Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1829: Is there any hope?

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The battle of the Olympus small world has come to an end, but it has set off a big wave of exaggeration. With the return of Ye Tian, ​​this has swept into the secular world and is known to billions of people.

Although the specific situation of the battle is unknown to the world, Ye Tian's return is enough to explain the problem, and he must have won a big victory.

This is a great event, representing another victory in the secular world, freeing all people from war and enslavement.

The entire secular world is boiling like a sea, clamoring to the sky, and even more lively than the New Year.

However, there are still some who are happy and some are worried.

The eastern land with Middle-earth at its core is full of celebration scenes, and there are joyful and colorful lights everywhere. Countless netizens posted posts to vent their excitement.

The land of the West, centered on the declining old empire, that is, the current great empire, was enveloped in an atmosphere of sadness and even despair.

They had originally hoped that the Olympus gods would defeat the young demon king and help the Western world rise to power and return to the world leadership arena.

Now this hope, or even the only hope, is dashed!

Therefore, when Ye Tian returned triumphantly, not only did the Western world fail to celebrate, but was unparalleled in fear and despair. Because Ye Tian became stronger, he could destroy a country casually.

In order to be able to regain the dominance of the world, the Western world can be said to be frantic and do everything, even if it dances with the devil, it is happy and does not care about the life and death of the world, the survival of the world.

They used several extremely powerful and dangerous forces successively, the Great Western Empire outside the Territory, the thirteen blood ancestors of the blood race, and then the gods of Olympus. None of these three forces can be controlled by the Western world, and they will destroy the world. Ability.

But the Western world doesn't care so much at all. As long as they can dominate the world, they are willing to sell their souls to the devil.

However, the result was far from reaching their expectations. Whether it was the Great Western Empire that crossed the galaxy, the thirteen blood ancestors of the blood clan, or the gods of Olympus, Ye Tian used thunderous means to survive. Town kill.

Although there may be other small worlds in the secret realm on the earth, there are no world masters living in them, but it is comparable to the secret realm of Olympus, except for the Kunxu secret outside Kunlun in the middle earth, it is almost impossible to have other secret realms. Up. Even if these secret realms were summoned, in front of Ye Tian, ​​it was mostly cannon fodder's life.

Therefore, I hope that the world is completely desperate, and I have to accept the reality of being reduced to second-rate, and there is no possibility of a comeback!

From now on, the world will be dominated by Eastern powers.

"Impossible, how could the gods of Olympus be defeated? There must be something else. Once Olympus, but the master of this world, even the immortal civilization of the East can only bow down to the wind."

A round table meeting gathered by Western leaders is taking place in the meeting room of the presidential residence of the old empire. The atmosphere of the meeting is very low, and a shadow is shrouded in it.

The Prime Minister of the Sunset Empire, Daozi, flew wildly, slapped the table with anger, unwilling to accept the reality of Olympus defeat.

However, facts are facts and are not subject to human will.

With a history of five thousand years on the earth, the great powers of China and Turkey have been the world’s leaders for most of the time, dominating the world, and now returning to the core of the world stage is the general trend and the trend of history.

This is the sacred mission given by the will of this star to the great nations of China, because only the great nations of China can save the world, and only the great nations of China can lead the world.

There was a moment of silence at the scene, and suddenly the leader from a small neutral country smiled bitterly and asked the leaders in the field: "Do we have any hope?"

Although small neutral countries claim to be neutral, their hearts are still biased towards the West, so leaders will appear here.

"Yeah, do we have any hope? I also want to know." The leader of Aurora Small Country took a sharp breath and exhaled a big eye circle with a melancholy expression on his face.

"I think you may be too pessimistic, you don't need to be so." Suddenly, a different voice sounded, and it was the prime minister of Dongying who was proposing his own views, saying: "The return of the young demon king to the secular world does not represent If Olympus is defeated, he will definitely win, or he may have fled."

As soon as he said this, the eyes of a group of Western leaders flashed, and a glimmer of hope rose in their hearts.

However, some people also raised questions:

"If the Young Demon King was defeated and fled, then why didn't the gods of Olympus chase it out? It stands to reason that they should win the battle and pursue it!"

Once this question was raised, the eyes of many leaders dimmed again, because it made sense.

"Why didn't you chase it out? Why didn't you chase it out?" The head of Dongying gritted his teeth, his big eyeballs slid around a few times, and suddenly lit up and said, "Maybe the teleportation array is broken. The Young Demon King rushed out. Later, he deliberately destroyed the teleportation formation. It must be so. I'm such a genius!"

Having said that, the leader of Dongying almost jumped three feet high, proud of his IQ.

"If the teleportation formation is broken or not, send someone to see it. If it really breaks, find a way to fix it so that the **** of Olympus will be born, we still have hope." The leader of the Maple Leaf Empire said.

"Haha!" Suddenly, the head of the declining old empire let out a sneer, as if mocking others, and as if mocking himself, a sad emotion was revealed.

Today, the head of the declining old empire is still Lord Hopkins, a so-called majestic prodigy.

In just a few years, the once-first person in the world was much older, with sparse hair, showing signs of baldness, white hair, and wrinkles on his face.

"Don't deceive yourself anymore. If you lose, you lose." The Hopkins head continued, weak.

As the big brother once, he is still the big brother today. Hopkins' words have great prestige.

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere of the meeting fell again and was enveloped in despair.

"It's defeated, it's still defeated after all!"

"Damn young demon king, I want to take him off and eat his flesh and blood."

"How can a monster like a young devil be born in the world? UU reading is simply a big bug."

"Is there really no hope?"

Just as a group of leaders complained, the head of the declining old empire Hopkins suddenly said: "We may not have no hope!"


Looked through a pair of eyes.

"Outside the Territory, Atlantis!" Head of State Hopkins said lightly, and then changed the conversation, and said: "However, this hope is very slim. No one knows when they will come, or whether they will come. I am. I advise you not to hold on to this hope."

With that, Hopkins stood up and walked outside the door.

"Führer, where are you going?" a group of people asked.

"The overall situation has been decided, it's time to go to Beiming to plead guilty!"

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