Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1823: act recklessly

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Suddenly, a loud roar came.

At this moment, Ye Tian had just stepped out of the treasure house of Wanshen Mountain and came to the outside world. There was a dense forest in front of him, with towering old trees and huge boulders standing upright.


Immediately afterwards, I saw a huge beast appeared. It was more than ten feet long. Its scales were as black as ink, with a cold luster. It was harder than steel, and its body was tapered, capable of opening mountains and cracking rocks.

Surprisingly, this is a refined pangolin. Its huge body resembles a mountain. It rushed out of the pile of rocks and rushed towards Ye Tian at high speed. Its eyes were like golden lanterns, locked in Ye Tian. In the sky, the evil spirit is extremely heavy.

Although this pangolin is huge in size, its speed is extremely fast. Its hard body smashes huge boulders into pieces, crushing it like an ancient chariot, destroying it and becoming invincible.

When there was about five feet away from Ye Tian, ​​this pangolin suddenly stood up, and suddenly the mountains collapsed, the rocks pierced the clouds, and the earth was shaking.

This pangolin is too big. It stands more than 30 meters tall like a hill in front of Ye Tian, ​​casting a large shadow. I really don’t know how many years it has lived, it has become fine, and the scales on its body are hard to resist. The heavy artillery bombardment, the brute force of the whole body can almost shake the sky and the earth, a light shock can cause the earth to split, and then collapse and sink, and the terrible breath shatters the large clouds in the sky.


After the person stood up, the pangolin opened its mouth in the blood basin and spewed out a black light, like a pouring rain, covering a space of several meters in a radius, and Ye Tian's whole body was covered.

This black light is very poisonous at first glance, and can melt hard rocks into powder at a speed visible to the naked eye, let alone smelt human flesh.

At the same time, the pangolin raised a large paw and slapped Ye Tian down, fiercely messed up.

Ye Tian's eyes flickered, and he ignored the pangolin in front of him, but looked in another direction.

There was a dense forest there, and he felt a strong breath, belonging to humans.

Although he conquered the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, he did not conquer everyone. It is not ruled out that there will be some remnants who are defeated and take risks, wanting to kill him and then quickly.


Ye Tian only shouted, spitting venom at the pangolin, and slapped down the pangolin with his giant palm.

His roar was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, deaf and utterly deaf, and the sound wave was like a knife, stirring endless ripples in the void.

These void ripples continued to converge, and finally turned into a shock wave visible to the naked eye, like a tsunami caused by a hurricane, rushing towards the pangolin.

Bang bang bang!

Wherever the sound waves pass, no matter the rocks or trees, all burst and turn into dust. In an instant, most of the mountain forest in front of Ye Tian was destroyed, and everything was razed to the ground.

The venom that spilled down like a pouring rain was directly shattered into molecules, engulfed in the big waves of rocks and trees, and rolled back.

This is a terrible heavenly skill, Leiyin's roar, can shatter the soul of a person, and the world will tremble under the sound waves.

The pangolin was coming with murderous aura, and suddenly the whole person was bad. The shock wave swept in like a tsunami, blowing away the protective gas from his body and directly impacting on the scales.

This scale armor, which was hard enough to resist heavy artillery, flew down like snow flakes under the sound wave, with patches of scarlet flesh and blood.

After that, the sound wave penetrated the flesh even more, and directly poured into its mind.

The pangolin let out a screaming scream, and only felt a splitting headache, as if there was an invisible big hand, which was stirring its brain fiercely, so that it could not help holding its head with both hands. There was an urge to hit the wall. The ears, mouths and noses also overflowed with blood.

call out!

At this moment, the dense forest not far away suddenly heard the sound of bowstring pulling.

The void was pierced in an instant, and a blood arrow flew up and turned into a divine rainbow, with a sharp and strange howling sound, and went straight to Ye Tian's throat.

There was a gloomy cloud between the world and the earth, and Ye Tian's body was also cold, and he felt an unknown premonition.

His body quickly dodged, and at the same time he slapped it out.


Far beyond his expectation, the speed of this blood arrow was too fast, and it was unparalleled strength. He could not shake his palm, but was torn a hole in his palm, bringing a golden rain of blood, which was shocking.

And after that blood arrow flew out in front of him, it shot a few huge boulders one after another, and the magical energy was not exhausted, but it flew back and continued to chase him.

"You can't escape. This arrow is filled with my spirit and hatred for you. If you don't kill you, you will never stop. You will die for me!" The dense forest not far away There was a cold voice, a bit old, like an old man.

"Thanks for your reminder."

Ye Tian also sneered, then suddenly raised a big hand and shouted: "Lei Lai!"


In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and the sun and the moon were dull.

He didn't even use the technique of the Thunder Gate to directly cause the thunder on the plane of Lei Xiao to descend into the world, because it was not necessary, he communicated with the five elements of vitality between heaven and earth.

As he raised his hand, between the heaven and the earth, the ubiquitous Five Elements vitality swarmed from all directions, billowing like a tide, and under the guidance of the Lei Jue, it first turned into the Five Elements Divine Thunder.

After that, the five elements of the gods of thunder were kneaded with each other, and each other grew and restrained, and instantly condensed into a dark and chaotic thunder frenzy.


Amidst the thunder of the sky, the gods and thunders filled the sky, like a tribulation, splitting into the sky.

The dense forest where the sound sounded was instantly overwhelmed by the sky full of thunder, like 10,000 heavy artillery bombs, the mountains and rocks crumbled every inch, and the towering trees turned into ashes.

The thunder shocked the world, and the lightning was like a wave, as if the world was extinguishing.

In just a moment, there was only a ruin left on the spot.

The figure of an old man disappeared in the screams of screams, and was torn to pieces by the thunder before even the soul could not escape. UU reading

As soon as the old man died, the power of that blood arrow was instantly reduced by more than half, and Ye Tian was caught in his hand.

This is a **** arrow like a war spear. It is very thick and has four deep blood grooves. It is dark red with the name of Ye Tian engraved on it. It is written in blood, the blood is still fresh, and it is scarlet.

Surprisingly, this is a curse forbidden device, which has been blessed by masters with great mana. It has terrible and strange power, and it is impossible to guard against.

A thunderbolt overflowed in Ye Tian's hand, first dispelling the curse power of the blood arrow, then broke it and threw it away.

At this time, the pangolin was lying at his feet like a dead dog, most of its scales fell off, **** and bloody, although the body was still convulsing, but the head had been mixed into a paste, and there was no possibility of survival. .

Ye Tian shot out another thunder, burning the pangolin to ashes.

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