need to worry about divine power being insufficient.

Behind Ye Tian, ​​the thick, solid, and vicissitudes of ancient thunder door, constantly surging with the essence of five colors of thunder, like a jade jade liquid.

Except for a part of this Thundering Essence that was absorbed by Ye Tian's refining, the rest dripped into the thunder pond.


The thunder in the thunder pond was originally looted frantically by Ye Tian and used to open the thunder gate, which became thinner a lot. As the essence of thunder dripped, the thunder pond boiled again, and the thunder gleamed out again.

Even the essence of thunder rushed into the ground, penetrated into the spiritual veins, replenishing the aura that was about to be exhausted in it, and the actions were rough, simple, and direct.

This discovery made Ye Tian very happy, and the spirit of thunder could replenish the depleted spiritual veins.

The spirit of thunder in the Thunder Gate is endless. Doesn't it mean that if Ye Tian is willing to continuously infuse the spirit of the earth with the spirit of thunder, he can revive the spirit of the earth?

Although it is feasible in principle, it does not work in reality, because the earth's spiritual veins are not exhausted, but are gone and dug away.

Ye Tian didn't have time to explore more, and suddenly his whole body was shaken, and the Thunder Gate behind him disappeared.

After all, he just opened a thunder gate, it is impossible to maintain the existence of the thunder gate for a long time, because the body needs to be consumed.


Not long after, a loud noise suddenly came out, and the runes behind him filled the sky, surging like an ocean, and the endless runes were intertwined to form a field of order, and the sun shines everywhere.

Soon, another thunder door appeared.

The thunder in this Thunder Gate is no longer five colors, but a chaotic state, like a pot of porridge.

"Thunder Gate of Chaos!" Ye Tian was shocked, and unexpectedly opened another Thunder Gate.

"Is it because I practiced the Five Elements Chaos Divine Thunder? With the Five Elements Divine Thunder, Chaos Divine Thunder must have it too?" Ye Tian guessed in his heart, his big eyes bent into crescent shapes, he was already overjoyed.


With the advent of the second Thunder Gate, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Ye Tian's body was even more radiant, the light and rain showered, crystal clear and holy.

In the Chaos Thunder Gate, the spirit of thunder is also surging like a tide, thick as amalgam, as if opening up the world.

Generally speaking, being able to open a thunder gate is already a great fortune. It is rare to open two thunder gates at a time, and it is not impossible for the peerless Tianjiao. If it spreads out, it will definitely cause a sensation and startle it.

After consolidating for a few days, Ye Tian stood up and left the Lei Chi Chamber.

Behind him, two gates of thunder emerged, and the spirit of thunder in the gates was surging, like a thick jade liquid, absorbed by his body, making him full of vitality and always in a strong state.

His golden body does not need to be deliberately urged, it will be in a peak state, a slight movement will produce explosive power, as if a punch can smash the world, and the whole figure is about to fly.

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