Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1830: Earth Lord

Ye Tian came back this time, prepared to spend more time with his family, would meet with relatives and friends, and was not in a hurry to go to Kunxu, and even temporarily put aside his practice. Because he had a hunch that he would leave this star soon.

This time, Xianlu slowly, I don't know when and how long it will be to return.

But he came along this way, putting cultivation first, neglecting to take care of his relatives, and owed him very much in his heart.

Especially Qinghan, the two separated after they were newly married. They separated for more than half a year. Now they meet again, Xiaobian wins the newlyweds, and wished to get tired of each other every day.

Gu Xiaoman looked very pleased, and felt that he was one step closer to the wish of holding his grandson. He waited with him every day to ensure that his son had enough energy.

Since Ye Tian's return, the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect has been full of friends every day. The major sects, various forces, and even the masters of a country, rushed to congratulate Ye Tian and build friendship.

Regarding these chores, Ye Tian can push and push, or let the people below meet him, he is happy and quiet.

The number of tourists from outside the Dongshan Secret has increased sharply, ranging from tens of thousands to more than 100,000. Every day, the crowds are crowded and crowded. These people came with a pilgrimage mentality, extremely enthusiastic.

It feels bad to be watched by countless people like animals in a zoo every day.

Ye Tian simply opened the concealing circle, making the Dongshan Secret Realm disappear from the sight of the world.

As a result, there are gradually fewer tourists at the foot of Dongshan.

Ye Tian brought back a lot of cultivation resources from the Olympus Secret Realm, Lingjing Lingshi, Lingcao elixir, and other genius treasures. He kept a small part of these resources himself, and most of the others were distributed or stored in Beiming's treasury for later use.

With the resources, Bei Ming's disciples became even harder to practice. Some are stuck in the level, relying on resources, can be rushed out.

And Ye Tian would guide his disciples and disciples in their practice every day when he had time, or gather everyone together to tell the truth about Taoism and practice experience.

For a long time, he hasn't been so casual.

On this day, the old Jiao Wang from Changbai Longchi and the Dongyue Taoist from the Secret Realm of Mount Tai came to Beiming as guests, and everyone had a great chat.

"Hahaha! I'm waiting for today, the deity should call heaven and man the ‘Lord of the Earth’." Old Jiao Wang shook his hand and said with a big smile.

"Yes, Ye Tianren is now the veritable first person on the earth, sweeping the world invincible, and he should be crowned the'Lord of the Earth'. I propose that it is necessary to hold a global ceremony to crown the heavens." Taoist Dongyue Then he said, one hundred people agreed and put forward their own ideas to hold a coronation ceremony for Ye Tian.

Ning Haifeng gave a dry smile and said, "Lord of the Earth, is it too exaggerated? No one seems to have called it that way in history."

"Exaggeration? What's the exaggeration? I think it's pretty good! Lord of the earth, I heard how domineering, ten thousand times more domineering than the city lord, suzerain, and cult leader." Gu Xiaoman, who knits a sweater for the future grandson The son jumped out, glanced at Ning Haifeng, and said loudly: "No one in history called that, because no one in history has such great feats as my son. My son is the man who created history and saved the world many times. Deserving of this title."

I could hear that his son was brilliant, and Gu Xiaoman and You Rongyan made a round of flattery and praise.

However, no matter from which point of view, the title of Lord of the Earth, Ye Tian deserves it.

Everyone nodded together, deliberately, according to what Dongyue Taoist said, to hold a coronation ceremony for Ye Tian to commend him for his great achievements.

"Then the Western world will agree? Especially the current empire? Xiaotian wants to crown the Lord of the Earth. If the Western world does not participate, I always feel that something is missing." Ning Haifeng worried again.

As soon as he said this, everyone in the audience sneered.

"Lao Ning, Lao Ning, do you think the Western world is still the original Western world? Is the current empire still the original empire?" Taoist Dongyue stroked his white beard and said with a disdain: "Now, I Middle Earth The great power is the core of the world and the absolute hegemon, although we will never seek hegemony. I can guarantee that as long as the news is told, the Western countries will agree with both hands and can’t wait to participate in the coronation ceremony."

At this moment, Ning Xiaoyu rushed in suddenly, scorching violently, and came to Ye Tian, ​​saying: "Brother, many big people came outside, saying that they want to see you."

"Girls, panicking, what does it look like?" Ning Haifeng reprimanded: "Big guy, what big guy can there be? Can Hopkins come?"

"Dad, how did you know? It was Hopkins who came. And he was not the only one, there were many leaders from the Western world who came together and said that he wanted to see his brother." Ning Xiaoyu said loudly.

"Really?" Ning Haifeng was shocked.

"If you can't lie to you, it's just outside. If you don't believe me, go out and have a look." Ning Xiaoyu said, her eyes flashing, her pupils piercing.

He has completely given up on the star journey now and is no longer in the entertainment circle. He has joined Beiming and devoted himself to cultivation.

I saw that she was wearing a Taoist robe, with clean eyes, like a little Taoist aunt.

She suddenly got into her arms, took out two tickets, stuffed them directly into Ye Tian's hands, and said, "Sister Bai Xue’s concert tickets are just tonight. I invite you and my sister-in-law. If you want to see it, watch it yourself. Do it."

Bai Xue has now truly become a big star, top-ranking, film, video, and singing. The box office of the movies performed is no less than one billion. Every concert is full. It is hard to find a ticket, and it is weak to get a prize.

"It's been a long time since I watched the concert, so I can just relax with your sister-in-law." Ye Tian looked at the tickets and said.

On the ticket, a beautiful figure evoked his memories, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Some confidantes can only be missed, this is the case in the previous life, and the same is true in this life.

"What about Hopkins and them?" Ning Xiaoyu asked again.

"Just say I'm not free, let them wait. UU read" Ye Tian said lightly, having no idea of ​​seeing those people at all.

"Go to the concert?" Ning Xiaoyu laughed out loud.

"Is there anything wrong?" Ye Tian asked rhetorically.

"Is this wrong? After all, they are the leaders of a group of Western countries!" Ning Haifeng looked worried.

"It's wrong, what's wrong?" Ye Tian's eyes were cold, and he said: "How many disasters have these Western countries brought to the world by force? How many innocent deaths and injuries? In order to deal with me, even at the mercy of betraying the world, Betray the humans! What is it to let them wait for a few days? I didn't shoot them to death, it's good!"

Ning Haifeng couldn't help but feel a cold back, and he dared not speak any more.

These Western countries have a gangster nature in their bones. They are only afraid of power, and if they want to convince them, they can only be trampled underfoot.

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